Chapter Four

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While Aizawa and the rest of class 1-A head for Okinawa, let's see what is happening there...

The public was shocked to find out that famous politician, Ainosuke Shindo, was running an illegal skating competition. S was immediately shut down when Adam got arrested.

Many skaters were sad S got shut down but they were also glad Adam got arrested. They soon realized how disgusting Adam is and how dangerous he is, this made them thankful for him being locked up.

But when word got out that Adam escaped Okinawa became worried. They heard what Adam has done and how he won't stop till he finds what he's looking for.

Everyone was worried, scared. But not as worried or scared as a certain group of skaters. Considering they have who Adam is looking for...

Reki POV
"Remind me why we have to stay here?" I asked Joe. Me, Langa and Miya were currently at Joe and Cherry's apartment. We all had our luggage's, skateboards and our school bags.

"Adam escaped, remember, Slime?" Miya answered, rolling his eyes before flopping onto the couch. "I know that! But why are we HERE!" I gestured to the apartment.

"The police informed the public that Adam is looking for his 'Eve' and 'The Third Wheel', which is you two." Cherry explained, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of tea.

Langa and I looked at each other, he looked a bit nervous and I could tell I was. He took my hand into his, lacing our fingers together. He smiled at me, which eased my nerves a bit.

"What did you tell your parents?" Joe asked, he was leaning on the doorframe which led to a hallway. The hallways lead to the bathroom, Joe and Cherry's room and their guest room.

"We told our parents that Miya's parents are going out of town and he wanted us to watch him, since he didn't like being alone." Langa explained, he was gently rubbing circles into my hand. This was very comforting to me and was making me feel way better than before.  

Joe and Cherry nodded then glanced over at Miya. Awaiting for what he told his parents. Miya felt them looking at him, "What is it?" He asked not looking away from his game.

"What did you tell your parents?" Cherry asked. Miya paused his game and turned to look at Joe and Cherry. "Nothing. My parents are really out of town. Something about a business trip. I didn't want to be alone so here I am!" After explaining he immediately went back to playing his game, but this time he seemed sad. Miya's parents were CEO's and were hardly around, so Miya is usually with us.

Cherry and Joe gave Miya a sympathetic look. Cherry then started to talk again, explaining where we'll be sleeping. "Okay, you three will be sharing-" Cherry was interrupted by the door being slammed open. Joe instinctively got in front of me, Langa and Miya. He thought it was Adam but it was actually...

"Sorry I'm late! I had a date with Oka..." Shadow apologized. There was a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "Wait. Reki, isn't that you and Langa's manager?" Miya asked, pausing his game again to look up at me.

Me and Langa nodded our heads. "Yep. I've walked into them making out once, worst experience EVER!" I made a gagging face which made Shadow furious. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I'm actually happy for you two." I added, mainly cause I didn't want Shadow to tear me apart.

"So why are we here? Surely Adam won't find them. Right?" Shadow asked, he closed the door making sure to lock it. Joe sat down on a stool, getting ready to explained why we're here.

"Adam won't stop till he finds Reki and Langa. If he find them while they're in their houses he could hurt their families. But if Adam finds them while they're here, he'll have to deal with us!" Joe cracked his knuckles. "Besides, we need to protect each other. Adam could also be after any of us.." Joe added while looking around the room.

We're all a family. We all look out for each other. Once some kids were making fun of Miya, so Shadow showed up at his school in his S costume and scared the kids. Another time, I ran into my old S team. One of them was about to punch me but Cherry hit him with his fan and had Carla run into the the other guys' ankles.

"Okay. Shadow, you'll be sleeping on the couch. Miya, Reki and Langa you'll be in the guest room." Cherry explained, using his fan to point to the couch and towards the hallway, where the guest room is located.

We all nodded our heads, Langa and I took our bags to the guest room. Miya followed soon after. When we got into the room we noticed there was only two beds. Guess I'm sharing with Langa, we've shared a bed before so we're use to it. After all we've been dating each other for a year already.

We put all our bags down on the bed before heading back to the living room. Joe was about to start dinner, Cherry was finishing up some work, Shadow was messaging Oka and Miya continued to play his video game. Me and Langa found a spot on the couch and started watching vines.

Sorry for not updating in awhile! I saw a comment on one of my stories and it really made me upset. But I feel better now! I literally can't wait to write the S squad and Class 1-A's interaction!

Anyways! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Hope you all had/have a great day! <3

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