Chapter 12 - Amegakure no Sato

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It had been about one week since the two had started traveling together they were already in a town that looked familiar to the girl.

"Is this...", she looked around it was raining and the buildings were tall and cold. She knew this place, she stayed there for awhile. "This is the village I stayed at for awhile..." she smiled softly, it was a bittersweet moment for the girl.

She felt a sense of comfort but also sadness, Madara glanced at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Come now... we need to find a place to stay it is getting late... if you are uncomfortable we can leave first thing in the morn-" "N-no it's find I want to look around for a bit".

Walking down the wet streets a woman sat outside of a little space that had a sign that read, 'resting spot'. "Hello travelers....", she smiled but trailed off when she laid eyes upon the Uchiha.

"You are welcome here so long you do not create trouble for me" the little old lady lifted her palm for some coins. With a gentle smile [your name] placed some coins in her small palms, "we will only be here to rest for the night ma'am do not worry".

Standing up she put the money in her pocket and looked over the two travelers, "you can go inside, pick any room they are all empty... I will lock up and be back early in the morning".

As soon as Madara and [your name] walked inside the small resting house they heard the door look behind them. They both looked at each other, [your name] laughed a bit and Madara shook his head, "not so friendly with me around huh?". [Your name] giggled and kissed him on the cheek, "Well no worries if anyone has anything to say to you I will protect you!".

The pair walked to one of the rooms and explored the room. The room was a decent size, it had a bed, a bathroom, a shower and some snacks laid around just in case people came around.

"Well even though she seemed a harsh with you she did charge us for which ever room and this is a nice room" the girl said softly.

Madara sat on the bed and crossed his arms, "it is decent". [Your name] walked over to the Uchiha and sat on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck, "come now... do not be so picky".

The dark haired male raised an eyebrow at his lover, "hmm are you seducing me?-", he wrapped his arms around her waist. "-... because it is working~", his hands snaked their way down to her thighs and grabbed them roughly.

[Your name] blushed and bit her lip at his touch, 'it has been a week since we did something like this' she thought back to the first time they had done it back in their village. They had been sleeping outdoors the past few days so never really thought about doing this until now.

Madara had flipped [your name] onto the bed, it was now silent other than the rain hitting the buildings roof. The dark haired male looked down at [your name] and leaned down to her neck, "do not tell me to wait this time... I will not".

After speaking those words he was quick to throw off the girls clothes. [Your name] blushed at his actions and slightly covered her chest with one of her arms, "d-do not stare so much..." she said softly.

Ignoring the girls words the male kept staring at her body taking in every single piece of her into his memory. He then proceeded to remove his own clothes, desperate for his craving to be fulfilled by the warmth of his girlfriend.

Without any warning to her he thrusted himself inside, hitting her inside as deep as he could go. [Your name] yelped out and scrunched her face from the sudden movement. Madara placed a hand on her cheek and smirked "oh my cute darling~ I was nice with you the first time but from now on it will not be the same... I held back before but you had no idea how much I wanted to make you cry...".

[Your name]'s eyes widened at his words, 'where did this come from?' it was a new side of him she never thought he would have. Madara looked down at his lover, 'you drive me crazy in many ways', he thought to himself as he began to thrust roughly into her.

Madara began to thrust hard and roughly into the girl, [your name] moaned in response to his actions. The room filled with moans and grunts and the occasional scream of Madara's name.

Leaning over his lover his leaned down while thrusting into her and gave her deep kisses. The kiss felt better than the first time, they had both been together everyday for a week now so kissing was no longer as bad as they first thought.

Madara started to grunt more harshly [your name] could tell he was getting closer, and so was she. A few more times the two lovers hips collided with one another and the two had released.


[The next morning]

Right after last nights events the two had washed up together and had fallen asleep soon after. They woke up a little after hearing the chatter of the village outside, [your name] was once again the first to wake. Madara was still not used to the sudden change of being out and traveling in the day time but he somehow managed.

Getting up off the bed and smiling down at her lover she went over to the door and decided to let him rest.

Walking out the door and towards the entrance of the building [your name] decided to explore the city she once lived in many years ago. She never thought she would be back here, amegakure no sato ( village hidden in the rain ) wasn't well known by the bigger villages at this time.

Once outside of the resting area, the granny had been sitting outside on a chair, "get some good rest dear?". Nodding to the smaller woman she replied, "yes... uhm I can pay you some more but my companion is still resting and I would like to explore for a bit if that is alright with you?".

[Your name] began to pull money from out of her satchule, the elder lady had shook her head. "We do not get many travelers here but do not worry my dear go ahead and explore I will be here if you need anything".

The Senju girl nodded at the woman and began to explore the town. It was different it had been a few years since the attack and they had rebuilt a lot of the homes and buildings.

It hadn't even been a few minutes before someone had called out to the traveler.

"[Your name] ?! Is that you?!".

Night Lover [Madara Uchiha x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now