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As soon as they got somewhere safe, Soah pointed something out, "Who's the Fallen?" she asked the Autobots.

They all look at each other, "He was a Prime, one of the bad ones. Only another Prime could defeat him," Ratchet answered.

Leo's phone made a noise, "What we're hearing from the German government was that the world broadcast was a satellite hacking," a news reporter said.

"The military has just told us they have assumed Condition Delta, which was the highest level we have been at since Nine-Eleven. President Obama was being flown to a bunker somewhere in the middle of the United States in the face of worst simultaneous attacks ever around the globe," Soah rolled her eyes. They think whatever was happening was going to hurt the president? She really never liked Obama, though Sam thought he was a pretty decent president. (A/N lets not get political here, please)

"The aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt goes down off the East Coast, all hands lost. Worldwide casualties are in the neighborhood of seven thousand, but that number could climb. It's still too early to tell. What we need to asked now is, 'who and why?'." Soah stopped. Something was not going right here.

"The FBI," the girl looked at Leo's phone, "was still trying to locate the boy, Sam Witwicky."

"Shi. . ." she whispered. From what she knows, the FBI was really good at finding people. Then their's a picture of Sam on the screen.

"We believe they have information about the attacks. his best friend, Soah Lennox was training for the FBI in college, which she could've given him the information," then a picture of her gets on.

Sam looked at the girl nervously, "Well," she sighed, "there goes my future as an FBI agent."

"The FBI, CIA, and Interpol are all seeking the cooperation of worldwide law enforcement. They have a traffic-camera spotting Sam, Soah, and-"

"DUDE! They have a photo of all of us!" Leo shouted. "We are wanted fugitives now! I just need you to focus for one minute, man!"

Sam had gone up to Leo, ripping his phone out of Leo's hands, "Just stop."

"This thing has blown up to a whole other level, all right? You--"

Soah grabbed the phone and smashed it, "They can track us. Do you see that?" she growled at him.

"What? They can track us? Like, satellite track us? Okay, I'm not even with you guys! Technically, I'm like a hostage. This was kidnapping! Enough is. . ."

Soah grabbed her, Sam's, and Michelle's phone also, smashing it. "Yo, Le-yo!"

"This thing's gonna give me a heart attack, I swear."

"That's cause yous a wuss," the orange bot told Leo.

"You guys forced me into that car, right, so-"

Soah rolled her eyes, "Will you just shut your trap for once?! I just lost my future from that news! You could get your name cleared easily while they think I STOLE from the FBI!" she yelled at him.

Michelle watched from a distance near Skids, "Hey, Mudflap, what are we gonna do with this shrimp taco?" he asked motioning to Leo.

"Lets pop a cap in his arse, throw him in the trunk, and then nobody gonna know nothing, know what I mean?" Mudflap responded.

"Not in my trunk."

"Yo, bumper cars?" Leo said.

Michelle bit her lip, trying to not smirk, "Bumper cars?" they asked.

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