𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒 | 𝙎𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨

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Early that next morning, Soah was one of the first to wake up. She quietly got out of Bee so she wouldn't wake him. Sighing, she goes out to get them food from the vending machines. Not to much after, she got back to the group. They all were up.
She looked over at Sam and saw a nervous face. She took  a deep breath and looked at them all, "I have breakfast. It's not much, but it'll do."
Leo snatches two cracker packs out of her hands and ran off. The Autobots wrill. She frowns, "Sorry buddies, I don't have anything for you."
Mudflap and Skids start to complain about them being hungry. Michelle took  a cracker pack from Leo and looked at Sam and Soah. The boy was  walking over to the girl, and he looked furious.
"What were you THINKING?" he growled at her. The Autobots, Leo, and Michelle sigh. They actually thought he'd tell her how he felt, but there was  no way this  would turn out good.
The girl looked flustered, "What?"
The girl's face heated, "You know what, Sam?" she asked, "I don't have to tell you where I am going EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY!" the boy's face furrows.
The girl rolled her eyes, "Why do you have to be so protective?!" she yelled. This  perks up Bee. He has been hoping to hear those words from that girl for ages, so then Sam would finally tell her why he was so protective. "WHY?"
He stares at her, debating if he should tell her or not. Soah stares in his  eyes angrily. "Well?"
He looked down and stutters, Now's your time, Sam! He looked back at her, maybe not. "BECAUSE YOU ARE SO DARN STUBBORN, AND I WORRY ABOUT YOU!"
    Sam's eyes saddened, "I just had a hard time with Mikaela breaking up with me."
    Soah slaps him, "So you thought it was  funny to keep me on the silent treatment?" she asked. "You know what, Sam?" the boy looked in her eyes, "This  friendship is over!"
    She storms off and back out of where they stayed. She didn't care if she was  caught by the FBI or anyone. She couldn't deny it any longer, she liked him.
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    After about an hour, Soah went back to the group. Soah was  crying while she was  alone. She couldn't believe that she called the friendship off after ten years.
    Sam looked stressed and had puffed eyes. The Autobots seemed bored, and Leo and Michelle looked very sympathetic from trying to cheer Sam up.
    They soon went on the road, though Soah and Michelle got into Mudflap while Leo and Sam got in Bee.
    Sam tried to take his  mind off of Soah, but the words replayed in his  head, 'This  friendship was over!' He wanted her to say something afterwards of, 'Because I freaking love you!'. But no, she stormed off and didn't come back until an hour later. 
    "This  guy, Robo-Warrior? Everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know. One time we revenge-hacked his  site, and maybe. . .I saw some of your. . .uh. . .alien drawings or whatever."
    Sam just nodded , he couldn't stop thinking of Soah. Leo looked at Sam, "Dude, you should've just told   her!"
     Sam looked at Leo, "While she was  fired up?" he croaks, "She'd kill me." 
    Though Sam didn't go further, Soah was  spilling her guts out to Michelle.
    "I hate the fact that I really like him! I hate the fact that he was my best friend! I hate the fact that I am in the middle of the best friends to lovers trope!" Mudflap groaned with annoyance.
    Michelle tried to calm the girl down multiple times, but she gave up trying. She knew that she had no power to calm the blonde down.
    As they pull up next to a building, Mudflap groaned through the radio, "You're not sitting in here ever again, Soah."
    Soah just rolled her eyes and gets out of the orange car. Though Sam ran over to her and stops her. He was  wearing a hoodie and baseball cap, "Put on something to disguise yourself, Soah."
    The girl looked at Michelle for help. The girl smirked taking out the pink Under Armor hoodie from her backpack and a pair of sunglasses.
    The girl sighed in relief and took  it.
    As Leo and Michelle enter the restaurant place, Soah and Sam stay silent. Standing close next to each other. Sam looked from the corner of his  eye at the girl, "Did you really mean what you said?" he mutters. The girl looked at him, trying to find a clue that he didn't want those words to be true. Though her focus got cut off by the restaurant man.
    "Hey, Sal! Watch your reach, huh? Take a number, young man!" the girl cringes, she recognizes that voice.
    "Robo-Warrior. Know him?" Leo asked the guy.
    Sam looked at Soah, pleading her to say she didn't mean what she said. Unfortunately, her focus was  on what Leo was  doing.
    "I never heard of him."
    Michelle walks up to the man, "You never head of "The Real Effing Deal-dot-com?" she asked him.
    Sam gently brushes his  hand of Soah's. The girl was n't expecting the sudden contact, so she pushed away really quick. Sam looked back to the window while the girl stared at him.
    "You must be talking about that amateur-hour blog operation with Game Boy level security."
    Sam touches her hand, "Roll the action."
    The girl nodded  and she follows Sam in the restaurant. As they walk in, the bell above the door rang. Leo points at Sam, "It's him! It's him! That's the guy right there! That's him!"
    Soah finally catches eye of the guy that owned the place. Taking off of her glasses, she breathed.
    "You've got to be kidding me," Sam muttered, grabbing Soah's hand. He didn't trust the guy still.
    "No," Simmons whispers. He looked at everyone, "All right! Meat store's closed! Everybody out!"
    People started to complain and walk out, "Out! Right now! That means you, lady, right now."
    Leo looked at the two, "Wait a minute. You know this  guy?" Leo asked them.
    "We're old friends," Soah said sarcastically.
    Simmons went over to them, "Old friends? You're the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh disbanded. No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you and your little fiery blonde girlfriend," Soah scowls, "look at her now, so mature."
    Simmons turned to his  worker, "Moron! Where's the whitefish?"
