𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 | 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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The teens got pushed in the backseat with the 'leader'. Sam was in the middle while Soah was on the left and Mikaela on the right.
After a few minutes in silence and Soah glaring a hole through them, one of them say something, "So? Ladiesman217. That's your eBay username, right?" the man said taking out Sam's phone.
"Yeeah, but it was a typo and I ran with it," Sam said looking at Mikaela concerned. She looked a bit upset at the username choice. Soah groaned quietly.
"What do you think of this?" the man replayed Sam recording himself.
"Whoever finds this, I am Sam Witwicky. Mom, Dad, Mojo, I love you, Soah, stop being so darn stubborn! Also, dad if you find a magazine, it's not mine. It's for Miles, no that's a lie," Soah glares at Sam, what magazine!
"Is that you?"
"Yeah, that sounds like Ladiesman," Mikaela responded. Soah looked at her saddened, just because of a username, huh?
"Last night at the station, you told the officer that your car transformed," the tux guy said.
"That is a total misunderstanding. I said that the car had been stolen!" the man doesn't look convinced.
"Yeah," Sam replied looking nervous and having sweat go down his collar, "From me, but it's fine now because it came back!"
Soah's head snapped as she turned to Sam with Mikaela, "Well not by itself!"
"Well no!" Soah added with Mikaela, "Because cars don't do that because that would be crazy!" they all started to make a nervous laugh. Then after a few seconds, they put on a straight face.
"So what do you guys know about aliens?" everyone became silent.
"What like a martian? Like E.T. No!" Sam scoffed.
"Aliens don't exist," Soah added, "In real life that is."
The man wasn't convinced. He took out a badge. He looked at them, "You see this? This an I-can-do-whatever-I-want-and-get-away-with badge."
"Right," Sam breathed. If only Sam had that badge, he would use it all the time.
"I'm going to lock you up, forever," he added.
Soah goes up to the man, "What is the sector?" she asks him straight in the eye.
"Why you know, blondey?"
"Just tell me the darn sector!"
"For your information, it's Sector Seven," he scoffed, "Like you even needed to know that!"
Soah glared at him and leaned back whispered for the whole car to hear, "Sector Seven does not exist," she remembers her brothers teaching her about the sectors, and they told her that no matter what, there was never going to be a Sector Seven.
The man looked at her nervously for a second and she catches it, smirking, "And if that is true, how do you know that?"
"Well, coming from you getting nervous when I said that and my brothers taught me -which may I add in the military or is in college to go to the military- about the Sectors. Sector Seven will never be real," she smirked, saying the obvious. Sam smiled at her, she is saving their butts right now.
The man looked at her in disbelief. The girl read right through him, "You don't know what you're talking about!"
"Don't listen to him. He's just pissy 'cause he's got to back to guarding the mall!" Mikaela snarks.
"You, in the training bra. Don't test me. Especially with your daddy's parole coming up," the man tells her. Soah and Sam look at the black-haired girl in shock. Parole, her dad's a criminal?
"What, what parole?" Sam asked.
Mikaela avoided eye contact, "It's nothing."
"Oh, grand theft auto ain't nothing?"
Mikaela finally looked at Soah and Sam, "You know those cars my dad taught me to fix, well. . .they weren't always his."
Sam looked breathless while Soah looked at the girl in comforting eyes. You could tell she regretted them, "You stole cars?"
"Well, we couldn't always afford a babysitter, so sometimes he had to take me along."
"She's got her own juvie record to prove it. She's a criminal. Criminals are hot," the man added, sexually looking at Mikaela. Soah would slap the man's face, but she's handcuffed.
"Hey!" Soah growled, "Stop that! You making her uncomfortable!"
Just the something crashes into the car. Then it began to lift by the roof. Soah looked at Sam and Mikaela a bit relieved. They are saved. The car then fell to the ground with a loud bang, causing Soah to crash on the car seat hard with her face. Gashing a wound.
That was when she looked up and saw Optimus. She smiled happily.
"You a-holes are in trouble now. Gentlemen. . .I want to introduce you to my friend. Optimus Prime," Sam told them. Soah would slap Sam right about then, but she was in pain and relieved to see the Autobots.
