𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓 | 𝘖𝘭𝘥𝘺 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘯

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Soah puts the box down on the table. Getting out her car key she looked at the boys as the Decepticon screams to get out, "This  was going to be a little bit sad."
    "Open it," Sam encourages.
    The girl shrugs and opens it really quick, catching the chains. The small bot started squealing.
    "I will have so many Decepticons on your butts!" it shouted at Soah and Michelle. Soah points her key at the eye that it could see out of.
    "Hey, behave!" she demands.
    "Easy!" the small Transformer answers.
    Sam looked at Soah. He knows they aren't on speaking terms, so he faced Michelle, "What was it, a Decepticon?"
    The girl nodded , "Yeah, I guess."
    Soah rolled her eyes, "Isn't it obvious, Sam? Stop being a dumbass."
    Simmons purses his  lips, remembering when she would stop them from cussing, "Ouch." He knew that they would've changed, but the girl seemed to really not care about her language towards Sam.
    Sam looked sadly at Soah, "So you're trying to train him?"
    The girl glares at Sam, "No, I'm just keeping him captive for no reason at all!" she said sarcastically. "Yes, Sam! I am!"
    "Okaaay," Simmons told Soah, "Calm your little fiery temper down."
    The girl rolled her eyes. The Decepticon looked at Soah, "I'm Wheelie by the way, since I never got to that part."
    "Yeah, I don't care," Sam glared at the girl, "Look, if you are a good boy, and tell us what these symbols translate as, I won't kill your other eye," she coos.
    Wheelie growled, "You changed your emotions really quick, but I guess I'll take it."
    He looked down at the symbols, "Oh, I know that. That's the language of the Primes. I don't read it, but these guys. . ." Wheelie states, "where the frick did you find photos of these guys?"
    Sam pulls up a photo, "was this  them?" he asked.
    "Yeah. Seekers, pal. Oldest of the old. They've been here thousands of years, looking for something. I don't know what. Nobody told  me nothing, but they'll translate those symbols for you. And I know where to find them," the Decepticon bribes.
    "Show us," Simmons smiles.
    The Decepticon put up a few red lasers to a map, "Closest one's in was hington."
    ⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹ ⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶⚹⚶
    As Simmons, Soah, and Sam were in Bee (Michelle and Leo decided to go in Mudflap) it was  silent. Michelle talked Soah into being in the same car as Sam alone to talk, but Simmons decided to get in Bee too.
    Soah sat on the backseat left, Simmons in the passenger seat, and Sam on the backseat left.
    "So. . .have you two dated yet?" Simmons asked with awkwardness, "Y'all seem quiet."
    Soah and Sam look at each other really quick and shake their head, "No."
    "Well, what happened to Miss. Juvey Slayor?" Simmons asked. Soah avoids eye contact, but answers.
    "She's doing pretty good. Went back to dating someone else," she replies. Sam looked at her shocked, "Though Sam can't get over her."
    "You didn't tell me this," he alluded.
    The girl shrugs, not answering him. At this  point, it's starting to really bother Sam with her giving him the silent treatment.
    "Will you talk to me?" he solicits. The girl doesn't answer or anything. "PLEASE!?" Simmons just rolled down in his  seat.
    Soah finally looked at Sam, "I am tired of being treated like a TWELVE YEAR OLD, SAM! That's all you've been doing this  past twenty-four hours! I can do just fine without you telling me what I can or cannot do! I flew TWO WHOLE STATES TO SEE YOU SNOGGING A DECEPTICON!"
    The girl chuckles, "You know, Sam. If you really cared that much for me, you'd beg to keep the friendship. But you didn't."
    Sam sighed, "Sorry for yelling. The reason why I didn't beg was because I was  hoping you'd say something after that. I was  also heartbroken and didn't know what to do."
     Soah just rolled her eyes, "Tell you what?"
    Sam plays with his  fingers, "That you love me," he mutters quiet enough just so then Simmons could barely hear it. The girl looked confused from not hearing him.
    "What you say?"
    Sam stops and breathed, Shit. He looked at Soah, "Just don't worry about it."
    Though the girl wanted to know, "What did you say, Samuel?" she asked him with a stern voice. "Sam?"
    "Can we just not talk right now?" he asked, "and be friends again?" he just couldn't say it yet. Something pulled him away from saying it.
    Soah thought for a second and nodded  her head, "Yeah, alright."
