Chapter Nine

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Forgot to mention this! But Adam is basically wearing his outfit from S. The mask and all. The red outfit not the...other one.

Aizawa POV
"Don't worry, I'll get to you next~ let me finish him off first." Adam tried breaking free from my scarf but I pulled him away from the victim. I managed to pull him behind me, I released my scarf from him and quickly turned around facing him.

"Oh~ someone's impatient. Fine. Let's play." He then started to run towards me but I quickly erased his quirk before he could use it.

He threw a couple of punches at me but I dodged them with ease. I kicked him in the stomach, when he was distracted I had my scarf wrap around each of his wrists.

"Sorry to disappoint, but you're not my type." He replied back. I pulled the scarf towards me which led to him being pulled towards me too. Before he reached me I quickly extended my foot, his face coming into contact with it. I heard a cracking sound, he broke his nose and the mask he had on.

I had my scarf release his wrist and put it back around my neck. I quickly blinked and used some eyes drops before activating my quirk again.

"You're that Pro Hero who erases quirks. Such a turnoff..." Adam mumbled while trying to get up. His nose was bleeding pretty bad and he noticed it. "Would you look at this. You managed to break my nose." He  said while popping it back into place, he didn't even show the slightest bit of pain. (You can pop your nose back into place right?)

"You know, our quirks have two things in common-" He was saying but I cut him off by wrapping my scarf around him. "Cute. As I saying. Our quirks have two things in common, they both involve eyes." He blinked several times. "What's the second thing?" I asked, tightening my hold on the scarf.

"We both need eye drops! What kind do you use?" He exclaimed. "Like I'd tell you anything. Let's go." I pulled on the scarf as I started walking away.

"I don't think so... I'll escape. I always do." He bragged, a cocky smirk appearing on his face.

My eyes were starting to hurt again. I blinked. My hair fell down to my shoulders. I quickly blinked, when I opened my eyes I saw two rainbow colored orbs. I heard Adam laughing maniacally, shit.

"Release me. Now." He demanded, which I did. Afterwards I stood there, motionless. I wanted to capture him again but I couldn't.

I tried moving but I couldn't. It's his quirk! It's similar to Shinso's but my mind doesn't feel foggy and Adam didn't say anything while I was blinking.

"Poor baby~ can't control your body. Can't even speak or control your quirk." Adam wrapped an arm around my shoulder making me shiver on the inside.

"I suppose I SHOULD tell you my quirk. Since this will be your last moment. I'm going to have so much fun with you~" He then walked in front of me before turning around revealing his rainbow colored eyes.

"My quirk is called Control. When anyone looks at me when my eyes are like this they become my little puppet! I can control their movement, actions, speech and even your quirks!" Adam announced, his smile growing. "I control you now! You're my puppet! I pull your strings! If I wanted I could have you commit a crime! YOU! A HERO!" He started laughing maniacally again, his hair becoming even more of a mess than before.

After a few minutes he finally composed himself. "But, you aren't worth my time. So, I'm going to make you suffer. Nice and slow. Doesn't that sound fun~" He smiled, a creepy smile while tilting his head to the side.

He walked up to my grabbing the ends of my scarf and tightening it. I couldn't do anything to stop him. I began gasping for air, desperately needing to breath again.

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