The alliance - Chapter 9

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I open my heavy eyelids with a slight headache spreading its way from the left side of my head to the right.

I look around and realise I'm in the medic section of the house. To my left there's a tray filled with treads needles and red stained cloth with a piece of paper with my name on it.

I reach for the paper and unfold it slowly, it read.


When you wake, come to the meeting room. Me, your father, Natasha and the four Valentino's will be there discussing about the alliance. What you did today was childish and was not an act I'd expect you to do especially when Ricardo tried to explain the deal we have set place with the Valentino's

You mother

I let out a sigh and realise she was right. He did try and explain what was happening. Why would the guards let him in if he wasn't invited. Then again, mother or father should have told me they were coming.

I sit up and walk out of the medic section, through the men and women hurrying around with boxes of guns and ammunition to the meeting room.

I swing the door open and funny enough there they were the Valentino's. Ricardo, Marcos, Camilla and Ali. All sitting there looking at me in the doorway.

I sit down and make my way to my seat I normally sit in, next to Natasha, unfortunately my seat was too close to Ricardo for my liking.

I sigh and say to the Valentino's "I am truly sorry for my actions this morning and it won't happen again."

The words that came out of my mouth was like razors cutting my tongue because I was most definitely not sorry for what I did to their din-witt of a child they have but I know if I hadn't mother would've chased me down the mansion with a wooden spoon or her slipper.

The two Valentino's just nod their heads at me and then turn back to my father who had his arms crosses and was also sitting at the head of the table. He sat forward in his seat and said with power and pure seriousness in his voice and said "let's get started shall we?"

24 minutes pass and Ricardo keeps touching me with his shoe and hiding his smirk with his hand. For a hitman he was childish. I just wanted to cut that little smug grin off his face and make him eat it.

Father was talking why he made the deal or "alliance" with the Valentino's. It was because 16 of the small American gangs was stealing ammunition from us and the Spanish in small increments so small our men didn't catch on. So with both of our mafias we could take down the America's together faster and split whatever profit we make out if selling their guns, drugs, warehouses or tech.

The American gang that was stealing our stuff had also a lot of connections with prostitution rings and selling young children. They also had done other things but those were the two things were the main reasons why I want to take them down.

Dirty American scum.

Dad told me I will be working with Luca Nat and Ricardo on missions to take down the gangs down from the inside. All 16 to be precise. This was going to take a long time and I don't know how long I'm going to be able to stand the dickhead Ricardo.

He was till poking me with his shoe so I moved me feet out of the way of his reach and stood up. "Is that all father?" I looked at him with a smile. "Yes my dear, you can go off with Nat, Luca and Ricardo to plan the first mission. All files and information is in room 213. I will need the plan back to me before tonight please. The mission should take no longer that 7 hours if not its going to be harder to cover up the evidence that it was us."

I nod while taking Nat's hand and say to the two boys "meet you there in 5, ask a servant to take you to the room 213."

I drag Nat into a bathroom and the urge to kill someone was flowing through me

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Will Caterina be able to compose herself and not kill the Valentino's or will she completely destroy everything?

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