A good night sleep - Chapter 16

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Caterina's POV

i woke up to the sun marching it's way into the room. The birds outside were singing and the smell of freshly made waffles from the restaurant downstairs was dancing around the room. That was the best sleep I've had in a long long time, I don't know why. I tried to stretch but I couldn't move.

I looked down and Ricardo and his head was on stomach and his arms were wrapped around to my back. I was such a shock at first because i completely forgot i had asked him too stay with me after my nightmare last night,  i looked down at him and His hair and eyelashes shone in the sun there were tones of deep red because the undertones of the brown, the sun coming through the window made his freckles more prominent, and under his eye was another scar i gave from the fight in the dining room when he first came to the mansion it made me smile i like that its there i dont know why.  He looked peaceful, it was weird to see him like this, hes always on edge, i mean we both always are, we have to be. i reached down to the scar and ran my finger over it, his skin on mine felt so calming he was warm against my hands.

 i look to my left to look at the alarm clock "shit it 8:13, we have to leave soon"

I grabbed the pillow from the other side of the bed and hit Ricardo around the head 6 times. "Wakey wakey" I shout.

He groans and rolls over so I couldn't hit anymore but doesn't realise how close we were to the edge and begins to fall off. Unfortunately his left arms was still around my waist and dragged me down with him.

"Oof" he said as his back this the floor. I look down and my boobs had hit him in the face as we fell. "pahahah" i laugh he looked up at me and smiled. "why are you smiling?" he looked at my lips and replied with "i dont know i just like your laugh" i rolled my eyes and left to go to the bathroom to get dressed. 

while i was getting dressed i think about him. I can't seem to hate him after last night, after my nightmare, he didn't ask any questions when I asked him to stay, I'm glad the dickhead didn't.

Why can't I hate him at the moment

I should

He's a dick

I wanna sit on that di- WHAT THE FUCK

I pause while putting my t-shirt on and think about what the fuck the stupid voice in my head just said.

And begin to argue with it

I do not want to do anything with that man

Your lying to yourself

No I'm not

Yes you are

Oh shush

Your just told yourself to Shush

i walk out the bathroom and he was dressed, i pass him his t-shirt he let me use last night and i smiled. he looked at t-shirt and took his off and put the one I had on, "your so weird" i say he chuckles and reply's with "you love it" 

We met Ali and Nat they were both laughing with each other. it was nice to see her like that but by Ricardos reaction it seemed like he didn't like it. we all jump into the SUV and make our way to the airport. 

"Thank you Albert" I say to the driver as we got off. all four of us walk down the tarmac to the jet and we all get in.

After we get in i drag Nat to the back of the jet and we both start chatting to each other. 

"So basically" she starts

Half an hour passes and we are dying with the story she's telling. "He did not" I squeal she nods as she takes a swig of her whisky "he did, we walked to the bed and wham his towel falls. I saw EVERYTHING and let me tell you I was not disappointed." She wiggles her eyebrows as she "shows" me how big his "everything" was. My mouth falls open "no way." "Uh huh, looked at least 7 on soft. I'm gong to get broken."

I nearly choke on my drink. "Your gong to fuck him? You cannot. The alliance" I whisper shout. "I know I know, He's just so nice. We talked for hours, about things we hate things we love junk food we like to eat he said he had never tried avocado toast so we got room service, we ordered like the whole menu and after we tried to finish everything we ended up cuddling while watching his favourite film, honestly Once you get to know him he's an actual sweetheart, just because you hate Ricardo doesn't mean either of us have to hate  Ali." "Touché" I respond. 

"so did anything happen with you and Ricardo?" she asks i look at him at the front of the jet while he looks out the window. "yeah i had that nightmare again, you'd think after all these years it would go away." she looks at me with sympathy. "i asked him to sleep next to me after he woke me up from it" i add

"so do you recon hes going to ask you what you were dreaming about?" she says to me. "I dont know I hope not, its just too complicated, and it just makes it worse because when i asked him to stay he did, your normally there when that dream comes so i didn't know what to do."

"he stayed?" she said. "like in bed? With you? And didn't kill you? Wow" She says. "Surprisingly yes, he just pulled me to his chest and stroked my hair until i fell back to sleep. What do I say if he does? do i just pretend it didn't happen?" she looks at her drink and says "I mean the dream isn't easily explained it took you four months to tell me i mean he might ask, well maybe but if he does you could just pretend it didn't happen." she looks at me with a smile. "What happened?" she laughs "exactly."

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