Chapter Three

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Kaminari POV
This is going to be so awesome! No classes, no boring lectures! Instead we get to go to Okinawa! Wherever that is...

After Mr.Aizawa left we all ran up to our rooms. Some needed to finish changing while others went to go pack. I was already in my uniform, so I just needed to pack.

I grabbed a duffel bag and was about to start throwing clothes in it when I realized something. Mr.Aizawa never told us how long we'll be there. Maybe a week? Two weeks?

Oh well! I'll just pack for a week, if we're staying longer I'll just wash my clothes or buy more! Speaking of buying, where's my wallet?

I started looking around my room, lifting up articles of clothings that were scattered around my floor. I started frantically looking for it now, don't tell me I lost my wallet!

There was a knock at the door, "Come in!" I yelled. The door opened and Sero walked in. He gave me puzzling look as he saw me on the floor, a sock in my hand.

"What's up?" Sero asked, closing the door behind him. "I lost my wallet! I don't know how! But I lost it!" I exclaimed and went back to searching.

"Maybe it's cause your room is hardly clean." Sero replied back, he had a smug look on his face. "You know it's hard for me to keep my room clean." I replied back, I was now searching the pockets of jeans that were scattered on the floor.

"Kaminari, babe, your wallet is on your bed." Sero laughed out, pointing to the black wallet with a lightning bolt on it. The wallet was right near my duffel bag.

"Oh. I didn't even notice!" I stood up, grabbing my wallet and tossing it in the bag. "Did you pack up already?" I asked my boyfriend, he nodded his head.

"I wanted to see if you finished packing. And since you are, let's go eat!" Sero laced our fingers together and dragged me out of my room and to the dining area. Bakugo already finished breakfast, but he wasn't anywhere near kitchen. Must be packing.

A few of our classmates were already sitting at the tables, enjoying the breakfast Bakugo made. There was a small pile of luggage's and duffel bags by the door, each belonging to our classmates.

"I wonder how Okinawa is like?" Tsu asked, putting her finger on her chin and tilting her head. "I've never heard of Okinawa. Any of you?" Kirishima asked, leaning back in his chair.

The people at the table shook their heads. Wow. We all didn't know about Okinawa. Wonder if Mr.Aizawa will tell us anything about Okinawa.

"Is everyone all packed! Make sure you eat breakfast! We can't fight crime on an empty stomach!" Iida came running into the kitchen. He noticed there was only 7 of us eating. Which would be: Tsu, Sero, Kirishima, Uraraka, Ojiro, Kouda and me.

"Where is everyone else!?!" He started freaking out. Ojiro told him the rest are still packing, this resulted in Iida running upstairs. We could hear him telling the rest of our classmates to finish packing and to go eat breakfast.

We all laughed, Iida was usually like this in the mornings. We all just gotten use to it. It's nice having someone reminding you to eat, I'd usually get to busy with working out and homework that I'd forget. But Iida always reminds me. He reminds all of us.

Iida POV
It is my job as Class President to make sure all my classmates are taking care of themselves. How can we save people if we can't take care of ourselves?

I ran around the dorm, telling my classmates to finish packing and to eat breakfast. When I came back to the kitchen all my classmates were there. The pile of luggage's and duffel bags by the door grew. Everyone was sitting at the tables eating breakfast, talking and laughing with each other.

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