Chapter Fifteen

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Third Person POV
Once the class and Aizawa made it back to their hotel the home room teacher had a talking with Kaminari. Which involved always having his phone charger with him, never straying away from the group and remember your surroundings.

"If you do this again I'll use my bindings as a child leash for you." Aizawa threaten which earned a quick nod from Kaminari. He never wanted to be in those bindings again, Aizawa had them on both Bakugo and him the entire walk back to the hotel. It was embarrassing for them!

"Yeah, Denki, I'll also be getting you a child's leash. You wonder off too much.." Sero mumbled, he was currently hugging his boyfriend from behind. Tired from the training they had and having to wonder the city to find Denki.

The class were all seated in Aizawa's suite, Aizawa called them to his room to discuss dinner. The hero agreed on take on and having someone deliver it for him. After the discussion about food he dismissed the class, though they haven't left. They were all seated on the floor chatting and even playing uno. Bakugo wasn't participating instead he was behind Kirishima, helping him choose which card to put down.

Aizawa was seated on his bed reading a book he brought. He was waiting for their order to arrive to the hotel, the class decided on burgers and salads. The teacher looked up from his book and saw his class seated around the coffee table in front of the couch, a fond smile found it's way on his face.

The peaceful atmosphere was then broken by a loud ringing, Aizawa quickly got up grabbed his goggles and bindings and ran towards his students.

"Woah! It's okay Mr.Aizawa! It's Tokoyami's phone," Ojiro pointed towards Tokoyami he was digging his phone out from his pockets. Upon seeing who's calling he let out a gasp, "It's Hawks!" Everyone perked up at that, Hawks and Dabi probably found out who Eve and The Third Wheel are.

"Hello Hawks, you're on speaker." Tokoyami quickly announced not wanting a repeat of this morning. "Now he tells us..." Dabi mumbles in the background.

"Did you find anything?" Aizawa asked getting straight to the point. "Yep! Dabi surprisingly helped a lot," Hawks mentioned, not wanting to take all the credit since his boyfriend did a lot of work as well.

"You care to share it with us?" Jirou asked while lazily twirling her earphone jack. "For a price- No! He's joking!" Dabi started to say before being interrupted by Hawks, the class once again heard a muffling sound coming from the other end which they assumed was Dabi.

The class heard a muffled "Get off me, birdy." Followed by a "Alright alright, don't get your staples in a bunch." Mina was silently cooing at how cute they sound, another ship has sailed for her.

"Umm sorry about that, anyway, the information..." Hawks started, the class heard a quick typing sound before Dabi started talking. "I asked some people I know about Adam and I found some one who used to go to Adam's underground skating competition, which was called S."

Hawks then took over, "The guy knew of Eve, but he wasn't too sure of The Third Wheel. He did describe who Eve might be plus he also mention there being cameras at S which Adam used when he wasn't there. It took a lot of work but I was able to hack the cameras and found footage!" The winged hero was extremely proud of himself for his hacking, he thought all the cameras would've been disconnected but they're still operating.

"With a few hours of us going through footage we were finally able to find out who Eve is! I'm sending it to Tsukuyomi right now..." Hawks trailed off presumably busy sending files to Tokoyami.

Upon receiving the files Tokoyami quickly opened it and gasp when seeing who it was. "What?! Who is it!?" The class exclaimed, Aizawa raised an eyebrow also curious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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