Bad dreams - Chapter 15

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Tw: rape/ SA

Caterina POV

No no no leave me alone

I was running away from the men in the ally way



I feel a sharp pain in my thigh

I reach down while running. Oh shit


My legs and feet start to go numb and I fall I tried crawling away

Trying to get away from the men

The catch up and flip me over

"Mmmmh you smell good you do, I wonder how you feel, so young and pure."

I knew what he was talking about as soon as he said it

I'm 17 I shouldn't loose my virginity like this

I tired fighting him off but I couldn't move

He takes my clothes off in the alleyway it's cold.


I scream

He won't get off

He enters me and I sob

I can't get him off





"Wake up, Caterina I'm here your at the hotel it's me Ricardo it's rich hey, hey"

I wake up with tears in my eyes and sweating. I look up and I'm in Ricardos arms. He looks over and he looked worried.

The dream


He saw me dreaming

He stroked my hair and pulled me to his chest. I didn't fight it. I was to weak and tired so I let it happen. His skin against mine and his shushing and "it's fine I'm here" made me feel safe, calm. He ran his fingers through my hair until I fell asleep dreaming of him.


Ricardos POV

I wake up to  Caterina shouting. I sit up and jump on two feet thinking someone had broken in however she was lying on the bed tossing and turning while screaming. 

I run to the bed and try to wake her.  "Wake up, Caterina I'm here your at the hotel it's me Ricardo it's Rick hey, hey"

She woke up and looked at me panicked and tried to push me off until she realised it was me. 

She was breathing so heavily and her heart was beating through her chest. i cradle her in my arms and she leans against my chest and doesn't fight it. She looked exhausted that's why i think she didn't push me off. She slowly closes her eyes while her breathing and heart rate slow until i realise she's asleep I lay her down but she grips onto me and whispers "stay." So I do, I do not know why.

 I look down at her and I think about what she could dream about what could make Catarina scream and shout like that. I know this woman I have fought her countless of times and seen the missions she goes on. She's fearless

I fall asleep with her on my chest while trying to figure it out.

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