Chapter 9 - Permission granted

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"Would you like to come and travel with me?", Madara looked at [your name] with earnest eyes. 

"Yes of course!" , the girl jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. But the moment was soon ruined of thoughts of her parents, the ones who eagerly took  the young girl in as an orphan when she was small.

Madara saw the look on her face go from joy to instant concern, "what is the problem?" he looked down at his new lover.

[Your name] processed her thoughts for a moment, "I do want to go with you... but my family... they took me in when they did not have to... I cannot just leave them...." she trailed off.

Taking in a big breath the Uchiha patted the shorter girls head, "if it worries you let us ask them permission... after all they did take you in, but that does not mean you must spend the rest of your days here... i'm sure they want you to explore and become stronger".

He was right [your name] looked at her lover and smiled, "you are right... but are you sure you should come with me? they really dislike the Uchiha's and not to mention you are the talk of the town because of the incident...".

The dark haired male nodded, "I will not go behind my lovers parental figures back and be a coward, I will talk to them together with you to gain approval" he smiled softly while kissing the girls head gently. 

Darkly blushing the girl nodded, ' even though he looks rough and mean on the outside he is just a sweet heart...' she giggled at the thought. Madara looked at the giggling girl with a confused look but shrugged it off.

[After the talk with the parents] 

The girl had told her parents of how they met, how they bonded, trained and cleared up the situation of the murder. Her parents were not to entirely trusting with the Uchiha but believed in the girls judgment. Madara said his peace as well, he wanted to care for her and help her become the person that she wanted to be. 

It took many, many hours of convincing but the two of them had convinced the girls parents for her to travel with the Uchiha on occasion of the stopping by once in awhile. Her dad really did not approve, but was only letting her because his daughter seemed happy. 

Madara let out a huge sigh as him and [Your name] walked out of the home, with her bag in hand. "Well what is next?" the girl said happily waiting for their new journey to begin. 

"Well... we have to make a few more stops before we can leave the village.. we need to go get Hashirama's approval for you to leave the village...I need to pack my own bag... we need food, water and weapons....", he kept rambling on and on about things that the two of you needed for your journey. 

Watching Madara go on and on about little things was so out of character for him it made [your name] burst into laughter.

The Uchiha stared at the girl, "is there something funny?". The girl was wiping the tears from her eyes, "HAHAHA I-It's just.... AHAHHAH I-I d-did not expect.... ahahhha the feared across nations Madara Uchiha... ahhaha to care so much about nit picky items....aAHHAHA".

Madara turned red in the face and looked away from the girl, "H-Hey! This is your fault... if it were not for you I would not care so much..." he mumbled his response. 

The Senju was to busy laughing however to hear his words, Madara's blush faded and he smiled softly at the girl. 

He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into his body, "will you shut up already?". The girls laugh faded as they stared at each other.

Madara and the girl gently leaned into each other, they could both feel each others breath. Madara and [Your name] both closed their eyes as they were about to share their first kiss.


[Your name] quickly bolted away thinking it was her father that had almost caught them, 'oh god we are so dumb why were we about to kiss outside my families home?!'. The girl began to panic and quickly started to apologize keeping her eye closed tightly, "Father! I am so sorry! We promise to never-".

"HAHAHA I am not your father but I accept the apology [your name]".

Opening her eyes she was staring at her friend Hashirama, Madara had not moved from the spot the two were in but had just looked annoyed of the interference.

"o-oh hello lord hashirama... I am sorry about that...", the young girl blushed that her long time friend had almost witnessed such a sight of indecency.

"Just... try to keep it in doors okay you two?", he laughed awkwardly. Madara then finally spoke up, "So did you decide to give [your name] permission to leave Konoha?".

Hashirama nodded, "Yes... I figured that she would want to go with you so I had already did the papers and I just need her to look over a few of these documents and she will be ready to go...".

[Your name] was shocked that Hashirama had known her good enough to do this, they were friends for a really long time after all. She looked at Hashirama and could tell something was wrong though. 

"Hey Madara...", the girl looked over to her lover. "You can head to your house I will do the documents with Hashirama and head to your place when I am done okay?".

Madara dreaded the idea of leaving the two of them alone but decided to comply with his lovers wishes. He then walked towards the direction of his home.

[In the Hokage's office]

"So the paper work you have to look over is-".

"Cut it out Hashirama what is it....? I know you.... something is bother you, please tell me".

Hashirama's eyes slightly widened, he let out a small sigh as he sat on his chair. "I know you will not let this go until I tell you so...".

The Senju let out a deep breath, "I have loved you.... for a long time... perhaps even since the day we met..." he took a long pause before he continued.

"But all I want is for you to be happy... Madara beat me to it is all...", he smiled softly at the girl. "No hard feelings I just want to make sure that you will be safe and happy and that is all I could ever wish for you [your name]...", he handed over the papers to the girl.

She gently took the papers in shock of her long time friends confession, "Hashirama I-".

"No.. [your name] it is alright... I admitted to Madara I lost... it was a battle between men to gain the heroines heart, I lost fair and square we do not need to continue about the matter any more".

Quietly [your name] nodded and signed a few papers and gave them back to Hashirama. The two of them had a long hug before he told her where Madara lived.

Madara however was outside of the hokages office waiting to be her guide on the late night.

"You ready?", he said softly.  

Night Lover [Madara Uchiha x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now