Chapter Seven

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Let's see what the S squad is up to!

Langa POV
Me, Reki, and Miya didn't have school today. Me and Reki's school had some electrical problems and needed to fix it. Miya's school had a flooding.

Cherry and Joe wanted us to stay at their apartment until Shadow was done with work. It was something about our safety being their number one priority.

Shadow called us suggesting we could come over and help him at the flower shop. I was willing to help him but Reki and Miya weren't.

They said it was just going to be boring and they'd rather stay home. Convincing Reki was easy, I just told him if he didn't go I wasn't going to kiss him for two weeks. He agreed.

Miya was a bit harder. He refused most of the offers but agreed when I promised to buy him a new game.

Now, we were skating to the flower shop where Shadow worked at. We were having fun! We all were showing off different kinds of tricks we've been working on.

We saw a school bus drive by. "Huh? UA High School?" Reki slowed down, tilting his head. "Isn't UA that hero school or something?" He asked.

Miya scoffed, "Yes. Can we go now?" He started skating away. We quickly caught up to him.

"Whose your favorite pro hero?" I asked, it wasn't to no one in particular. Reki and Miya started to think about it. Deciding who is their favorite.

"The Wing Hero: Hawks!" Reki exclaimed, his eyes started to shimmer. That always happens when he talks about something he loves. He was about to start listing reasons why Hawks was his favorite but Miya interrupted him.

"My turn! My favorites are everyone in the Wild Wild Pussycats. Including Ragdoll." Miya had a small smile appear on his face. He looked at me, "What about you?"

"The Smile Hero: Ms. Joke." I answered. We then started talking about our favorite heroes. Either our favorite moves from them or why we like them.

Miya POV
"Finally! What took you guys so long!" The old man complained the moment we walked into the flower shop. Such a warm welcoming.

"Langa got hungry. So we got some burgers." Reki explained. We all explored the shop. The flowers were nice.

"Put your skateboards in there." Shadow gestured to a room behind him. "Then you two pack some orders." He pointed to Reki and Langa. "Then you will help me with the customers." He gestured to me.

I raised my eyebrow, "What customers?" I looked around the store, there was no one besides us. "The shop is empty!" I exclaimed.

We all put our skateboards in the room. Reki and Langa started packing boxes. I just sat in a chair and started playing a game on my phone.

"Hey! Get off your phone!" Shadow complained. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him, "Why? It's not like we're busy." I snickered.

~ 2 hours later ~

"Hi! Do you have any flowers that go well with my eyes?" A women asked. She started blinking a lot, probably trying to show off her eyes?

"I don't know. Go look for it yourself." I replied back, not taking my eyes off my phone. The old man was busy with another customer. Reki and Langa were busy restocking the flowers. Leaving the woman to me, sadly.

"But... don't you work here?" She asked, puzzled by my presence. "As if! I'd rather lose this game than be here." I laughed. I was hoping the lady understood the message. I was not going to help her.

"Oh. But could you at least help?" I let out a loud sigh, turning off my phone and looking up at her. She had dark brown eyes. "You have brown eyes. There. I helped." I grabbed my phone and started playing again.

The lady then walked out. Must've finally got the message. Besides, this shop didn't have any brown flowers.

More people came in. All of them asked stupid questions. Such as 'Which flowers should I give my boyfriend?' Or 'What would go with this dress?'. I didn't helped them. I'd just say a color of flowers that are in the shop and they'd go over there.

It was finally time go! The sun was already setting. Shadow wanted to leave early before Cherry or Joe came home. We never told them we helped Shadow instead of staying at their apartment.

"Okay. Everything is locked up!" Reki exclaimed with a toothy smile. We all grabbed our skateboards and ran out of the shop getting into the car the old man used for work.

We all made it back to the apartment before Cherry or Joe showed up. When they did come back Joe immediately started cooking dinner, while Cherry watched me play a video game. He actually asked about it and I kinda started telling him the whole story of it. Who the characters are, what powers they have, who the villain is and why I'm trying to stop them.

He actually listened and seemed interested in it. I even showed him how to play who he'd ended in us playing together! It was great!

Somewhere in a dark alley 👀
Adam POV

"Let's see, you do have the red hair. And the amber colored eyes. But! You don't make me feel a boiling rage." Adam growled. He then started choking the poor redhead.

"Tell those damn police who I'm looking for!" Adam shouted. A creepy smile appeared on his face, "On second thought... why don't I kill you? Make an example out of you." He then leaned closer to the choking redhead, whispering in his ear. "Won't that be fun~?"

"N-No! P-P-Please!" The redhead barley managed to say. Adam then shoved the redhead against the wall harder, managing to make the wall crack. The redhead was slowly losing conscious.

Adam then removed his hand from around the redhead's neck. The redhead started to quickly gasp for air but wasn't prepared when Adam punched him in the gut, knocking the air out of him.

Adam then continued to mercilessly beat up the poor redhead. His smile would grow every time he heard a bone crack or saw blood being coughed up. He was about to punch his stomach again until...

Hi! I'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger! Probably not that dramatic but still!

Anyways! I hope you guys liked this chapter! And I hope you have/had a great day! <3

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