Chapter Six

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Aizawa POV
"As you all know, quirks aren't very common in Okinawa. Most of the quirks here don't change the user's physical appearance. They're mostly small quirks such as controlling clouds or manipulating light. But if a person's quirk does change their physical appearance they'd usually hide it. The elderly's here are use to the world before quirks, years of being told about the world before quirks and how much better and safer it was." I explained. When quirks manifested there were some people against it, they even went as far as to tell their kids why they should be against it too. Thanks to them, hatred for quirks were passed down generation to generation.

"That makes sense!" Kaminari exclaimed but afterwards added, "Kinda..." He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Don't try to change their opinions, they've grown up living like that. It'd be pointless. Did you hear that, Midoriya?" We all looked at the green headed boy. He smiled and quickly nodded his head.

"Now, I don't want to see ANY of you hide the difference in your physical appearance. Those physical differences are your quirks. Be proud of them." All my students had a look of determination on their faces. It replaced their saddened faces, which was my goal.

"Okay, there's 10 rooms. There'll be two people in a room, girls with girls and boys with boys. Here are who'll be sharing a room: Tsuyu and Mina, Uraraka and Jirou, Hagakure and Yaoyorozu, Aoyama and Ojiro, Iida and Kaminari, Kirishima and Shouji, Kouda and Todoroki, Satou and Mineta, Sero and Bakugou and, Tokoyami and Midoriya." They all nodded their heads. I started handing their room keys out while they talked about the pairings.

"Awesome! I got Bakugo!" Sero exclaimed, everyone gave him a questionable look. "I don't have to worry about cooking! Bakugo can do all the cooking." Sero explained, but received a death glare from Bakugo.

"HUH?! I'M NOT COOKING ANYTHING FOR YOU! COOK YOUR OUR FUCKING FOOD!" Bakugo shouted, his hands created tiny explosions. "He'd probably cook anything for Kirishima." Kaminari teased, which resulted in Bakugo chasing the poor boy. Kirishima tried calming Bakugo down, which surprisingly worked.

"Ha! I got Satou! I'm ready for all the sweets!" Mineta licked his lips. Everyone, expect Bakugo, chuckled. I heard he came out as asexual, the class was very supportive of him. They were also happy Mineta would stop creeping the girls out.

Mineta came out as asexual a few weeks ago. After he did he kept apologizing to the girls, he explained he thought if he tried talking about girls the way he did he'd feel sexual attraction. But he didn't.

It took us awhile to forgive him but we did, after he let us do whatever we wanted to him. We took him shopping, for 4 hours. We thought he'd complain or try something, but he didn't. He was surprisingly nice. He offered to carry our bags and lend us money.

"Tomorrow I want all of you up at 7:00am. You'll still have your classes, but it'll be through video chat. Afterwards it's training. After training you can go look around the city." Mr.Aizawa explained. We all nodded.

Hagakure raised her sleeve, "What?" Mr.Aizawa asked. "Could we explore the city now?" Hagakure eagerly asked, jumping up and down. Mr. Aizawa shook his head, "No. The rest of the day you can unpack. I'll order dinner, now go to your rooms."

We all left his room and headed to our assign room. Mina caught up to me, she was upset we couldn't explore the city today. "Man! I really wanted to explore the city TODAY! I can't wait till tomorrow!" Mina sighed but immediately got excited again.

"We'll see the city tomorrow, ribbit. Besides we just got here, we should at least get comfortable in our rooms." I explained, we got to our door and I unlocked it.

It had two beds, one bathroom which was on the left when we came in. It also had a balcony! It had a small living room with a tv and a couch, and a small kitchen. The kitchen had a medium sized fridge, microwave, stove, and some cabinets.

"Wow! Fancy!" Mina ran off looking around the room. After I closed the door I did too. We picked our beds and started putting our clothes in the drawers.

An hour passed and we got a knock on the door. "I'll get it, ribbit." I got up from the couch and went towards the door. When I opened it I saw Iida and Kaminari.

"Hey, Tsu! Wanna come over to our room tonight!?" Kaminari quickly said, bouncing up and down. "Mr.Aizawa said it's okay. He only said we must be back in our rooms by 11 and we must be quiet!" Iida explained, pushing his glasses up.

"What's going on over here?" Mina asked, Kaminari explained it to her and she quickly agreed. Afterwards I agreed too. "We'll be there!" Mina exclaimed jumping up and down. "We shall see you tonight! Let's go Kaminari." Iida and Kaminari walked away.

Aizawa POV
Tonight I was going to hunt for Adam. I was going to do it at midnight. By then my students should be asleep and I wouldn't have to worry about them.

I have very low hopes that'll I find him right away. Especially since I have no clues, only two names of people he's looking for. What could go wrong?

Okay! I need your guys' help!

Comment what her name and hero name would be

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Comment what her name and hero name would be. She didn't get a name or hero name so I need help with that. I think her quirk is like an electric rope?

Oh yeah, I made Mineta asexual because this fanfic doesn't need two perverts.

Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And I hope you have/had a great day! <3

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