    It then went silent.
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    As they pull up to the museum, Simmons said something annoying, "Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Land of dreams in there. All I ever wanted to be was  an astronaut," he said proudly.
    He faced Michelle, "Hold these."
    "What was that?" Sam asked as Simmons started to undress himself out of his  yankie uniform. Soah pulls her eyes onto Sam's shoulder, not wanting to keep the scene she just saw imprinted on her brain for the rest of her life.
    "What? I wear them when I am in a funk, so does Glambi, Jeter. It's a baseball thing," he responded. He looked at Michelle, "Help me get this uniform tightened."
    Michelle glared at the man, "I don't know about that."
    Leo went up to her ear, "All you have to do was make sure it's strapped."
    The girl hesitates and nodded , "Oh fine."
    After strapping him up and Sam telling the blonde that it was  alright to see, Simmons started talking again, "Okay. Watches synchronized, sharp mind and empty bladder. You get caught, demand an attorney, and don't ever say my name."
    Soah smirks, "I don't know if I can do that, Douchebag."
    "Whatever, take one of these pills," he tosses Sam some mint. Soah nodded, she completely forgot about Sam getting cranky when things like this happen, "Slip it under your tongue. It's a high-concentrate polymer they put in Oreo cookies. Tricks the polygraph everytime."
    Soah looked at him with so much confusion, "What?"
    "Just keep up with the listening, Blondie."
    Soah huffs silently, "Okay. Now, let's get this show on the road."
    Leo started to panic, probably realizing that he's about to break the law, "Whoa, whoa. No, listen, I can't do this!"
    "Yes you can," Michelle states.
    "I'm not some alien bounty hunter, guys. I'm not gonna do this  . Guards have guns. I don't want to die."
    Soah rolled her eyes, he doesn't get the moto of almost dying, does he?
    "Kid. Kid. Kid. Kid. Kid. Kid. You compromise this mission, you are dead to me. Now look into my eyes and tighten up that sphincter," Simmons demands.
    Soah and Michelle smirk at one another. Leo was going to be the death to them. Sam carefully looked around, "We better get on in there, closing soon."
    Simmons nodded as Sam tossed back the pills. They walk in like normal human beings would, and after a few minutes of them looking around, one of the guards called out.
    "The museum is now closing," Soah looked at Sam with a worried expression. He stops her from talking and took her to the back were he found earlier.
    Michelle follows while Simmons goes somewhere else. As they hide, Soah noticed that Leo was  missing, "Where's Leo?" she asked them.
    Soah looked around and snarls, "He really was going to be the death of us."
    That was when she heard a whistle, "Yo, baba! Bad noew, bro! Ran out of toilet paper! You got any out here? Please tell me you do."
    Soah groaned, "He better have a laser or else I am going to whip the crap out of him."
    Sam smirked at the girl's comment. "Sir, I suggest you get in there. The museum was closed!"
    "Listen man, I understand that, but as you can see this  was important. All right? Thumper dumper. I got to go. All right."
    Michelle peaks out and saw Leo's pants down, "You've got to be kidding me," she mumbles.
    "What?" Soah asked.
    "his  pants are halfway down!" she whis  pers back.
    After a few minutes of quietness, Simmons ran up to their hiding spot, "All clear, do you know where Leo is?"
    The girls look at each other worried, "Well, he uh, was in the bathroom?" Simmons rolled his eyes.
    "Get that Decepticon and splinter, we better do this quickly."
    Soah and Michelle nod as Sam and Simmons goes to find Leo. Getting in the back of Bee, Michelle looked at Soah.
    "Was this how it was before?" she asked, "At Mission City?"
    Soah sighed looking at Bee, "In some ways, but this was more independent."
    Michelle just nodded  taking the box while Soah grabs the splinter. They walk back in with Leo on the floor recovering a bit, "What did he do?" they both ask.
    "Tasered himself," Sam groaned, "We'll go searching," he replies taking Soah's arm.
    The others nod and Soah took  her arm back. She hands Sam the splinter, "Be careful, Sam. I know that thing caused a lot of harm the last time you touched it."
    Sam chuckles and takes it, pulling out a holder thing to catch it with. Just then Wheelie. The Decepticon transformed and turned to Soah, "I'm claustrophobic, ya know? Besides, I overheard everything you said. Just admit your darn feelings!"
