Chapter Eight

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Before we start I wanna give two shoutouts! Shoutout to @Dazai_0samu-3- I used the name they suggested a few chapters back! And shoutout to @emokingisgladion for making me a new cover for this fanfic! I love it!!

Kaminari POV
Iida and I finished inviting our class over. Aizawa ordered us pizza, he ordered one for himself while getting the rest of the class 15 boxes. When it came Aizawa picked it up, and handed the 15 boxes to us.

"Remember, everyone must be back in their rooms by 11. Don't be noisy, be respectful of the people staying here." Aizawa reminded us before walking back to his room with his pizza box in hand.

A few minutes passed and everyone started showing up! Iida was constantly reminding us to not get too loud or to not make a mess. Bakugo actually came too, thanks to Kirishima.

Hagakure brought over Uno cards. Which led to us sitting in a circle playing. We were only 1 minute in and Bakugo was already pissed.

"DON'T FUCKING SKIP ME!" He shouted to Mina. "It was the only red card I had!" She defended herself. Everyone started laughing.

Sero then put down a plus two, which led to me, Tsu, Uraraka, Ojiro, Midoriya, and Todoroki also putting down a plus two.

"You better not put down a plus two!" Bakugo shouted to Mina. She pouted in response, "I don't even have a plus two..." She was about to collect her 14 cards till Todoroki spoke up.

"I have another plus two. I can trade it with you." He suggested showing Mina the plus two card he was talking about. Her eyes lit up and she quickly shook her head. She took the card quickly placing it down while handing Todoroki one of her cards.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Bakugo shouted, his hands creating small explosions. "Hey, Bakubabe, we talked about this... calm down. Please?" Kirishima spoke up, resting his head on Bakugo's shoulder.

Bakugo agreed, grumbling while picking up his 16 cards. The game continued on, Bakugo raging, Iida and Momo taking the longest cause they're busy strategizing, Midoriya thinking out loud, and Mina doing anything to piss Bakugo off.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out and noticed it was a FaceTime. Once I saw the caller ID I immediately answered.

"Hi, mom!" I waved, a big smile appeared on my face. Everyone quieted down, Sero appeared on the camera too. "Hey, Mrs.Nakano!" He waved. (Yes, I do know she's not his mom. But in this fanfic, she is!!)

"Denki! Hanta! Hi! Where's the rest of your friends?" She asked. Mina, Kirishima and Bakugo appeared behind me and Sero. Bakugo being dragged by Kirishima.

"How are you doing, Mrs. Nakano?" Kirishima asked. "Great! I just finished catching a criminal. He actually THOUGHT he could run away! FROM ME! Ha!"

"Oh! Mom! Here is the rest of my class!" I exclaimed, flipping the camera around and showing them to her. They all waved and smiled. "Wow! I can already tell they have some great quirks! Just like yours truly." I rolled my eyes.

"If I may ask, what is your mother's quirk?" Iida asked. "Shockwave! I can-" She was saying before being cut off by Midoriya, fanboying as usual.

He gasped loud, "She's the Electric Rope Hero: Shock Wave! She can produce a rope full of electricity and when it attaches to someone her opponent will feel a wave of electricity! She has captured so many villains! Her quirk is so amazing for capturing bad guys..." He started mumbling till Todoroki placed a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of it.

"Ah! Sorry! Please forgive me!" Midoriya quickly got up and bowed. My mom started laughing, "It's alright, kid! I love the attention! Hey, Denki, I gotta go. It was great seeing the rest of your class! Be safe! I love you! Stay shocking!" She emphasized 'shocking', which made us both laugh.

"Bye mom! Be safe too! I love you too!" I held up a finger and made a small heart out of my electricity. She laughed and said bye to all my friends before hanging up.

Midoriya had lots of questions. He was only able to ask a few before Iida announced it was 10:55 and that everyone should head back to their rooms.

Everyone said their goodbyes, I promised Midoriya to answer his questions tomorrow. After everyone left Iida cleaned up a bit and quickly changed into his pajamas. We both crawled into bed, Iida started reading a book while I just went on my phone to either look at memes or message Sero.

Aizawa POV
It was now midnight. All my students should be asleep by now, hopefully. Before leaving I decided to check on them. To make sure they're still there and haven't snuck out. Or got captured.

All of them were in their rooms. Iida and Yaoyorozu fell asleep while reading a book, I just took their book and closed it using their bookmarked and left it on the nightstand.

Some of them were about to fall off the bed or fell asleep on their phones. I moved the people who were about to fall off the bed, making sure they were comfortable. For the people
Who fell asleep on their phones I just took it and placed it on the nightstand. They all looked peaceful, even after everything they've been through.

I got back to my room and jumped off the balcony that connected to my room. I jumped from building to building, searching everywhere for Adam. I knew what he looked like but I didn't know what his quirk was. Luckily, with my quirk I can just erase it.

As I was jumping to another building I noticed something. There was two people in the alleyway but it looked like one of them was beating the other up. I quickly jumped down and used my scarf to stop the attacker from throwing another punch.

The alleyway was too dark for me to see who the attacker was, but once I stopped their arm they slowly turned around towards me. My eyes widened underneath the googles because the attacker was the person who I was looking for...


Hi guys! Sorry if this chapter KINDA sucks. I originally was going to add Aizawa and Adam interactions but I feel like this is a good stopping point! Plus it's like a cliffhanger! I want to leave you guys wanting more!

But! In the next chapter Adam's quirk will be revealed!!!

Anyways! I hope you guys liked this chapter!! And I hope you have/had a great day!! <3

Anyways! I hope you guys liked this chapter!! And I hope you have/had a great day!! <3

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For anyone wondering how their rooms are

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For anyone wondering how their rooms are. I drew it up! Sorry that it's messy lmaoo.

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