Confused feelings - Chapter 14

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POV: Ricardo

I get out the shower and dry my self and hair. I Chuck my new shorts on and walked out the room.

My breath was taken away.

Caterina was laying in the bed in the most delicate way. She was in black lace set it just hugged her body perfectly. The moonlight slithered it's way through the gap of the curtains and pooled over her relaxed body. The moonlight only enhanced her beauty. Her shoulders, so slim and tidy her collar bones, prominent but beautiful. Her breasts were raising with each breath she took which made my dick twitch. Her skin was soft I wanted to kiss and lick every part of her body. The way she was laying made her hip bones more visible all I could think about is how easy it would be to hold on to them as I drove my dick into her. Her thighs looked soft and sweet. I sigh knowing she would never be mine. When i saw her on that first mission god i wanted to ruin her. Why do i hate such a beautiful woman

"Take a picture it lasts longer" she chuckle's.

POV: Caterina

"Take a picture it lasts longer" I chuckle. I reached over the the bedside cabinet to get his shit to put back on. I look at him and he's pouting

"I was enjoying my view."

"Was you now" I say seductively.

He smirks back at my comment I crawl toward him until I'm at the end of the bed. I sit up on my knees so my head was at his chest I looked up and into his eyes and licked my lips.

This seducing is going to be hard. He's just to attractive. His tall dark figure Over towered me. The feeling of being looked down upon by this man made my body go crazy, i need to get laid because this isn't normal.

I put my hand on his abs. The feeling of my skin against his sent electric through my hand I knew he felt the same because Goosebumps rose on his arms. I began to drag my fingers between each crease of his Abs. I slowly lean forward and lick and kiss his body, he's breathing becomes faster but then grabs my wrists and flips be around and pushes my body into the bed so I was laying head first into the mattress. He climbed on top of me witch sent heat pooling between my legs. He took both of my wrists in one hand and pulled them to my back. He had his other hand on my hip digging his fingers into my skin. The pain was amazing. Why do i want him to kiss me.

I hate him.

He leans close to my ear which pushes our body's closer I could feel his dick push against my ass. The butterfly's went crazy in my stomach. His head reaches the side of my face and whispers "don't tempt me Caterina, you know we both have this thing  between us and you can't deny it. God your so beautiful. I want you Caterina but i dont know what i want, i want you dead but i want you naked against me but I cannot let my father down." He wasn't wrong but we do have a thing , ever since that dance at the ball when we actually had that convo and didn't attempt to kill each other there is something, maybe i just hate him that much i cant stop needing him in my sight. He gets off and I sit up with my back against the head board with my knees to my chest. "Your beautiful Caterina but I hate that you are because i want you dead" 

every word that came out his mouth had no emotional connection will it, just pure coldness

He tried to lay down on the bed next to me but i kick him off and say "no, on the sofa, now." 

He rolls his eyes but doe as hes told. 

Suddenly I feel tiredness swarm around me and I get under the covers. I fall asleep thinking about what Ricardo said and what I'm going to tell Nat in the morning.

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