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      As Mikaela waited outside and the nurse was getting something for Soah, the girl faced Sam, "Stop being so bitter to her and talk to her!" she whispers.


     Soah rolled her eyes, "Mikaela!" the boy looked at the door, "Her father was the only family left that she has. She can't lose him."

      Sam just nodded, staying next to Soah as she was laying there. She wasn't wrong, he was bitter and he may have lost his chance at Mikaela.

     Soah was soon let go, but told that she needed sleep on the plane and to not bounce around a whole lot. Soah would ignore the fact that she couldn't bounce around and all, but she was drugged with sleep medicine so she could sleep.

     Sam was directed to carry the girl into the plane that the three teens were going to share with two other people. Mikaela and the black dude (Fig) sit in the back while the blonde (Maggie), Sam, and Soah were sitting in the middle and the pilots were in the front. I was silent for a while until Maggie said something.

      "So. .." she started, "What'd they get you for?"

      "Well, I bought a car. . .turned out to be an alien robot," Fig's mouth moved for a few seconds and Sam chuckles at himself, "Who knew?"

     "How about you two girls," she knew that Soah didn't have earmuffs on and was asked to sleep on the way, but she knew one would answer for the girl.

     "He kicked us off of our bike while another alien robot was chasing after us," Mikaela answered.

     "What about you?" Sam asked Maggie and Glen.

     "Cracked the code at the Pentagon. Asked us to come with them."

     Maggie looked at Soah, "What happened to her?"

     Sam took his best friend's hand and held it. The girl had his sweatshirt folded up as a pillow, "She hit her head hard."

     Maggie looked at her nervously, "Will she be alright?"


     Mikaela watches from the back as Sam watches Soah carefully while holding her hand. A bit of jealousy or something comes across her. No, stop Mikaela. He's just worried. They're just best friends. She knew what was happening, she was growing feelings for Sam.

     As they were on the plane, Will was looking out of the window. Another plane flew beside them, but was smaller. "So who's these kids we're taking?" he demanded an answer.

     "There's three. Two girls and a boy. We only know the boy's name, Sam," Keller answers.

     "Last name?"

Keller looked at the Lennox boy, the third one in the family that he has met, "I think it started with Wit or something of that sort. He has brown hair, skinny, brown sweatshirt, and tanned a bit."

Will looked at the man, Sam. "Would-Would his name perhaps be Sam Witwicky?" with all of his power, he was hoping it wasn't. If it was Sam, there was no way that Soah wasn't with him on the trip.

Keller took out a folder with papers in it, searching through his hands Will a picture and description of the boy, "Sam," Will breathed.

"What do the two girls look like?" he asked as soon as he could.

Keller looked at the colonel, "You know the kid, don't you?"

Everyone on the plane looked at William, he nodded, "That's my sister's best friend. There's no way she didn't let him go alone without her on something like this. Even if he fought her."

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