Sleeping with the fishes - Chapter 1

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I sit at the ledge on top of building across from a hotel waiting for 12:34am to come. The mild wind of night flows through the air and pushes a wave of relaxation over me. I push my hair out of my face that the wind had moved and I whipped it into a ponytail.

I reach for a big black case and unclip the sides revealing a beautiful M16. I took it out of its case and looked though the scope so it was aligned with the room Jason Macall was staying at. The rapist arms dealer for most of the American mafias. My Italian accent spills out of my mouth and tangles itself with the wind as if they were one "fucking idiot thinks it's a good idea to deal guns in my country." I scoff.

This road I was a above was a busy place but tonight was quiet, not a good thing for me. The moon and stars were giving off a lot of light but I hid perfectly into the shadows. Undetected.

I look at my watch


I look through the scope and peak inside the room and to a shadow of a figure walking towards the bed. Jason walks up to the window looking out with a cigar hanging out of his dirty thin lips. I whisper so my ear piece can hear me "target in sight, ready to shoot" waiting patiently for a reply the voice at the other end says "now." I hold my breath and press down on the trigger.

The bullet leaves the gun and flows through the mild air with Jason completely unaware with what is about to hit him in the face, the bullet swiftly smashed the glass and hits him right between the eyebrows. His lifeless body tips forward and falls out of the now smashed window. His body falls 34 story's down and I heard his body splat on floor and a woman screaming. I chuckle at the thought of his brains splattered across the floor and the woman crying over his body.

"Mission complete, Jason is swimming with the fishes" I say to the person on the end of the line, "Well done" they reply.

I put the rifle back in it's case and close it up and grab the handle and get up to leave when I hear a flint of a lighter behind me. I grab my glock from my thigh holster, turn around and point it at where the sound came from.

I see a flame lighting a cigarette and hear someone pulling a long drag from it. I hear the shuffling of their shoes as they come closer making their way into the light of the moon.

A tall tanned man with brown eyes and a perfectly cut beard. He had fluffy curly dark brown hair. He was wearing a suit but with had his jacket in his hand over his shoulder. Ricardo Valentino, the eldest son of one of the many few Spanish mafia leaders. The only man I haven't managed to kill. 

"What a pleasant surprise Caterina De Luca, I knew you was going to show up tonight." He says as he takes another pull of his cigarette. "How could famous hitwoman Caterina not kill the sum bag Jason Mcall?"

He laughs and throws his cigarette on the floor. I smile "If you don't mind I have to leave and get away before the cops get here so move" I say while I point the gun and shoot at him but he skilfully doges.

He runs towards me and kicks the gun out my hand and throws a right punch which I move away from. I go to kick him in the ribs but he grabs my leg and pulls it so I fall on my back and sharp pain spreads over my body, because I was laying down on the floor and knowing him he always has a knife tucked in the side of his shoe I had a beautiful advantage.

I grab the small knife and cut across his calf so he hisses in pain "sorry, did that hurt" I pant as I get back up. He grabs my hand and takes his knife back while spinning me around so his chest was pushed against my back and places the knife on my neck.

"What's you next move princesa?" He says into my ear. "This" I jolt my head back into his face and felt the bone of his nose break.

I bite his arm and I get out of his grip. His nose was gushing with blood. The sight of it made me smile. He takes with step forward and punches me in the jaw and it cracks. So I throw a punch directly in his already broken nose and he backs up.

I grab the case and run towards the stairs. Ricardo throws a knife at me which I dodge. "Missed me" I mock his shitty knife throwing. "Did I" He smirks and pops his nose back into place. I look down and there was a deep cut in my arm where the knife had just about got me. A long flow of blood travels down my arm.

I hear police sirens in the distance "I would love to kill you Valentino but I have a dinner to go to" I grab a wire that was attached to my belt and connected it to a wire that ran to an abandoned building and zip-lined down and jumped through the window with the case. I disconnected the wire so Ricardo couldn't follow me and try to fight me in the streets. I ran with the case and slid down a side of a broken down escalator and ran outside.

With adrenaline pumping through my blood. I open the door and place the case in the back seat and speed down the road. 5 roads down I slowed the car and looked at my arm. I was bleeding out all over my seats. I take my top of and wrap it around my arm and tighten it as much as I could until the bleeding was close to a stop. I touched my earpiece and say "I'm going to need stitches when I get in, get them ready" the voice replies "yes ma'am"

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There's the first chapter

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So what do we think of Caterina and Ricardo?


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