Chapter 7 - Would you forgive me?

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"Are you alright?" the voice said softly while walking over to her.

"Yes....", [your name] stood up and brushed herself off, while readjusting her clothes. "Thank you... Hashirama", with a small smile on her face. Hashirama helped up the younger girl up from where she sat on the ground, "Do you want to go to the medics place, I will have them open up just for-" "No... it is alright...", the girl was a bit sad she had expected someone else to come to her aid, but was still grateful for being saved at all.

Hashirama stared at the girl and took off his shawl and put it on her, "Here at least let me escort you home... I will have to have a talk with Madara about his people..." he narrowed his eyes. [Your name] grabbed the shawl softly and sighed, 'alot had happened today... I should take a break from training for a bit at least until my hand heals..', she thought to herself. 

The two walked out of the alley way, Hashirama holding the younger girl with an arm wrapped around her shoulder, they were then met with another Uchiha in their path. "Madara...", the girl spoke softly. Madara had looked more angry than he was earlier, his eyes laid upon the shawl and arm that were resting on [your names] shoulders. He shook his head, 'this is not the time to be angry about that....' "Where is he....?" his words were like poison, he sounded so angry it made the female flinch. 

Hashirama sighed softly, "Madara the man is drunk... no need to-"

"Where.... is he...." he growled out, his eyes glowing crimson red in furry.

 Hashirama's eyes slowly looked over to the alley way, Madara didn't hesitate for a moment before walking past the two Senju's and into the alley way.

"L-Lord Madara.... I-I d-didn't mean it! I-It was a harmless AGHK-"


Hashirama pulled the girl closer to his body and shielded her ears with his hands, "Don't listen...".

The two stood there for what seemed like ten minutes and from the dark alley way, Madara emerged from the shadows, his clothes tarnished by red stains. [Your name] pushed Hashiramas hands away from her head and ran over to Madara.

"M-Madara- W-What did you...." she trailed off looking at the Uchiha, his face was emotionless, it was as if he didn't have a single trace of life in him. Madara looked down at the girl, "The problem.... was taken care of...". 

[Your name] blinked at his words, slowly peering over behind him she saw the man who had assaulted her on the ground no longer breathing. He was dead. The girl began to trembled where she stood, ' he couldn't have...'. The shawl slowly fell to the ground, [your names] legs soon gave in at the sight of all the blood and stains in the small backwall next to the shop.  She was now on the floor, shaken at the sight, 'Madara murdered someone....'.

The male with brown hair walked over to the Uchiha without looking at the body, "Even though the man was a terrible person... there was no need to go that far...". Madara glared at the Senju, "So what was I supposed to do?! And what if he had gone through with the deed?! Am I supposed to just lecture the man and let him continue his horrid life style?!". The Uchiha stared at the girl on ground, "The only way to deal with terrible people are to rid them of this world...".

Madara kneeled in front of the trembling female and touched her cheek gently, "Nothing bad can come to her.... she is..." he lost track of his words as he spoke. He had finally come to the realization, Hashirama was right he did in fact love the girl before him. 

But quickly as his moment had come his heart was met with devastation, the girl he had just realized his feelings for sat there terrified of him. She was paralyzed with fear, she was no longer shaking from the scene behind the two males, but was frozen due to the Uchihas touch. 

Madara quickly noticed his mistake, " [Your name] I-" before he could finish his sentence as soon as Madara removed his hand from her face she jolted up and ran away from the scene. 

The Uchiha sat there stunned, he knew he hurt her, even though he was a terrible man this is not something [Your name] would want. She was just like Hashirama, she wanted peace for everyone to get along no matter their background. 

Hashirama stood next to the darker haired male and stared down at him, "Madara... you know... this is a crime... depending on the village people... they could ban you from the village..."

He stood up from his spot staring where the girl had ran, Madara wasn't even listening to Hashirama he knew of the consequences. He didn't care about that now, he hurt the one he loved no pain could be greater than that. 

The past twelve days they knew each other were the best days out of his twenty four years of living. It was true at first his true intentions were not to be close to the Senju girl, in fact he wanted to use her to get Hashirama's attention. A few days after their initial meeting he began to enjoy the times they spend together, he was having fun for the first time in a long time.

"I have to fix this..." he said softly.

Hashirama's eyes slightly widened but he quickly regained his composure. "It would be best if you wait for awhile, I am sure she is still going through shock...", Hashirama was shocked that Madara actually cared for someone other than himself for once. 

"First we need to deal with this situation...", Hashirama sighed while looking over to the body. 

[Your name] hadn't left her room since the incident, she was alone at home. Her parents were were always working over time at their jobs so it was nothing new to her.

'He killed the man so easily, he didn't even give him a second thought...'

[Your name] sat in her bed curled in her thin blankets, she closed her eyes tightly but everytime she did, she saw the image of the dead man in her mind. Her eyes quickly flew open, 'N-No I do not want to think about it....' she gently grabbed her now bandaged wrist that she poorly did herself. She thought back to Madara almost breaking her wrist, 'Maybe I was wrong... maybe he is bad...' she got lost in her thoughts.

[A few hours later] 

It was now later into the night, Madara had worked out a deal with Hashirama he would work out the details of the murder later and talk to [your name] now.

Madara stood outside the Senju girls house and knocked on the door. No one answered, he tried the door and it opened easily. 'They just leave their doors open for anyone to come in...jeez thats so dangerous-' the Uchiha shook his head 'n-not the time...'. 

He walked into the house, "Hello? It is Madara anyone...-?" his words faded as he looked around the dark house, the only room that had light illuminating from it was down the hall. He walked over to the light and gently opened the door.

[Your name] laid there holding onto a thin blanket and was curled into a small fetal position. Madara watched the girl for a moment before walking and sitting down by her side, "I-...I'm sorry... it's just when it comes to you... I get so angry when the thought of someone hurting you.... or another man being near you...... it just bothers me....". 

He moved a strand of the girls hair from her face and stared at her resting face, "you are the most important person to me... I can't let any harm come to you... would you forgive me... my love?"

The Uchiha stood up, he noticed the poorly dressed wrist that she attempted to do on her own and had decided to at least do that for her. Dressing her wound properly being gently not to wake her he watcher her for another second before leaving the house. 

After the house was quiet [your name] jolted out of her covers and blushed furiously, she had woken up shortly before he had touched her hair. 

She looked over to her nicely bandaged wrist and sighed softly, "Now I don't know what to think..."

Night Lover [Madara Uchiha x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now