Chapter 3 - To become strong

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The next few days [your name] spent avoiding going out at night, Madara Uchiha wasn't some one she wanted to mess with.

"I think you find me intriguing, as I do you." His words echoed through her thoughts throughout the day. 'Do I find him intriguing? I mean he is an Uchiha, THE LEADER of the Uchiha clan...', she found herself thinking about him quite often but couldn't really tell why.

[Your name] slashed her sword to the neighboring tree slashing its branches but making sure to cut it where it would still grow back. "Hmm... the swordsmanship is lacking proper training but for a woman you work quite well", there was that voice she dreaded to hear. Darting her eyes left to right around the training ground she noticed that the sun had set and it was now night. There was no avoiding him now he was standing there next to the river staring at the moons reflections in the crystal clear water. He looked up towards the girl staring at her intently, "I noticed you have not been sneaking out as of late...". [Your name] gently withdrew her sword from the trunk of the tree and put it in it's scabbard, "Well... it is quite interesting that you would notice... unless you were looking for me".

The two figures stood across from each other, both of them not quite understanding what the others intention was. 'Why do I find myself looking for this girl, she is not powerful like Hashirama, she hardly has skills....', Madara stood there eyeing the girl as he was unable to come to a good reason for looking for her. 'I have been avoiding him... but also I feel strangly around him, he makes my heart race.... is it due to him being an Uchiha? or is it....-', the girls thoughts were cut off by Madara suddenly walking over to her. [Your name] backed herself into the tree slightly tripping over the root in the ground and catching herself before she fell, Madara stopped at her sudden movements, "So.... it seems you are scared of me". When she heard those words emerge from the Uchiha, she heard a slight pain in it? 'No it cannot be... was he hurt by my actions?'. The Uchiha adjusted himself and turned away from the young Senju, he suddenly began to walk away.

For reasons unknown to [your name] herself she lunged towards the dark haired man and grasped his grey-ish sleeve, "W-Wait.... I just do not understand, seeing you makes me feel a variety of emotions... maybe you do frighten me a bit... but It would not stop me from seeing you". The female suddenly became a dark shade of red at her own words, Madara's eyes slightly dilated from her words. [Your name] released her grip on the man, "W-What I meant was- uhm- you see-". Her words were halted by the males sudden chuckle, "What an interesting women..." he laughed out loud while turning to face the girl. Embarrassed by her own words she looked down at her feet a blushing mess from the scene that had transpired.

'Quick I must change the subject', the young Senju thought to herself. She cleared her throat to signal to Madara to halt his laughing, "Earlier you mentioned how my swords skills were not to your liking... if you would happen to know of a teacher to recommend-". Once again she was cut off by the Uchihas words, "Back when the war was relevant I used a metal sword-". The male reached out a hand a blue-ish light emitting from him revealing a sword made out of fire, "-Now I use this....". [Your name] stood there in shock, she had heard about chakara and it's many forms of power but it wasn't to common amongst the normal villagers such as herself. Madara slowly retracted his sword, "I can teach you what I used to know, or I can teach you this new world". [Your name] was shaken by his words 'Me? Why would he want to teach me? Are the Uchihas not the Senjus mortal enemy?', questions flew through her head like birds darting by. Madara had shrugged his shoulders and turned away from the female for a second time, "If you want other guidance then-" "No!". 'This is the only chance I will get I cannot let it slip by, I must get stronger!', she thought to herself.

Madara halted in his tracks, with a smirk plastered on his face, "good, I am pleased to hear that...".


[Authors Note A/N] Sorry this chapter was a little short but I injured my hand so I might not be able to update this as much as I'd like to but I at least plan to upload every two or three days. With my hand injury that might change a little but please bare with me... THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR READING I'll be doing my best to make this interesting to whoever reads! Thank you! again let me know if you notice errors in my writing thank you very much <3 --trashcangee


Night Lover [Madara Uchiha x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now