Chapter One

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Hello! Before we get started with this story I just wanna say, I have not read the manga for mha. Just wanna let you guys know incase I get something wrong. LMAO I'll also be trying to work on the cover, so don't mind it. Now onto the story!

Aizawa POV
It was Monday morning, I didn't want to get up. I would much rather stay in bed than teach. But sadly I have to.

As I was getting ready I got a call from Nezu. He told me to meet him in his office. I agreed. I didn't know what he wanted to talk to me about. It was probably about one of my students. What they do THIS time?

When I got to the school I went over to Nezu's office. When I entered I saw the Hero Commission seated on the couch in Nezu's office. Nezu was seated at his desk.

"Oh good, you're here!" Nezu said with a bright smile. How could he smile this early in the morning?

"What did you need me for?" I asked, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Easer Head, we have a mission for you." One of the Commission members said. This took me by surprise. I hardly got sent out on missions. The only times I'm sent out are if the persons quirk is powerful and they need me.

"What is it?" I asked. You could clearly hear the tiredness in my voice, but everyone was use to it.

"Have you heard of the city called Okinawa?" I nodded my head, deciding to tell him what I knew about Okinawa. "Yes, Okinawa is a city here in Japan. Though quirks aren't really common there. No one can really explain why it's like that, but there are some people in Okinawa that have quirks." The Hero Commission's nod their heads.

"About a year ago the police arrested Ainosuke Shindo. He was arrested for his many acts of violences, helping create an underground skating competition, and his many advances on minors. A few days ago, he escaped." One of the Commission member said. My eyes widened, I never heard of this.

"The police is struggling to catch him. He's become more unhinge, targeting any child or teen. The cops have also told us he's looking for his Eve and 'The Third Wheel'. We still don't know who he's talking about."

Eve? Whose Eve? Maybe it could be his wife or daughter. What about 'The Third Wheel'? Maybe it's someone getting in his way?

"We want you to go help the police. Search for him and put him behind bars." One of the commission members said. They were all staring at me waiting for an answer, but a question kept popping into my head...

Why me? Can't they send out any other Pro? Surely another Pro may be more efficient. Besides, I have students to teach.

"Why me though? Can't you send another Pro to capture him?" I asked. Truth be told I didn't want to go. Over the past week there has been an increase of attacks from the LOV. These attacks were all aimed at my students, luckily they were able to protect themselves. There was one time when they weren't able to protect themselves.

Kaminari and Kirishima were out shopping for the dorms when Toga and Dabi attacked them. Kaminari used too much electricity and short circuited his brain. Kirishima was fighting Toga but when Kaminari short circuited he immediately stopped and ran to his side. Kirishima was trying to protect himself and Kaminari, but he was outnumbered.

Luckily for them me and Present Mic showed up. Present Mic yelled, which made Toga and Dabi cover their ears and run away.

"Because Ainosuke has a quirk. No one knows what it is, but some say it's very powerful." I nodded my head, letting all the information sink in. "What about my class? All the teachers are busy with their class to take care of mine." I asked.

"You will take your class with you to Okinawa. We will tell them it will be an educational field trip. While you're there you can show them around Okinawa, most people have never heard of Okinawa. Surely they will enjoy, this will also be safer considering all the attacks directed at them." Nezu answered. I was hesitant about letting them come along. Knowing them they'll somehow find out about what I'm doing and will try and help.

"When do I leave?" I asked the Commission. I was hoping they'd say next week so I would have time to pack but instead, "Today." After that the Commission sat up and left Nezu's office.

"I already have a bus ready for you and your class. I suggest you let you students know right away." Nezu suggested. I yawned before walking out of his office.

I walked out of the building, heading towards the dorms. I could already tell who would be excited about this and who would be annoyed.

So my class is coming with me to Okinawa, what could go wrong?

I'm obviously adding Renga and Matchablossom to this story. But I don't know about mha, cause I'm a multi-shipper and it's hard to pick a ship! Which mha ship would you like to see? I'll probably only add a few though! But who knows!

Anyways! Hope you have/had a great day! <3

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