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It finally ended, the war. Soah heard that Megatron died, and she was crying in Will's chest. She feared that Sam died. Though after a bit, she saw Optimus go over to the Autobots and soldiers.

Just a bit behind him stood Sam. Her eyes widened as she hoped she was seeing right.

    "SAM!" she let go of her brother and ran to her best friend. The boy saw her and ran after her, both colliding in their embrace. Hugging. Both of them were crying tears of joy.

    "I thought you died," she muttered, "I saw you fall from the roof."

    "Optimus saved me, besides I couldn't leave my best friend alone with Miles," he told her. He then chuckled, "I heard you blew up a Decepticon all by yourself."

    The girl blushed with embarrassment, remembering blowing up the Decepticon. Sam smirked at the girl, "Yeah, that was  interesting."

Ironhide held Jazz in his hands, "We couldn't save him," he told Optimus. Soah frowned slightly, remembering when she saw Jazz getting split. Optimus sighed and took Jazz into his arms."Oh, Jazz," he faced everyone crowded, "We lost a great comrade, but gained new ones. Thank you. All of you. You honor us with your bravery."

Bee did something no one expected, "Permission to speak, Sir?"

    "Permission granted, old friend."

    Sam looked at Bee surprised, "You speak now?"

    Though Bee didn't answer Sam, "I wish to stay with the boy."

    Soah and Sam smiled, "If that was his choice," Optimus answered.



    Everyone decided to stay at Mission City for the night since they all were exhausted and it would be a long way back to Oregon. Soah and Will sat in Ironhide as the other Transformers were in their vehicle form except for Optimus. Will got permission (along with his team) to go home for three months.

    Ironhide allowed the Lennox's to sleep in his truck that night since there weren't any hotels open. As Bee was in his car form, Sam and Mikaela got on the hood and Soah groaned.     "What?" Ironhide asked through the radio.

    "They are about to make out," she told them. Will and Ironhide had a plan in mind.

    Will poked the girl smirking, "Are you jealous?" he teased. The girl almost barfed


    "Excuse me?!" she asked him, "You know better than anyone that Sam and I are just best friends!"

    It was  Ironhide's time to drive the girl insane, "I don't see them lasting."

    Soah sighed, "Me either, but Sam's had a crush on her since second grade, just let him have his moment.

    That was when Will looked at his sister, "You do realize you'll be pressing your lips on his," he said pointing at Sam, "In the next five years or less."

    "Ew, gross!"

    Both 'men' laugh, "Get some sleep Soah, you need it with you-"

    "Yes, I know. My anxiety," she replied leaning on her brother's shoulder, "You don't have to remind me every second of the freaking day, Will."

    Will smiled, "I'm proud of you, lil sis. You did good today. You are right, you ain't a little girl anymore."

    Soah smiled, "Thanks bro," she opened her eyes and looked at him, "Don't tell Tyrell and Kreig this, but you're my favorite brother."

    Laughter came through all of the Transformers. Hearing the whole conversation. The girl closed her eyes, she soon fell asleep.


    Sam felt Soah lean against his shoulder, knowing she was asleep he smiled sadly. It's over, they don't have to deal with so many horrible things anymore. Not for now anyway. Mikaela sat beside him and he held her hand. The girl smiled as he held her hand. She sometimes thought that since Soah and Sam are best friends, he'd forget about her sometimes. Though she knew he was a very loyal boyfriend. She also loved Soah.

    Will looked through the mirror at the three teenagers. He was glad that Sam was happy with a girlfriend, but he also knew that Soah wouldn't date until she knew she found the actual one.     Bee was driving, as usual.

    All that Soah was worried about was skipping school, but she knew that she needed a break after the very long weekend that the world was about to find out.

PART 1 IS FINISHED!!!! There will be a border to separate the two books, thank you for almost 400 reads and for reading this far! Much appreciated.

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