𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖 | 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝘽𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚

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    They all just looked at Sam and Soah with disbelief. Neither of them caught what Sam said? They just shrug their shoulders as they went to the Autobots.

    Soah and Sam once again separated their ways to drive. Soah went into Mudflap and Sam went into Bee. Michelle decided to join Soah.

    It was  silent for a while until Michelle's confusion got the best of her, "Did you hear what Sam told you right before we left?"

    Soah turned to Michelle, furrowing her eyes, "What do you mean?"

    Michelle sighed. "He said he loves you."

    Soah's face flushed but shocked her head, "He just meant as friends." But he probably meant it romantically too. Just what happened before. She thought.

    Michelle smirked . Slapping her hands on her she turned to her roomate, "Spill." Soah's face went red, redder than when she has a temper.

    "We, uh, kissed."
    "YUCK!" Mudflap nauseated. The girl looked at the steering wheel. Biting their lips so they wouldn't laugh.

Michelle went to Soah's ear, "Did you finally tell him?"

Soah loured, "We sorta realized about the riddle."

Michelle shrugged, "Okay, so when we find this thing we need. TELL HIM!"

Soah shook her head. She didn't like that idea. The way the both of them were, they'd wait until one of them was  about to die. They soon stopped at the Autobots park. Letting the humans get out before they transform. They started following Sam.

"Got to be around here somewhere. I-" Simmons spotted the door, "-You see the size of this? You see this? Huh?"

Skids rolled his eyes, "Spec-tacular," he said sarcastically
"Amazing, look at this!"

Sam ignored the conversation, "It's here somewhere, guys."

Michelle scowled, "And girls!"

Soah smirked  at Michelle shaking her head. Leo started circling himself, "Yeah, why? 'Cause, uh, we're trusting Grandpa Blackbird who doesn't even know what planet he's on?"

Michelle chuckled at the boy's remark, but Soah just rolled her eyes. Sam walked over to her, "It's gotta be here somewhere!"

Soah nodded, "I know! Sam, we'll find it."

Sam sighed, knowing that the girl was  right. "In his defense, this   is the biggest doorway I've ever seen in my entire life."

Leo rolled his  eyes, "Oh. Okay. Well, that's great. Let me do a quick search, all right?" Michelle raised her eyes, "Uh. . .nope. Ever cross your mind guys, that archaeologists have been here before? There's nothing here!"

Sam sighed and went over to a side, sitting down. Soah glared at Leo. "Shut your trap, Leo. We're in the middle of trying to save the world, and you're over here making negative sayings. We WILL find it!"

Leo backed up then. Soah glared at him and sat down next to Sam. Rubbing his  back, "We'll find it. I promise."

Sam put his hand on Soah's, letting her know that he was thankful for her. Simmons turned to Leo. "Real life was heartbreak, despair, kid. Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow, and the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it!"

Leo took taken aback, "Why am I listening to you? You live with your mother!"

Sam looked at Soah, "It's not over."

Soah smiled sadly.

"It was over. It's done!" Leo argued. Soah stood up and went straight to Leo. Sam quickly got up and held her back.

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