"Taking the children was a bad move. Autobots! Relieve them of their weapons." Soon after the command, the Autobots came crashing from the bridge. Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, and Bumblebee were there. Jazz takes out his hand that held a powerful magnet, retrieving the soldiers' weapons.
After the guns and all are taken away, Optimus looked down at the two men as the teens get out. Mikaela grabbed the key to the handcuffs and uncuffs herself. Soah looked at her shocked, impressive.
"Hi there," the driver said with fear in tone.
"You don't seem afraid, are you not surprised to see us?"
"Oh, there are S-Seven protocols. Okay? I am not authorized to communicate with you, except to tell you. . .I can't communicate with you."
Soah looked at the man confused as she felt metal on her hands, seeing Mikaela take the handcuffs off. Soah thanked Mikaela, and she goes to Sam.
"Get out of the car," Optimus ordered.
"Me? You want me to--" well so much for not communicating with them.
Sam doesn't do anything but scoffs and said a nasty remark, "You're good with handcuffs too, huh," he said sarcastically. Soah slapped Sam right hard on the shoulder. He always is so judgemental!
Mikaela looked at Soah, knowing why she did that, and Sam was complaining about why she did that and that she was abusive.
"You guys weren't supposed to hear all that," she tells Sam after he was done complaining.
"Yeah, whatever," Soah this time gets slapped across the face. Hard. He looked at her in shock.
"What is wrong with you?!"
"What's wrong with you?! Sam! Stop being so darn judgemental! Do you know that saying of respecting girls?!" Soah shouted back. Sam pushed past her, not wanting to talk to either Soah or Mikaela.
Soah placed a hand on Mikaela's shoulder, "I would do the same for my family. Don't let Sam get to you, he can be a pithole," Mikaela smiled weakly and thanked her.
That was when Mikaela had her turn on Sam. She walks over to him while Soah just stayed where she was at, "Sam, I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in. When have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect little life?" Soah smiled. Well, at least she's was stepping up for herself.
Sam doesn't talk back and walked over to the man, that Soah still didn't get the name of. She watched from a bit far, "Big guys. Big guys with guns, huh?" the man said quietly.
Soah shouted from afar, "What is your name, idiot?!"
The man looked at her madly and doesn't answer at first until Jazz told him to, "Simmons! Alright, it's Simmons!"
Sam walked up to him, "Where's Sector Seven, Simmons? Answer me!" Sam ordered. Soah frowned, she was going to be mad at him for a while. At least he was doing what was right.
"I'm the one who asks questions around here. Not you young man!" the guy yells, though that didn't stop Sam, "Where did you take my parents?!"
"I am not at liberty to discuss it," Soah watched as Sam grabs the man's pocket and took out the badge.
"Hey, you touch me, that's a federal offense," Simmons said.
Soah walked up next to Mikaela, "Like you guys touched us isn't it?" she scoffed, "Sam, Sector Seven is a foul sector."
"This is Do-whatever-you-want-and-get-away-with-it badge, right?" Sam walked over to Soah and Mikaela to let them help look through the papers.
"Yeah, though you all are brave all sudden with these big alien friends standing over here," the man beside Simmons mutters sarcastically.
"Where is Sector Seven that doesn't even exist?!" Soah growled. Simmons looked at the girl. He was roasted, she knew that it didn't exist and he was busted for the rest of his life.
Though Simmons was going to play cool, "Wouldn't you like to know? You just said it doesn't exist!"
Soah was about to fight back when Sam walked over to Simmons, "Leave her alone! Now, tell her where it is!"
Just as Sam was walking back over to the girls as they search, Soah catches Bee takes someone off, hitting the man beside Simmon's head. As the man reached to feel the part where it hit, Soah saw liquid coming out. Soah groaned as she now saw what Bee is doing.
"Hey!" the guy yelled multiple times.
"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man," Optimus ordered, but a bit of entertainment came from his voice. Bee didn't say much as he shrugged and put back on his. . .thingy. That was when Soah and Mikaela walk over to the men.
"Alright, tough guy, take it off," Mikaela ordered. Soah looked at the girl oddly.
"What are you talking about?"
"Your clothes, all of it, off," Soah groaned. She doesn't want to see someone naked!
