𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕 | 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨

643 13 1

    "Okay, let's go over it again," Sam stated.

    "When the dawn alights-" Simmons and Sam say together.

    "-the Dagger's Tip," "-the Three Kings-." "-will reveal the doorway."

    Soah rested her head on the window, it was starting to get dark out. She didn't get much sleep the night before.

    "That's what he said. You know what that means?" Simmons grinned.

    "No, what does it mean?" Sam responded.

    Simmons sighed, "I have no idea."

    "Typical," Soah muttered. She was  slowly starting to trust Simmons.
    She was  about to close her eyes, until Leo had to say something, "Oh my God. Oh my God. Checkpoint. Checkpoint. I don't have my passport."

    Soah glared at the boy, "Will you shut up?" She pushed herself up and looked out of the window.

    "Sam, they've got security cameras."

    "Just don't show your temper and we'll be fine," he reassured her. He knew that the girl was  nervous for him more than herself.

    "Pass-port!" an officer shouted.

    "All right, chill. Especially you, Lennox. This  was espionage now. I can handle it. These are my people," Simmons demanded.

    "Yeah," Wheelie agreed. Soah sent a glare at the little bot.

    "I'm one-thirty-sixth Arab."

    "Oh great, a frickin' munchkin. Little people are mean. Tell him he's tall," Wheelie admired the officer that was  walking over to Bee.


    "Ashu-fanah. . .The Dagger's. . .Tip? Right? Egypt, Jordan. We want to go there," Simmons answered the officer with a weird hand motion. "Me and my family. This  was my family. This  was my son, my other son, my daughter, my adopted daughter. We're tourists, from New York."

    Soah looked at Simmons, he called me adopted! "New York?!" the officer replied, astonished.

    "Yes, yes."

    Oh please let this  work. The officer allowed them to cross, letting the girl breath out her breath that she didn't even know she was  holding.

    "I know you from somewhere," Simmons finished his  'conversation'.

    "Go Yankees!"

    Soah looked at Simmons, "Adopted?"

    "Just be thankful we got through. I look nothing like you."
    Everyone else in the car (including the Transformers) snorted.

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    They pull up to a sanded home that was  abandoned. Sam groaned in displeasement while the Autobots were ranting about how pretty the place was . Soah's attention was  on the pyramids. It looked beautiful.

    "Awesome! I think aliens built that. Yeah! Yeah, yeah,' Simmons told   himself.

    Soah looked at him disapprovingly, "The Egyptians built them. Remember school?"

    Simmons didn't hear her--or just completely ignored her--and walked in the house. Soah walked over to Sam, who was  looking at the twins' mess around.

    "Guard us. Low profile. Don't make a scene, okay?" he asked. Wheelie faced the other Autobots.

    "Yeah, some of us got work to do!" Wheelie mimics, "Dumb Autobots."

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