Chapter Ten

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Third Person POV
Aizawa used his scarf and wrapped it around Aoyama. He wrapped it tightly to the point where Aoyama was having trouble breathing. Aizawa then pulled in Aoyama kicking him right in the stomach, damaging his belt.

"My tummy!" Aoyama breathed out holding his stomach. Everyone was wide eyed, they've never seen Aizawa hurt his students.

"Mr. Aizawa! Why'd you do that?!" Ashido yelled while aiding Aoyama. They didn't get an answer instead they saw more fear in Aizawa's eyes. They were about to ask again when they saw a figure walk out of the shadows, slowing clapping their hands.

"Wonderful! Now, kill them." The figure said. The figure had glowing rainbow colored eyes and red hair which was very messy. "Who are you!" Kirishima shouted, already activating his quirk.

"That doesn't matter to you! You'll be dead soon." The figure responded slowly starting to laugh.

The group of students were about to get close to the figure but Aizawa got in front of them. "Use your quirk on them! Now!" The figure yelled which in response Aizawa did. The students immediately got their quirks erased.

Aizawa was sweating beads of sweat. He didn't want to do this. He never wanted to hurt his students but he can't break free from Adam's hold. Aizawa then remembered something Adam mentioned. He needed eye drops! Meaning, Adam's quirk will stop once he blinks!

Without thinking Aizawa used his scarf, wrapping it around Mina's waist. He pulled her towards him, ready to slam her head into the concrete. But he didn't...

He was free. He needed to act quick. He quickly released Mina.

"Go! Now! His quirk is similar to mine!" He shouted while deactivating his quirk, allowing the students to use their quirks. He then turned around quickly activating his quirk on Adam.

Adam pouted but it quickly turned to a devilish smile. He then pounced towards the students, Aizawa quickly captured him with his scarf, throwing him back in front of him and away from the students.

"Awe~ Your no fun." Adam pouted, he noticed Kirishima and smiled wickedly. "Ah, I spot another red head! Though your eyes are red... not his color. It's still a beautiful color~"

Kirishima felt a chill run down his spine when Adam started talking about him.

"Well, this was fun. We must do this again. But next time, you will carry out my order." Adam broke out of Aizawa's scarf and jumped onto the roof and fled.

Aizawa would've gone after him but he needed a plan. He underestimated Adam but he won't make that same mistake again. Aizawa also needed to yell at his students for being out instead of being in the hotel.

He slowly turned around sending a death glare to his students. "We can explain..." Mina smiled awkwardly, the others nodding along. "Iida made us come!" She pointed a finger at Iida.

He loudly gasp turning to look at Mina. "What?! You agreed to come!" This started an argument between the two the others sometimes butting in.

Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Get. Back. To. The. Hotel. Now." The group quickly started to run back to the hotel. Iida carried Aoyama back considering how his belt got damaged in the fight.


Aizawa made it back to the hotel minutes after the group. When he got to their floor he sighed loudly seeing his door was opened. "Damn problem children.."

Aizawa slowly walked in and saw the others trying to catch their breath. Uraraka noticed Aizawa immediately freezing up and laughing awkwardly. The others noticed the weird behavior and turned around and noticed him.

"Uhh heyyy Mr.Aizawa! What's up?" Denki asked doing finger guns with his fingers. Everyone looked at Denki giving him an 'are you serious' look.

"You need some explaining to do. Explaining WHY you're all in my room. And explaining why you seven" he pointed to the seven who were out "were outside the hotel when I told you not to."

"We'd also like an explanation on who that guy was. And what you were doing." Ojiro challenged though all the confidence quickly vanished when he saw Aizawa's death glare. "N-Nevermind! We-We'll get to explaining." Ojiro chuckled awkwardly looking around at the others.

Aizawa sighed, "Deal. Explain to me why you're in here and why you went out and I'll tell you what I was doing." Everyone was left shocked. Especially Ojiro, he didn't actually think Aizawa would tell them. Though Aizawa felt they deserve to know, especially since he was attacking them.

"Well we're here cause Todoroki noticed you were gone." Momo explained gesturing to Todoroki. "And how did you get in here, Todoroki?" Aizawa asked.

"Froze the handle and broke it. I needed to speak to you... personal stuff.." Todoroki mumbled the last part but Aizawa heard. He felt bad he wasn't here when Todoroki needed him. He always comforted him when he had nightmares.

"I heard Todoroki calling your name and when I came here that was when he told me you were gone. I sorta woke up the rest of the class when I found out. We all gathered here trying to figure out where you went." Iida explained, blushing when he mentioned he woke the rest of the class up. Their teacher nodded his head waiting for the next explanation.

"Shouji told us about a building collapsing. We wanted to help so Iida formed a group to go check it out and to rescue anyone trap in the wreckage." Kirishima explained pressing his fists together and smiling.

"And that was where we found you. And that creepy guy." Uraraka shuttered remembering the weird figure in the alley with the rainbow colored eyes.

"Well.. we explained, time to own up to your part of the deal." Bakugo grumbled crossing his arms. The rest of the class nodded agreeing with Bakugo.

Their teacher let out a tired sigh, collecting his thoughts. "Okay..."

I'm back! I'm determined to finish this. I have a lot of ideas for this fanfic! Also! Don't know if I said this... but about the mystery ship... THERE WILL BE THREE MYSTERY SHIPS!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! And I hope you have/had a great day! I promise I'm gonna finish this.

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