Simmons started to undress his belt, "Little ladies, this is the beginning of the end of your life," Soah shrugged. She honestly didn't mind because she would be with William. "You're a criminal. Let us face facts, it's in your gene pool," he rips off his clothes except for a layer. Soah was pleased he didn't go farther.
Mikaela looked pleased as Soah grabs the handcuffs, "Those are nice, now get behind the pole."
Simmons just does as the girl said and Soah didn't look very convinced, they had something planned. She looked at both men's hands. Finding a phone, she grabs it and turns it off, something didn't seem right about now.
"Hey! Give that back!" Simmons' friend said.
She then continued to handcuff them to the pole with her mind flowing. Looking at Simmons' friend, he looked at her smirking. She looked at the Autobots.
"Quick! Get out of here! They've got something planned!" she shouted as she locks the key in and throws it away in the grass. Bumblebee transforms into a car and the three teens get in.
Bumblebee goes through the radio, "Are you~sure they~have a plan?"
Soah nodded, "Yes, the phone was on speaker!"
That was when the Transformers gassed it, driving off when seeing a helicopter.
"Roll out!" Soah heard through the radio, Optimus' voice.
Bee lets the teens out, and Optimus lowers his hand, "Get on and hold onto something!" he shouted.
Optimus started running as two helicopters overhead. He ran over to a bridge and steadies himself in it. The three teens look down nervously. Out of everything Soah hated in life, heights was one of them.
The helicopters started to fly under them and Soah started panicking, "Easy you three," Optimus whispered. That was when a helicopter flew very close down and Soah slipped. Sam grabbed the girl's arm and Mikaela reached for the other.
"Please! Don't let me fall!" she said quite enough.
"Don't let go, Soah!" Sam demanded her.
"James! I'm slipping! I'm slipping!" she hollered, "Sam!" she cried. At that, both of them couldn't hold on much longer. Their weight was taken away and Soah started to slip out of their hands.
"SOAH!" Sam yelled, jumping off to try and catch his best friend, hoping Optimus would catch them on the way. Mikaela just stayed with Optimus, able to catch her balance.
Optimus tried to catch them with his feet, but it made it worse. The two hit the ground hard and Soah felt her face get a gash.
"Soah!" Sam cried. The girl just laid there, not able to get up with the pain. Sam ran over to the girl, and Mikaela ran to her side also. "Stel! Please!"
"I'm fine, James! Just help me get up!" she growls back. Sam sighs in relief and helps her up. Just then they look and see the yellow car gets attacked.
"BEE!" Soah yelled. As she caught her balance. She and Sam run to the car. More cars and helicopters flew around Bee, and some soldiers catch them. Soah wasn't going to let go that easily. She punched them and ran over to Bee.
They start spraying something on Bee and Sam takes whatever it was and sprayed it at the person, Soah was on duty of trying to punch the men. Mikaela was captured and taken to a car. Everything just seemed to happen so fast.
Both Sam and Soah were officially captured and taken from the soldiers. Walking over to a car while they both were yelling for Sam and Soah was crying.
They see Simmons as before, but not in his boxers and tank top, "Happy to see me?" he remarked. Soah glared at him and Simmons turns to the officers, "Put them in the car with the juvie girl," he ordered.
"Sector Seven doesn't exist! You hear me?! Sector Seven doesn't exist!" Soah shouted as she was banged into the car next to Sam. Her head hitting the metal of the car. Another one. They close the door tight and Soah watched as Bumblebee was getting frozen.
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A few minutes pass and Sam finally looked at Soah, quickly seeing two gashes on her head, he would reach to touch them, but he was handcuffed, again.
"You're bleeding, Stel," he informed her. The girl was looking down sadly. It was past midnight and the girl was very tired, stressed, her anxiety (that she was diagnosed at fourteen) was going haybiled, and her head throbbed. She didn't look well.
She didn't answer, but Mikaela looked at her concerned, looking at the driver she asked when they'll stop to help her get cleaned off. For sure they'd help the girl, she was about to pass out.
The officer looked at the blonde and goes to his radio, "Hey, we have an injured suspect here. let us stop for a while before getting on the plane to check up on her," a voice came from the other end and Sam had Soah lean down on him, "Yes, I understand she's a suspect, but she is going to have a concussion!"