    A guy with really buck teeth that had a hammer thing looked at him, "Hey! Don't touch me with the pig."
    Simmons rolled his  eyes, "Yakov!" The man looked at him, "You don't get Christmas bonuses standing around! You want those new teeth you saw on Sky Mall?"
    Soah furrows her eyes, what? "It's my dream!"
    "Help her out!"
    Soah looked at Simmons with shock, thinking that he was ruder than before, "You live with your mamma?" she asked him, "Surprised that she hasn't kicked you out yet."
    "No," Simmons growled, "My mamma lives with me. It's a big difference."
    He faced both teens, "They've got your face all over the news, alien college students."
    Soah rolled her eyes, "Heck no, Sherlock! We know!"
    Simmons faced the girl, "Isn't that what you said to me when you got your injury?" he asked her, "Still got that temper I see."
    Soah rolled her eyes, "Yes, I do."
    He started talking again, "And NBE1. Still kicking, huh? How did that happen? Don't answer. I don't know what you're hiding, but I don't want anything to do with it. So, goodbye. You never saw me. I got bagels to smear. Vanish!"
    "Can you give me five seconds?" Sam pleads, "Look, hold on. I need your help!"
    Simmons looked astonished, "Reaaaally? You need my help? Well, did you forget that Miss. Blonde Temper here knows a lot of things?"
    Soah shrugs, "He ignored me for a month, wouldn't surprise me if he lost his  mind."
    Sam looked at Soah a bit hurt, but walked to Simmons, "I need. . .Look, I am slowly loosing my mind. Okay, I had a little crab-bot plunge a device deep into the soft tissues of my brain, and started projecting little alien symbols like a freaking home movie! And on top of that, I am a wanted fugitive. So, you think you got it rough?"
    Simmons stops the boy, "You said it projected images off your brain?"
    Simmons puts up his  hand, "Meat locker, now!"
    "Dead pigs," Sam and Soah mutter together. Michelle rolled up her nose.
    Simmons brings them to the back of the building, crouching down next to a door passageway. He faced all of them, "What you're about to see was top secret. Do not tell my mother."
    "Swine flu," Sam whispers, "Not good."
    They finally make it to the bottom, and Simmons looked at his  files. Soah rolled up her nose. She was n't one to do the skinning and such on the farm, just the mending fences and all. "Now you know. Next time you a goat or a pig, there's a story behind it. Saaad little story," Simmons said.
    Soah glared at him, "I live on a farm, you dumbo! I know how it works."
    "I've always wanted larger ears," Simmons mutters. Soah looked over at Michelle a bit confused, and then got the reference.
    Soah looked up at the TV, "An entire city flat. How do you explain that? Are you saying you believe aliens now?" the newscaster asked someone on the other end of the TV.
    "Okay, files, files. We're talking about symbols," Simmons mutters spinning, "Ey!" he stops seeing Leo about to touch a small Decepticon head, "Ey! Still radioactive. Hands off."
    Michelle shrugs her shoulders as Leo looked at her for a reference. Simmons picks up a file and hands them to Sam, "Okay, Cube-brain. Any of these look like the symbols you saw?"
    Soah saw cybertronian symbols, and Sam grabs the pictures.
    "Where did you get these?"
    Simmons smiles walking on file cabinets, "Before I got fired, I poached S-7's crown jewel, over seventy-five years of alien research. Which points to one inescapable fact. The Transformers, they've been here a long, long time. How do I know?" Soah looked at the photos with Sam.
    "Archaeologists," she mutters half listening to Simmons. Sam smiles weakly at the girl's brightness.
    "Archaeologists found these unexplained markings in ancient ruins all over the world," he tosses down a box, and Leo catches it.
    Simmons puts the TV on the table. Putting the VCR in, he turns to Sam holding up papers. "China. Egypt. Greece. Shot in 1932. These symbols you're seeing in your head?" he asked showing symbols.
    Simmons points to the TV, "Sam ones over here, right? So, tell me, how did they end up all drawing the same things? Aliens. And I think some of them stayed," Soah rolled her eyes.
    "Obviously," she looked at Simmons, "You know I have every right to turn you in right now? With my brothers being in the army, and me training for an FBI agent?"
    Simmons growled, "Shut your trash, Blondie."
    Soah glaredover at him and crosses her arms, "Check this  out. Project: Black Knife. Robots in disguise. Hiding here all along. We detected radioactive signatures all across the country. I pleaded. On my knees with S-7 to investigate it, but they said the readings were infinitesimal, that I was . . .obsessed! Me! Can you image that?'
    Sam smirks, "Why yes I can. 'Sides, you know Sector Seven never existed, though still acted like it did," Soah answers back.
    Before Simmons could answer, Sam stated the obvious, "Megatron said that there was  another Energon source here."
    "On Earth?"
    Sam nodded , "On Earth."
    Simmons breathed, "Another source?"
    Sam started to pick up the clues, "Okay? And that these symbols, the maps in my head, would lead him there."
    "You talked to your Autobot friends about this  ?" Simmons asked the boy.
    Sam shakes her head, "No, no, no, the source was before them. Whatever the Energon source is, it predates them. It's before them."
    Soah sits down, "So it comes before them."
    Sam nodded , "Correct."
    "Well, then we're porked, unless we can talk to a Decepticon. I mean, I am not on speaking terms with them," Simmons answers with a soft chuckle.
    Michelle and Soah smirk at each other, "Actually, we are."
    The boys looked at the two astonished, "How?" Sam asked.
    "Tried to take the fragment, caught it," Michelle explains, shrugging her shoulders.
    "You bring it?" Simmons asked.
    "YeP!" Soah pops the 'P'.

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