Chapter Two

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So I've finally decided on the ships that will be in this fanfic besides Renga and Matchablossom! And that will be Serokami, Kiribaku, Tododeku, Tsuchako, and Momojirou! There will also be mentions of Erasermic and a mystery ship 👀 you'll find out who the mystery ship is soon.

Aizawa POV
I made it to 1-A's dorm, I had the key already so I just walked in. The minute I walked in I heard yelling and the fire alarm going off. What are they up to now?

I walked into the kitchen to see Bakugou yelling at Kaminari. They were both standing by the stove, you could see smoke coming off the stove.

"YOU IDIOT! YOU BURNED THE EGGS! THIS IS WHY I DO THE COOKING!" Bakugo yelled. "You said you needed help! Then you started complaining how you were the one always cooking!" Kaminari argued back. Which wasn't the best decision.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!!" Bakugo yelled back. Iida came running in, he was already in his uniform, figures. "Calm yourselves! This is not how we should be acting. We are UA students!" Iida waved his arms around.

"Yeah, Bakubabe, chill out. Kaminari was just trying to help." Kirishima said. He put his arm around both Bakugo and Kaminari, Bakugo just huffed in response while Kaminari had a big smile.

I coughed to let them know I was present. They all turned their heads to look at me. "Mr.Aizawa! We were just heading to class! I shall round up the rest of the students!" Iida exclaimed, he was about to run off but I stopped him.

"Wait. Bring the rest of the class down. I don't care if they're ready or not, just bring them down. I need to tell you something." Iida nodded and ran off. I could hear Iida yelling to the rest of the class, I sighed. He has too much energy in the morning.

Soon enough the rest of class 1-A came down, they all gathered around me. Bakugo was busy trying to make breakfast after chasing Kirishima and Kaminari away.

"Pack your things. You won't be going to class today." I explained. This made everyone cheer, expect for Iida who was saying they needed to go to class to learn. Bakugo just grunted in response.

"Where are we going?" Momo asked, politely raising her hand. I sighed in response, "We're going to Okinawa. Most heroes have never heard of Okinawa, it's important the future heroes know." I explained, this was all true. Pros hardly know anything about Okinawa, they always seem surprise when they find out about it.

"Okinawa? Where's that?" Uraraka asked, tilting her head. "You'll see. Go pack your things, we'll be leaving in an hour. Bring your hero costumes too, we'll be training there." I explained, after that I left.

I still needed to pack, but I decided to go find All Might. I needed to tell him about our trip. Incase he wonders where we are.

Sorry this was short! I promise the chapters will get longer. I'll probably also publish chapter 3 this week, I'm not sure yet.

Anyways hope you liked this chapter! And I hope you have/had a great day! <3

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