Chapter Thirteen

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Btw I made a Victorious reference last chapter...

Third Person POV
Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero were late to meeting Aizawa and the others in the park. The reasoning? They may have lost Kaminari...

One minute the electric blond was with them and the next he was gone. Bakugo was shouting and cursing, Sero was freaking out not sure if he simply got distracted by something or captured by a villain. Kirishima was trying to calm both down while also trying to keep himself from panicking.

After they realized Kaminari was missing they looked for him but had to go back to tell Aizawa. Which is how they ended up being lectured by Aizawa about paying attention to your surroundings.

"How do you lose a person!? You didn't notice he was gone for how long!? Did you at LEAST try calling him!?!" Aizawa was ready to pull his hair out, or it was likely to fall out from the stress his students put him through.

"We did-" Kirishima was about to explain what happened when his explosive boyfriend cut him off. " 'Course we fucking called him. But the dunce never answered! We even looked for him but couldn't find him."

Aizawa massaged his temples, trying to figure out what to do.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN REKI LEFT!?" Shadow shouted, immediately apologizing to the customers in the shop. Miya shrugged his shoulders, "I mean he took his skateboard and said 'see-ya!'"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM! YOU KNOW WE NEED TO WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER!" Shadow whisper yelled, he had one job and he blew it. Miya sighed, pausing his game, "You know the slime, he's too stubborn. Besides I was helping one of YOUR customers when he left."

"Okay, but what about Langa! He was making a bouquet! He should've noticed!" Shadow mentioned, hoping Langa went after him and is bringing him back. "I should've noticed what?" Langa came out from the back, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Shadow immediately slammed his head on the counter, letting out a frustrated sigh. This drew the customers attention, they all gave him weird looks but got back to browsing the flowers.

"Langa. Do you know where Reki is?" Shadow asked. He could hear Miya giggling from the side, enjoying the show. Which was certainly more entertaining than his game.

"No. I had my ear buds in while I was making the bouquet. What's wrong?" Langa tilted his head. Shadow lost it, he slammed his head on the counter again and told the customers they're closing early.

"Miya, is Shadow okay?" Langa whispered as he watched the elder chase people out, saying they'll get a discount if they come back tomorrow. "Reki took off. He left this note though." Miya pulled out a sticky note he found.

"WHAT?! HE LEFT A NOTE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! GIMME THAT!" Shadow yanked the note away from Langa. Miya was giggling again, "You never asked." Shadow was ready to strangle him but he needed to find Reki before Cherry and Joe find out.

The note read, 'Got tired of playing with flowers, I'll be back! Just going to skate for awhile! -Reki', Shadow let out another frustrated sigh, he could be anywhere! Cherry and Joe were planning to visit and also get the kids.

"He's at the skatepark." Langa said while looking at his phone. "You texted him!? Is he coming back!? Tell him to come back! And to hurry!" Shadow shouted, Langa shook his head. "I did but he never answered. I tried calling and he didn't answer. But I just checked his location." Langa showed the other two his phone which showed a picture of Reki at the skatepark.

"When we saw the news about Adam we decided to share our location with each other just in case. Let's go." Langa briefly explained while going to grab his board. Shadow's eyes widened upon finding out you can share your location with people, he needed to bring that up to Cherry and Joe.

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