𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 | 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒂 𝑭𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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      As Sam was driving around with Mikaela and him talking, Soah got a call on her phone. Both people from the front seat look at her, "Sorry guys, it's Sarah."

     Mikaela and Sam nod, knowing who Sarah was, she puts the phone against her phone, "Hey Sarah."

     She hears sniffs and senses something went bad, "Sar?" she asks, making Sam stop the car.

     "Soah," she starts, "Will's unit was under attack and they right now don't have any survivors," Soah's throat tightens, tears fill her eyes.


     "Come at my house as soon as you can," Sarah says, "He may be gone, but they didn't find his body."

     Soah says okay and hangs up, bitterly starts to cry. Sam puts the car in park and gets out of his seat and gets into the back, hugging the girl. Whispering in her ear he asks what happened.

     "Will.. . .his unit got under attack. No survivors found," Soah says through cracked voices. Mikaela also went in the back, trying to comfort the girl while Sam lets her cry in his chest. Even Sam was getting teary-eyed. William was like a brother to Sam even though he didn't know him very well.

     A few minutes passed and Soah wanted to go to Sarah's right away. She also didn't want Sam to lose his shot for finally getting Mikaela. Sam wasn't sure and just thought of dropping Mikaela off at her house real quick and staying at Sarah's while the family dreads. Though Soah slapped him while Mikaela wasn't looking and told him to just do what she asked.

     When they finally dropped Soah off, Sam watched his best friend walk into the house with so much sadness. He's never seen her that sad and weak. Just a few minutes before the news, she was up with flare, now she was at the end of a hurricane. A wreck, sadness, everything destroyed. He didn't want to leave her, but she refused.


     It was almost eleven when Sam got home that night. After he dropped Mikaela an hour before at her house, he went straight to Sarah's since he knew that was going to be where Soah would stay that night. He was right, the girl was still a wreck and had an empty carton of ice cream in the guest room when he arrived.

     She didn't want to talk to him, but she let him comfort her from the other side of her bed as she was laying down trying to sleep. After a while, she falls asleep at nearly eleven and Sam drives home. When he got home Mr. and Mrs. Witwicky was not pleased with his 'almost' lateness until he told them that Soah needed him. They were confused until he told them about William.

     The next day, Miles was absent and Sam had to pick Soah up from Sarah's. He was disapproval for her to go, though she was fighting back.

     "I want to go, Sam! The only way I can take my mind off of it is to go to school!" she tells him, getting her jacket.

     "Soah, I'm not sure about this," he tells her, grabbing her jacket to make her pay attention to him. "Look at me!"

     The blonde finally looks at her best friend in the eyes, "You need to heal, you can't just do that in less than a day!"

     The girl knew he was right, but she couldn't admit it. She knew she wouldn't be able to pay attention in classes either, but the only way she knew she could avoid crying was to go to school. She knew that Sam would be there for (most) of her classes and would make her pay attention.

     "Sam. . .please just let me go," she whispers. Sam sighs and gives her jacket back.

     "Fine, but you're not going tomorrow."

     "Tomorrow's Saturday, Samuel."

     He takes her arm, "Whenever you start to lose it today, I'm taking you home," the girl starts to fight, "and I'm doing it without a fight."

     She sighs in defeat, "Oh alright."

     Sam seemed to be pleased with finally defeating Soah.

     As the day passed, Sam watched his best friend very carefully, he wouldn't leave her side unless he had the one class (Gym) that was separate. He asked Mikaela to watch over the girl. Mikaela agreed knowing why. She loved the way that Sam cared for Soah, he was a true friend to her.

     Though at lunch, Sam had enough. The girl was miserable and took her to the office. Soah would usually always fight with Sam, but she didn't argue at all that day. That was when he knew she shouldn't go back to school for about a half week or more.

     "Mr. Witwicky, Miss. Lennox. What do you need?" the secretary asks when Sam brings them in.

      "Could we go home early?" he asks. The secretary needed more reasoning of why. The news didn't get out yet about the unit getting attacked. Sam had to explain while the girl was leaning against Sam.

     "We could let her," the secretary says nodding to the girl, "home, but we can't let you go Sam. Sorry."

     "I brought her here."

      "We'll call one of her family members," Sam was a bit hesitant but agreed. Hugging her a farewell until school was done, the girl was to get her things to take home as a 'family member excuse'. With those absences, the students didn't have to catch up on work.


     The next day Mikaela took Soah out to shop and those things to cheer her up about her brother's unknown death. Soah was starting to get better. She didn't have bags under her eyes and she got some sleep, but she was still moaning over the death. Something that Sam and Mikaela kept telling the girl was that he could still be alive and they'd find him. It helped the girl only to a certain extent.

     As they were getting dinner before they'd head home they see Sam flip on his mother's bike and hit the concrete.

     "Sam?" Soah asks concerned for her friend. "Are you alright?"

      "No! My car is chasing me!" he gets back up and bikes even faster.

     Just a few seconds, they see a yellow Camaro with black stripes on the sidewalk driving itself. Soah looks at Mikaela, asking with her eyes if she saw exactly what she saw.

     Mikaela looks at her friend, getting her purse Mikaela puts down money, "C'mon."

     Soah sits down on the bike behind Mikaela and they start to go find Sam. A few minutes after trying to find him, they see Sam and he knocks them off of Mikaela's bike.

     "What's your problem, Sam?" Mikaela asks him.

     "Soah, Mikaela, there's a monster right there attacking me!" he replies. Soah looks behind them and sees a black car that looked like a police car chases them, "Here he comes."

     As the three run, Soah sees Sam's yellow Camaro screech and swings his door to let us get in.

     Soah runs into the backseat while Sam and Mikaela go in the front.


I know it's shorter, but trust me, my normal writing word count is 4000 (though this book will be around 2k-3k each chapter). Also, yesterday one of the little boys on my bus had a Transformers hat with the Steelers colors. It was so cute! And he fell asleep! 


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