Chapter Eleven

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Aizawa POV
I let out a sigh and began explaining everything. "Well I was sent on a mission, to capture Ainosuke Shindo. Which was the guy from the alley." None of the students knew who Ainosuke was but Midoriya did. His jaw dropped when he heard the name.

"I heard of him! He broke out a jail a few days ago! He was the guy who made an underground skating competition! He's also super creepy! I heard he has a powerful quirk which is why the police haven't caught him..." Midoriya was still mumbling but slowly stopped once he realized everyone was looking at him.

"His quirk is similar to mine. If you look at him when his eyes are rainbow colored he'll gain control over you. He can control your movement, speech, and your quirk. Your like his puppet..." Aizawa recalled Adam explaining his quirk to him.

The classes eyes widened at the explanation. "That's why you were fighting us..." Uraraka whispered but it was loud enough for us to hear.

"I was told he's looking for his 'Eve' and 'The third wheel'. But the hero commission refuses to help me figure out who they are, claiming it's not in their jurisdiction." I explained with a sigh and an eye roll.

"One of them could be a red head. When he saw me he said he spots another red head but my eyes aren't his color." Kirishima brought up. That does help but not much considering how people tend to dye their hair.

"Mr. Aizawa," Tokoyami spoke up. "I may know someone who can help you in finding out who 'Eve' and 'The third wheel' are."

I thought it over for a few minutes. I didn't want to bring my students into this but I knew one way or another they were going to help. And I knew Adam needed to be caught.

I looked up at Tokoyami, "Alright. Let's do that tomorrow-" I got cut off by Kaminari. "Wait! Does this mean our whole trip was just cause of your mission!?" I slowly nodded my head which resulted in him cheering.

"Alright. Everyone back to their rooms. Stay in your rooms this time." Everyone nodded their heads and left. Heading back to their rooms to finally get some sleep.

With the S Squad
Third person POV

Reki couldn't sleep. He didn't want to. Every time he closed his eyes all he saw was his face. Or he'd see Langa getting hurt or dying because of him.

When he got arrested the nightmares slowly faded but now that's he's out, they're coming back. Even after their last beef where the red head made him trip and avoided his love hug, Reki couldn't forget their first beef.

How scared he was. How scared he is right now.

Reki was too busy in his head he didn't realize a hand in his hair. He finally snapped out of it when he heard Langa's voice.

"Hey, Reki, you're okay. Focus on me. Focus on my breathing." Reki didn't even noticed his breathing has increased.

"Ready. Inhale for 5," Both Langa and Reki did this. Though Reki was still struggling. "Hold for 5 and exhale for 5." They did this a few more times till Reki's breathing was normal again and he was calming down.

Langa cupped both of the redhead's cheeks wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Reki didn't even realize he was crying.

"Wanna talk about it?" Langa asked, his voice gentle and comforting.

"I'm scared. It's not helping that the nightmares are coming back but he's out! What if he finds us!" Reki explained, tears rolling down his cheeks again. Langa immediately pulled him into his chest, letting the redhead cry into his chest.

"He won't. Reki, our friends are going to protect us. I'm going to protect you. He'll be back in jail, I promise." Langa rubbed soothing circles on Reki's back. Which seemed to help considering how he stopped crying.

"Heh, I'll protect you too." Reki stated, a determined look replacing his scared expression. The red head pulled away and looked into Langa's icy blue eyes.

They both were looking at each other with a lovingly look. A look they were much familiar with. Their faces were slowly moving closer to the other, their lips about to connect until...

A pillow was thrown at them.

"GO TO SLEEP! You can make out in the morning!" A very angry Miya yelled. Causing the two to quickly pull away both flustered.

"You slimes can't even whisper right..." Miya whispered before falling asleep. The two boys looked at each softly giggling before going back to sleep, not wanting to wake Miya up again.

"I love you, sunshine..."

"I love you too. I still need a pet name for you..."


Also, where are all the comments? 🤨 I love reading them and sometimes they're funny af!

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