The person on the other end agreed and allowed it. Sam looked at him, "Thank you."
The officer doesn't say anything. She looked familiar, quite familiar. He just couldn't point out where she is familiar. Sam looked down at Soah.
"Stay awake, okay?" he tells her, "Don't go to sleep."
The girl tried to stay awake, but her eyes were finally starting to droop, luckily they reached the airport in the next hour with Sam keeping her awake by asking her questions and such.
The girl tiredly gets out of the car but flops down on the first few steps. Sam tries to catch her, but she hits the ground, "SOSO!"
The officer ran over to the girl and looked at the boy, "Promise me you'll not run off!" Sam nodded. He took the key to the cuffs and lets the boy loose. Simmons walked up to them as Sam picked her up.
"What's going on here?!"
The officer looked at Simmons, "This girl needs medical attention now!"
"Not on my command!" Simmons yelled back.
Sam glared at the man, "You are a selfish brat! She'll get a concussion if you don't let her go to medical attention right now before we fly!"
Simmons looked at the boy and at the girl whose hair was covered in spots of red, blood. He then nods with fear over his face. He feared that those gashes were because of his doing. Sam nods and ran to the building with Soah in his arms.
"Where's the medical center?!" he asked shouting at no one in particular. People all around look at the teen boy.
"Down the hall to the left!" one answered as they see the girl in his arms. He ran over to the medical center and opens the door. The officer and Mikaela behind them run in as Sam placed Soah on a bed. The nurse looked at them confused.
"Bosely, what is this inconvenous?" she asked.
"This girl," he just realized he never caught her name, "she hit her head two times hard! She needs medical attention!" he said back.
Mikaela and Sam were over Soah, comforting the girl to stay awake just for a bit longer. The nurse goes over to her, "You kids, move!" she demanded them. Mikaela and Sam walk back a few steps and watch the nurse checking the girl. Mikaela hugging Sam, scared. He still wasn't happy about Mikaela and her situation, but at the moment his mind was on Soah and Soah only.
"Hey darling, how's your head?"
"Hurts like heck pulled through," the girl moaned.
William Lennox walked into a unit with the rest of the survivors from the attack, soldiers all around are running around getting ready for the planes to run off, "When are we boarding?!" Lennox yelled.
"Estimated time, twenty minutes!" one said walking beside him. Lennox looked at him confused.
"There's a young teen girl in the medic right now. Cleaning her up at the moment," he answered. Lennox looked at the man. Well, he thinks, I will have time to call home.
"There a phone around here?" he asked. His unit also nods hoping they do. They nod, "Could we call family?"
"Sure thing, just follow me."
When William heard his wife's voice he sighed in relief, missing it very much, "Sarah," he breathed in the phone.
"Will?" she asked in a shocked voice, "Is that you?"
William smiles, "Yeah."
"Oh my gosh! Helene! Will's alive!" she shouted. Will smiles, he knew that he was pronounced dead and when he got accessed to a phone he needed to get it right away.
Someone else took the phone, "William?" his mother asked.
"Hey, mom."
"Oh thank God!"
He heard Annabelle in the background, but not Soah, "Where's Sonny?" he asked, referring to his nickname for his sister. Quietness comes from the other end of the phone and he grows worried, "Sarah? Mom?"
"William, Soah's gone missing. She was with Mikaela and Sam last night and the Witwicky house was taken from the cops," his mother said. Will's heart dropped. What?
"A-are you sure?"
Helene said a small yes through the phone, "The neighbors saw them take Mikaela, Sam, Judy, Ron, and Soah. Since then, we don't know."
"She wouldn't be in any trouble, would she?"
"No, we don't think. We've been at the police for hours now and they don't know where they are."
Helene tries to cheer up her son, "She'll be fine. Where are you anyway?"
"I'm at a unit about ready to go to Texas," he replied, "I won't be home for another few days."
"Be safe, alright?"
"I will, look I gotta. Love you!"
"Love you!"
He hung up the phone and ran his hand through his hair, worried about where Soah is now, "You okay buddy?" Epp -one of Will's friends- asked.
"Soah's gone missing."
Epp frowned at his friend as Will walks off, getting on the plane before it even started.

It's FINALLY LONG! Yes! Anyways, Happy Easter, y'all!

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