Chapter Five

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Sero POV
"Yo! Mr.Aizawa! Are we there yet!?" Denki shouted. Me and him were sitting next to each other, ever since we left UA he started getting antsy.

He tried playing some games on his phone but he got bored of them. He took a few naps, using me as his pillow. But when he woke up he was even more impatient.

"No. Stop asking." Mr.Aizawa replied back, not even turning around. Denki let out a loud sigh and looked out the window.

"Hey, Denks, check this out..." I showed him my phone, which had a game loading. "What is this?" He asked, staring at my phone in confusion. I plugged in my earbuds and handed him one pair while I took the other, he was even more confused.

"It's called Beat Blade," I then started to explain the game to him, even showing him how to play it. He immediately got interested in it and started playing with it. This kept him busy the rest of the ride there, everyone else was still talking and laughing. Iida would try calming everyone down but that didn't work.

"We're here." Mr.Aizawa announced, this immediately calmed everyone down. They all quieted down and paid attention to our teacher. Denki stopped playing, handing me my phone before eagerly looking out the window. Gosh, he looked so adorable.

"Sero, look!" He pointed to some people skateboarding, there were three people all skating. It seemed like they were having fun. "I always wanted to try skating! We should try it together when we get back!" He turned back to look at me, he had a huge smile on his face which made me blush a bit.

"Alright!" I replied back, making his smile grow even more. He laced our fingers together and continued to look out the window.

Everyone was looking out the windows. This was a new city to us, we've all never heard of it. But now we're here! We were all admiring everything, from the buildings to the people to the cats wondering the city.

We passed the mall and immediately Mina squealed. "A MALL! WE ARE DEFINITELY GOING SHOPPING!" Mina squealed, this resulted in Bakugo yelling, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, RACCOON EYES!!!!!"

After a few minutes we finally made it to our hotel. We all got off the bus and grabbed our luggage's and duffel bags. Mr.Aizawa told us to wait in the hotel's lobby. The hotel was tall, it seemed to have 8 floors. Some rooms even had a balcony! I hope we get those rooms.

The lobby was empty, on our left there was a small lounge. It had a couch and a few chairs set up, there was also a coffee table in front of the couch. The coffee table had different types of magazines, cooking ones, fashion or just plain news.

On our right there was the dinning room for the hotel guests. It was fairly large, each table had a small vase with a few fresh flowers in them. There were a few people sitting down, some were on their laptops or on their phones.

Up front was the front desk. There was a young man sitting behind the desk, it looked like he was on his computer. He didn't even notice us come in!

I looked around and noticed my classmates all went off in different directions. "Please! Return to the front door! Mr.Aizawa asked us to wait!" I heard Iida plead.

I went towards the lounge and took a seat, deciding to wait for everyone. I closed my eyes enjoying the peacefulness. "Hanta!" I heard Denki shout, I opened my eyes to see my boyfriend lunging towards me.

"Check this out!" He exclaimed, pulling me off the couch, but we didn't make it far because we saw an elderly lady trip and drop her bags. Denki and I quickly went to help her. He pick up her bags while I helped her up.

"Oh thank you! You boys are very kin-" She was saying but stopped. Her hands were near my elbows, I felt her hands move towards them more. Then I watched as her smile turned to a look of horror. She quickly pulled her arm away from me and backed away far from me.

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