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Chapter 20

Soah's alarm went off shortly after six. She had just graduated college a month ago and recently got a job at the F.B.I. Luckily, after the events of The Fallen, her name was cleared of her being a 'victim'. She and Sam moved into a small apartment that had a tall ceiling. There was a living room that was near a small kitchen and then a large staircase going up to two bedrooms. Sam grumbled as his head was against her left shoulder.

"Don't get up." he grumbled. Last night, Soah had a nightmare and went to sleep with Sam. Soah chuckled.

"Samuel, c'mon, I got to."


She finally pushed herself out of the bed and walked out of the room, going to her own bedroom. She was getting changed into her black outfit, which happened to be her uniform. She wasn't an agent yet, but she knew it would come in time. She looked down to her wrist, where the words 'be brave now' is placed with '1980' written on top of it. She recently got a tattoo. She had always loved the words, 'be brave now' and the year 1980 is Will's birthdate.

She went downstairs to make herself a cup of coffee. While she was getting a mug, she felt a pair of arms around her, then lips touching her neck. Goosebumps fluttered her. "You finally got up, I see."

Sam groaned as he laid his head on her shoulder. "You know, we should sleep together more often."

Soah chuckled. "You wish, Witwicky."

She let his embrace go as she went over to the couch and picked up a big, stuffed monkey. Sam chuckled. "And what is that, Stells?"

Soah smiled. "Well, since you have your job interviews today, it's a lucky monkey." she flung it to Sam, who caught it. He looked at it and looked at Soah.

"I don't think the whole monkey's lucky, you see this?" he said, picking up the tail, "It's just this section here that's lucky."

Soah went over to him, "Think positive, won't you?"

Sam smiled as he touched her face, "Maybe if you give me a kiss, I will."

Soah giggled slightly as he kissed her nose then pecked her lips. She smiled at him. "Now, you wear that nice tie, okay?" She went over and got the cup of coffee and poured it into her mug. She added a little bit of french vanilla in it before taking a sip.

"Now, I need to get to the office in a few, do you need anything before I go? Maybe lunch money?"

Sam sighed loudly, "No, I still have some from yesterday's lunch. You love it, don't you? Picking on me about getting a job before you."

Soah frowned and put her arms over his shoulders, "Don't get discouraged, besides, you know I love picking on you."

"You know how demoralizing it is to have saved the world twice and still be groveling for a job? At least you got a job after saving the world twice."

Soah let the embrace go as she got her black backpack and a travel coffee mug. "Yes, if I recall, I was there, too. And besides, we both almost died last time. I love the Transformers, but I don't want to be wrapped up in one of their wars again."

"The government knows. I mean they could hook me up with a job right here in D.C. I mean, I should be working with the Autobots, otherwise it's not fair."

Soah frowned. "The Autobots know what they're doing, okay? Besides, it's dangerous. And they paid for your college. Obama gave you a hero medal."

"James, it's hard for everybody to get a job, nowadays."

Sam sighed. "I don't have time. You know my parents are going to be here in a week on their road trip Party-bus World Tour. If dad gets here and I don't have a job, he's gonna spank me. You know that."

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