Chapter 13 - Family

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"Your name is that you!?" A boy that was a little younger than the girl came running towards her. [Your name] was startled by the sudden interaction and looked at the boy as he stood in front of her. 

"Ah I must look different now my apologize" , the boy scratched his head. "I-It's me Ishi Yota You used to live with my family and I almost ten years ago, I was much smaller then maybe around eight years of age at the time you were a little older than I was", he smiled a bit.

The slight blurry memories of the two years she stayed with the family in this village came flooding back to her. "I-Ishi ?! You have grown so much !", the two hugged each other and laughed a bit. "-And where are Ms. and Mr. Yota?" she asked.

 The boys smile faded a bit, "Well after you went missing and the village was attacked they got my parents... and they told me to go look for you I searched for awhile and eventually I had began to think they got you too...after returning to our home I saw...", he flinched a bit at his memory.

[Your name] gently placed a hand on his shoulder, "Do not speak anymore... It is alright", she smiled softly towards the boy. Ishi nodded a bit, "well after that I kind of had to live on my own... but the clans men were really helpful and would offer me food, water and a place to stay so thankfully I managed! how about you? I am sure you have a long story as well" he laughed a bit awkwardly.  

"Haha yeah it's a long story....-". After that the two caught up and told each other about life and about the people they had met and the struggles they had. 

"Oh and about your original parents..." Ishi smiled towards the girl, "mine might be gone but... I heard that there were survivors from where you came from if you are traveling you should go for confirmation..." he nodded. [Your name]'s eyes widened, "how did you-" she was cut off by another womans voice. 

"Ishi !" a young girl with a small baby in her arms waved over to Ishi, she had some groceries in one of her arms in a small bag. "Is that your wife?" [your name] smiled towards Ishi. With a blush Ishi nodded and waved over to his wife, "Yes... haha we got together quite young and just had a child... well It was nice to see you... if you are ever traveling by the village we would love to have you over for some company!" the boy stood up and had almost bumped into another taller figure, "oh my apolog-" he cut himself off and was face to face with Madara.

Madara had his arms crossed and looked down at the younger male. Ishi was shocked for a moment but quickly nodded his head to the Uchiha, "take care of her she really has been through a lot..." he quickly bowed and ran towards his family.

The Uchiha walked over to [your name] and sat on the bench the two were sitting on. "Interesting conversation with a friend?", the Uchiha question his lover. Slightly quivering and looking over to Madara she held his sleeve gently, "M-Madara.... my family... my parents.... they might be alive!". 

Madaras eye widened at the girls sudden burst of emotion and pulled her in to his arms with a small smile. "That is great...", he said as he patted her head gently holding her.

[A few hours later, Afternoon]

The pair had already packed their stuff and restocked on supplies, they had thanked the old woman for her hospitality and left at around noon.

They were walking towards the nearest town which was called Kusagakure (Village Hidden In the grass). As they were walking towards that direction a lot of passersbys whispers were heard by the two. 

"They are heading towards kusagakure...." "Isn't that the village that was attacked a few years ago?" "I heard shady people live over there" "Lots of gangs and murders live there"

Slowly the whispering subsided as they kept walking there was fewer people along the road. Madara pulled the girl slightly closer to him and narrowed his eyes, "this place feels dangerous ... nothing we cannot handle but stay close to me.....". 

[Your name] nodded at his words and they kept walking till they got into the village. The village looked almost as if it were abandoned, people were scattered around but none dared to look towards the travelers. 

Madara tightened his grip on the girls shoulder, as he did so a group of four men came from some nearby trees and landed in front of the two. "Ahhh!" [your name] screamed from being startled and held onto Madara.

The Uchiha looked at the girl, "Do not worry they are just some lowly thieves no need to be scared of these scum.... lets go we needn't waste our time on them...".

One of the men began to laugh at Madaras words, " you cannot easily disregard us like this... if you want to travel through here you have to get through us...". The men snickered and laughed with each other, they clearly didn't know who they were going to be dealing with.

Gently sighing Madara let go of his lover, "do you want to share or will you be fine on your own?". [Your name] took her sword out of its cover, "we can do it together I am sure your itching to fight are you not?" she said with a smile. Madara sighed gently once again, "well I was hoping for more of a challenge...". 

The two split too opposite sides, [your name] took the two guys on the left leaving Madara with the two on the right. Madara easily took one down with a quick hit to the neck, he didn't even need to use chakara for these guys it was like taking a candy from a baby for him. The other guy had tried to land a hit on him which he swiftly kicked him off his feet sending him to the ground.

"Leaving us alone would be the best choice for you..." Madara muttered under his breath. The other guy cowered beneath him and then scrambled on the floor leaving the other three men behind.

Meanwhile on [your name]s side she had been fighting off the two men, kicking one and using the sword on the other. She had cut one of the men in his chest and it had him hunched over in pain on the floor groveling for forgiveness. Meanwhile the other man was quick to give up seeing as how most of his men were harmed or gone.

Madara walked over to the leader of the group, "about ten years ago there was a group that attacked this village where are the people that survived...?". Madara spoke harshly as he grabbed the man by the collar and shook him around. "I-I dont know-". Madara let the man go with a angry look on his face.

[Your name] gently patted Madara on the shoulder, "no need to get to violent we can just ask around....". An older man had been walking by and walked over to the two, "hello young lady I over heard that you and your companion had been looking into the survivors... there are not to many of them but I can take you to the grave sight.....".

With a small smile [your name] nodded, "that would be very helpful.... thank you...". 

[At the grave sight]

The elder man had shown them to the grave sight and what had stood out to the girl was seeing her own name but just a different last name. "T-This is my name..." she read over the name '[your name] Umiya' , scanning over the rest of the names of the deceased she hadn't seen any other Umiya names on the stones.

"M-Mr.... I do not see any other Umiya names here... are they alive?" "Oh yes... they do live on the outskirts of the village.... they have been very distant since there only child had gotten lost during the attack-".

With that [your name] sprinted towards the outskirt of the village until she came into view of a small house. A man had been outside farming some vegetables in the yard, with a woman telling him where she wanted them placed.

Getting a bit teary eyed she walked up to them and wiped her tears, "H-Hello... are you the parents of [your name] Umiya?". The two pairs of eyes looked towards the girl and the woman spoke up, "y-yes who might you be... and your companion?".

Madara also had walked up slowly from behind his lover, and he patted her on the shoulder. [Your name] smiled at the two, "well uhm first before anything is it alright if we have a chat?" she tilted her head with a small smile towards the two.

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