A Weird breakfast - Chapter 8

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I wake up in my bed and stretch away my sleep. I walk down to the kitchen and cooks were hurrying around more than usual but I didn't think much of it. I walked up to Victoria and she has my waffle and fruit ready for me. "Thanks Victoria"

I walk into the dining room and there was kitchen supplies all over the place. I look around confused but then I remember father wants the kitchen restocked. I eat my beakfast and sit there in silence looking out the windows that looked over to the ocean.

The door opened and I thought it was Natasha I didn't look around until they coughed I grabbed my pate and threw it at their face and realised it was wasn't Natasha. It was Ricardo.

I quickly got up from my chair and ran to the stack of fine china with gold pictures on them that were piled up. I grab four and begin throwing them at him like a frisbee. Three missed because of his perfectly made doges, but one smashed on his right shoulder which made him lean back a little.

Ricardo Reached for a box and puts its hand into it and pulls out a three butcher knifes. A sinister grin takes place on his tanned face. He flipped it in his hand and threw it towards my face which I dodge. We both look at each other as we circle around the table. He throws another and I move out of the way but ducking under the table.

With the advantage of being under the table I crawled up to his feet and kicked the side of his leg. A cry of pain came from his mouth. He falls to the floor on one knee and I get out from under the table. I kick his chest and he lets go of the last knife and falls back and his head barley missed a stack of bowls. I get on top of him so I was straddling his waist to pin him down and as I reach for the knife in my boot he tries to grab the butcher knife so I kick it away. I managed to wedge the small blade out of my shoe and hold it up to his throat.

"How did you get in here" I sad with hatred in my voice. "Well princesa Daddy dearest made an alliance with yours. Looks like we're gonna be working with each other." He smirks at me with a hint of evil in his brown eyes. "Bullshit, father would not work with scum like you." I say as I swing both of arms back holding the blade with both of my hands and attempt to stab him directly in his jugular but Ricardo bucks his hips and I go flying over his head and smash into the stack of Bowls.

They all come crashing down on me and Ricardo. Glass shards go flying around us and pierce our skin Scattering all over the marble tiled floor. With my skin filled with white and gold china I ran and jumped in to the table calculating my way as I went. With Ricardo standing up and trying to grab me i did a round house kick off the table and kicked him so hard in the jaw I felt it pop out of place with my boot. Ricardo fell backwards into the wall and I ran up to him throwing a swift left hook at is jaw.

Ricardo swiftly dodges it and my hand hits the wall just to the left of his head. I feel a dirty pain when my knuckles split as it made contact with the wall. With me in disadvantage and out of range of a new move Ricardo grabs my arm with his right hand and smashed his forehead on my nose which makes it gush out with blood.

Ricardo, who still has a firm grip on my wrist he swings me around so my arm was held behind my back bending it in the way it most definitely should not be. He pushed me forward and I fall into the table.

Ricardo was now pushing me against the table and force my face to collide with the wood, and my hips digging into the side of the table. He pushes my arm so far back behind me that I feel like it would snap at any given moment, so the safest route to go down is to wait and see if he shows any stupid mistakes. He takes his left arm and pushes the back of my neck so I was completely out of moves. He leans forward and whispers into my ear "out of moves now princesa" a slight chuckle makes its way out if his chest. He leans back and says in a normal tone "I'm going to let go because if I do kill you my father and mother are in the building and it would put a target on their head it would also completely fuck up this mission to take down the Americans, are you going to cooperate?"

I think about what he said and it seems reasonable so I say "fine" with defeat in my voice, well that's what he thinks anyway. He lets go and steps back while I move off the table and turn around to face him.

He still had his hands either side of me so the only way of escaping would be to move his arms or go backwards and get onto the table but either one would lead to me being stuck again.

Think Caterina, think.

As I turned around we were inches away from each other's faces. Our warm breath combines as we slightly panted because of what just happened. I grab my sleeve and wipe away the blood that was on my face and it had left a subtle stain over my lips and chin.

I look at Ricardo and an idea pings into my head. I relax my body so I wasn't all tensed up and looked more comfortable. Still panting slightly I look at Ricardo and take in his features. Soft brown curls that were hiding small beads of sweat. His perfectly cut beard. His soft skin that was tanned from the Spanish sun. Small amount of freckles scattered his face but they were subtle. Only anyone this close would see them. A small piece of glass has obviously went into the bottom right corner of his left eye because there was a small streak of blood flowing down his face. Thinking about my plan I look at his soft lips, and then back at his brown honey eyes that were being sheltered by his long eyelashes.

I slowly reach my left hand to his jaw and slid it up so his ear was between two of my fingers. Without any hesitation I plunge my lips to his pulling him in closer.

A weird feeling emerged in my stomach which took me by surprise. It was an electric feeling but also a slight calm feeling but I pushed them away thinking of what I was doing.

Ricardo tenses up because of what I had did but soon came to acceptance to it. Take the bait. I think to myself. Ricardo pushes his body towards mine and tried to fight dominance for the kiss. He began to lick and softly bite my bottom. Ricardo attempted to slip his tongue in my mouth but I wasn't having it so I did it first. Ricardos attempt to fight dominance with the rough kiss ended up me being backed up with my ass pushed against the table.


That wasn't supposed to happen.

I push myself against him and try to fight against his push away from the table. Ricardo, completely unaware of what I was doing, moved his hands off the table and made their way to my hips and his thumb went up a little under the hem of my shirt. His cold skin against mine made goosebumps swarm my body.

Yes, dumbass.

With Ricardo completely wrapped around my little finger. I take my hands off of him and place them behind me so both of my palms were holding onto the edge of the table and push back on them to project my legs up and kick him in the stomach winding him.

Ricardo goes flying into the wall and the sound of back smashing against the hard wall would've made a normal person cringed, but me? Oh no it was a lovely sound. It was simply music to my ears.

The bang echoed so loudly it could've been mistaken for a gunshot made from afar.

I walk up to Ricardo and smile at him. He looked so weak. I took my tip of my boot and pushed his head to the side. It tipped slightly. I turn around to get a shard of glass to finish the job but unaware that he wasn't completely unconscious the grabbed the butcher knife I kicked out of the way earlier and spit the bottom of my calf. The pain was excruciating and blood was pissing out of my leg.

I sat back and lent on the wall 2 meters away from him. I took the belt off my jeans and tighten around it as tight as I can to stop the blood flow. Looking at Ricardo smiling at me because of the sight I was in I looked to my left and there was a shard of glass.

I chucked sinisterly and flipped the large piece of glass in my hand. With the last bit of energy I had I threw the glass and it went almost halfway deep into his torso. He sucked air through his teeth but didn't take it out. He would've been a dead man if he did.

Drained of my energy I look up to the door and they burst open three people came barging through the door but I couldn't see who it was because my vision was a little fuzzy.

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