Chapter Fourteen

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Third Person POV
The two groups were in a stand still, mainly the adults staring the other down while the teens just watch. Reki and Kaminari we're trying to explain what happened but they weren't listening.

"Joe! Please, dude, listen to me!" Reki tried to get in front of him but Cherry and Shadow we're blocking him. Joe was starting to take a few steps forward, his glare never leaving Aizawa.

Langa put his hand on the red head's shoulder, giving him a small smile. They both were trying to get the adult's attention so Reki could explain what happened, but they still weren't listening.

Miya, on the other hand, was confused. The guy in front of them looked familiar to him but he couldn't remember where he has seen him from. Miya was continuing to stare at Aizawa, squinting his eyes and tilting his head hoping he could remember where he's seen him from.

That's when he saw it.

Aizawa pulled his capture weapon a bit which gave Miya a small glimpse of his yellow goggles, he's seen those before! After seeing the goggles he finally remembered him.

"It's Eraserhead!" Miya exclaimed, "Move it! It's not like you guys can even take him down." Miya shoved himself in between Shadow and Cherry to get a better view of Aizawa aka Eraserhead.

"If that's Eraserhead then-" Langa was saying before being cut off by Reki. The two were now standing next to Miya. "THAT'S CLASS 1-A! OHMYGOD!"

The three of them were extremely happy to being able to meet Eraserhead along with THE class 1-A. "That's why your name sounded familiar!" Reki shouted to Kaminari. When Kaminari introduced himself Reki felt like he's heard that name before but couldn't remember from where.

"You've heard of us!?" Kaminari exclaimed running to Reki, a few of his other classmates following.

"Yeah... you guys were on the news a lot." Miya answered rolling his eyes in the process. "Aww you're so cute!" Mina exclaimed attempting to hug the small boy.

"I'm not cute! Get away from me!" Miya proceeded to run away while Mina and Uraraka chased after him, cooing at how he cute and adorable he is.

"He's- I'm so sorry Mr.Eraserhead! Sir!" Joe exclaimed continuously bowing. "It's alright. I don't expect to be recognized in public." Aizawa yawned before looking at his students, counting to make sure they're all accounted for.

Reki and Langa were talking to the rest of the class. The red head was extremely excited and was constantly asking them questions about their quirks or how UA is like.

"You guys have badass quirks!" Reki exclaimed, it was as if he had stars in his eyes. "You're not scared of us?" Sero asked referring to the students who people were constantly scared of.

"No! Those are people with sticks up their asses.." Reki grumbled, "Language!" Cherry shouted, glaring at the redhead.

"What the fuck were you even doing here sparky?" Bakugo shouted also glaring at Kaminari, he was about to answer until Miya spoke up. "It's a skatepark, it isn't that hard to figure it out. Typical slime..." Miya grumbled the last part to himself.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Bakugo shouted while stomping towards Miya. "Leave him alone, he's just a cutie." Mina exclaimed, her and Uraraka finally caught him and have him wrapped in a hug.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!" Small explosions started going off in Bakugo's palms, he was hoping to intimidate Miya but it had the opposite affect.

Upon watching Bakugo's small explosions Miya snorted which turned into full blown laughter. "Is that suppose to scare me? That's cute, slime..." Miya wiped away a tear from laughing too much and walked away, after prying Mina and Uraraka off him.

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