Chapter 8 - Decision

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[Your name] couldn't really get much sleep last night so she had decided to pay a visit to her dear friend Hashirama. Walking inside Hashirama's office she saw him filing through some scrolls with a stressed look on his face. 

"Hashirama I need some advice..." she trailed off while seeing his stressed face. "What are you looking through?". With a big sigh he responded, "Madara killed a fellow clans man.... he could be exiled from the village this afternoon, he has not exactly been the most friendly amongst the masses nor has he done much for the villagers...I am trying to find some good evidence that he Is not all that bad...". 

When the word 'exiled' came from the hokage [your name] froze in her spot. "W-Wait... he will be... exiled? B-But wait he c-cannot!", she felt a pang in her chest and squeezed her clothes wrinkling it in her fist. "H-He was kind enough to help me train! He listened to my story and did not pity me!", tears welled up in her eyes. 

Hashirama's eyes widened at her actions he quickly walked over to her and pulled her into his arms, "shhh do not cry I am doing my best to keep him here believe me... seeing you sad is the hardest thing for me to endure....".

Wiping her tears with her sleeve she nodded and looked at Hashirama. Hashirama smiled down at her, "soooo you are in love with Madara Uchiha huh?" he chuckled down at the girl in his arms. Sniffling and lightly punching Hashirama in the chest she laughed a bit, "haha... sorry I never mentioned being with him... I was nervous if you found out you would tell my parents". 

The two were laughing in eachothers arms, hashirama looked at the girl lovingly "he better do a better job then I would have...." he smiled gently while moving the girls hair from her face. "hmm?" [your name] looked up at the villages hokage while tilting her head in confusion. 

"Ehem..." was heard from the door of Hashirama's office.

Madara had walked in on the two in eachothers arms, as he walked in the room the two quickly moved apart from eachother. "I came to check on what you have come up with... but it seems I intruded", he stood in front of hashirama and looked at [your name] with his peripheral vision.

Hashirama nervously waved his hands at his friend, "n-no do not missunderstand [your name] came for some advice and I made her cry I was only comforting her". 

The Uchiha's eyes flashed red, "You made her cry?" he said with slight anger detected in his voice. Hashirama quickly looked over to [your name], "u-uh uhm anyways [your name] what did you want to ask me?".

Madara had still avoided facing in her direction but was just hiding his concern. "O-oh uhm... well I-It is nothing important...", she quickly ran over to the door. "J-Just make sure someone tells me about the outcome of this matter....", she ran off. 

Hashirama and Madara were left alone in the room a quick second before [Your name] had returned. 

"O-Oh and Madara...-", she nervously avoided staring at the Uchiha "-please meet me at the usual spot tonight". And with that the girl once again ran out of the office, Madara didn't bother to turn towards the girl but was secretly a bit happy on the inside.

"Your happy about this Madara..." "Shut up...".

[Night Time] 

By the time night had rolled around [your name] was anxiously waiting around for any news of what happened with Madara in the afternoon. She had wanted to be there but was still nervous about being around him. 

A few more minutes had passed before Madara had appeared before the girl. Excitedly [your name] got up but cleared her throat, "EHEM... so what was the-" "I am sorry..", Madara cut of the Senju.

Immediately her mind went to his exile, "Madara did you get-" she was once again cut off by the Uchiha. 

"I did something terrible in front of you... I deeply apologize my understanding of justice however cannot be changed..." he slowly opened his eyes and walked over to the girl. "I care about you a great deal... I want to make sure you are protected... I want you to belong to me..." he trailed off. 

[Your name] stood there in shock, she had knew of Madara's feelings due to the other night but had never thought he would be the first to tell the other about them. 

He gently touched [your names] cheek, "but I did something unforgivable I made you see the bad side of me... you trusted me with your tragic story... and you relied on me to help you with your strength and I made you think you were weak-". 

Grabbing her sprained wrist gently in his hands he kissed her hand softly, "-and even worse I harmed the one I loved like I always do...". 

Blushing a deep red [your name] shook her head, "Madara... I took some time to think... yes you did do many things wrong... you even killed a man... and yes you hurt me... but I understand...". [Your name] gently lifted his face and touched his cheek, "you helped me want to overcome my weakness... you stuck by me not out of pity... and most important you wanted to protect me...", she smiled softly at the Uchiha.

Madara blinked at the girl and spoke in a mutter, "y-you are not going to tell me you hate me? that you want me gone like everyone else....? or plot against me and stab me behind the back?".

[Your name] shook her head and smiled at the Uchiha, "if I were to want revenge just as everyone else the world would be a cycle of evil.... there has to be someone to help the astray find the right path".

Suddenly Madara felt the tears in his eyes well up, the flashback of the war, the fighting and his brother came to mind. [Your name] panicked a bit and wiped his eyes, "I-I AM SORRY DID I SAY SOMETHING WRONG?!".

After a few seconds Madara straightened his back upwards and looked down at the girl with a genuine smile on his face, "no you said everything right...".

And for the first time the Uchiha held [your name] in his embrace tightly, the two held eachother in a comfortable silence.

"So what was the outcome of the villages decision for you to stay?", the girl looked up to the man from his chest. Madara stroked the girls head gently, "I may stay in the village... but it is my decision..." he said with a slightly unpleasant look on his face.

[Your name] caught notice of this look, "why the face for then...?" she trailed off. With a small sigh Madara looked into the girls eyes, "so it is also me decision for me to want to leave....".

Moving away from the black haired male [your name] shook her head, "Y-You do not want to stay....? is it because of me?!".

Madara shook his head, "no do not get the wrong idea... I have not been on the best terms with the Senju family... now my own clan turned against me due to situation... the only reason I was able to stay was because you and Hashirama".

"Hashirama....and I?" 

The Uchiha nodded, "Hashirama stood up for me... he also mentioned everything to the higher ups about how I cared for you... he said I changed... they only let me stay thanks to that....". He gently placed a hand on the girls head to pat her, "I know I am only wanted here by you and Hashirama... so I will not stay where I am unwelcomed."

A little teary eyed she grabbed his hand tightly, "b-but I love you as well.... I-I want to be with you...!". 

Madara's eyes slightly widened and then gently held her hand in his, "then... I know it is a big decision to make but..." 

"Would you like to come and travel with me?"

Night Lover [Madara Uchiha x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now