    Sam and Soah blush furiously. They start searching and Soah finally looked at Wheelie, "Follow him. He knows where he's going. . .He knows something!"
    "What?" Sam told  her, letting her know that he can't hear her.
    "He knows something!"
    They start running after Wheelie. After running for a minute, Wheelie transforms, and turns to the five people running after him, "Ohh, there he is. This  guy's a legend, like, like, like the Chairman of the Board! Yo, Freshman, point the shard and watch the magic happen."
    The plane was  black and it looked quite old. Stepping close to it, the shard magnets itself to the plane. They all run to find a symbol from cybertron. When Soah saw the Decepticon symbol she curses, "It's a Decepticon!"   
    They all run back except for Simmons, "Decepticon?" he breathed.
    Leo and Michelle looked confused, "Decepticon?" they asked together.
    "Behind the MiG now!" Simmons yelled. They all run behind a plane. Wheelie ran into Soah's arm, and she keeps him back.
    The Decepticon started to transform, "Ah. What sort of hideous mausoleum was this? Answer me, pawns and knaves! Show yourselves or suffer my infinite wrath! You little spinal-cord-based organisms!"
    They slowly come out with their hands up in the air. Wheelie turned to the girls, "I tell you, thisguy did not age well."
    "We know, Sherlock."
    Soah walks up to Sam, "I don't think he's gonna hurt us."
    "I command these doors to open!" the Transformer said, "Fire! I said fire!" though the missel didn't go to the garage door, it went behind him, causing everyone to say 'whoa'.
    "Oh, bollocks! Damn these worthless pars," the black transformer grunted.
    Some huge thing from the Transformer fell out, "Wait a second!" Sam shouted as he saw the Decepticon walk out.
    Simmons started to panic, "Oh, the museum was going to be very angry. Very angry. We gotta catch that plane."
    The Decepticon walks out, "Right, I'm on a mission."
    They all chase after him, "Wait, wait, wait!" they shout.
    The Decepticon growled in cybertronian, "What do you want?"
    Sam stands in front of everyone, "We just want to talk!" Soah shouted at the Decepticon since no one else seemed to be very calm.
    "I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission. I'm a mercenary doom-bringer," Soah looked at him with confusion. What's a mercenary doom-bringer?
    "What planet am I on?!" he commands.
    "Earth," Sam replies.
    "Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it dirt. Planet dirt. Tell me, was that robot civil war still going on? Who's winning?" he asked. Soah growled at the name the Decepticon gave Earth. Little did she know that Earth had such a cooler name to Cybertron than Earth.
    "The Decepticons?" Sam guesses, not really knowing. The Decepticon spits, causing Soah to look confused. If he's a Decepticon, shouldn't he be happy?
    "Well, I change sides to the Autobots."
    Sam looked at the black Transformer with the same expression, "What do you mean, change sides?"
    The Transformer- now a Autobot -shrugs, "It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?"
    "You'd be surprised," Soah mutters.
    "You mean you don't have to work for those miserable freaking Decepticons?" Wheelie asked the Transformer one hundred times larger than him.
    "If Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe."
    Wheelie went up to Soah's leg and hanged from it, the girl glared at it at first, but she found it assuming when he started begging.
    "I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too, fiery blonde. Who's your little Autobot?" the girl tries hard to chuckle at the cuteness. I think I found my new pet thing.
    Sam looked at her with a look of 'really?' "You're funny," she said.
    "Name's Wheelie. Yeah. Yeah. Say my name, say my name," it begs. Soah tries hard to not laugh.
    "What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?" Sam asked her in disbelief. The girl faced him.
    "At least he's grateful, Sam. If he didn't beg right now, he'd be kicked away," she told  him smiling.
    Sam rolled his eyes and shooed the new Autobot away, "Can you just. . .stop? That looked weird."
    Sam started to kick him away, "Ey, what are you doing?"
    "It's just something to think about. I won't argue with. . ." he then remembered that the other large bot was  saying something before, "What were you saying?"
    "I told you my name is Jetfire! So stop judging me!" it hollars causing them to fall to the ground.
    They start to hollar at Jetfire. "Somebody shit the bed this  morning," Wheelie exclaimed. Soah looked at the bot.
    "If you want to be loyal to me, you are not allowed to cuss like that on daily basis," she mellowed.
    Wheelie rolled his  eyes, "Whatever."
not fire his  thing, but he fell back. "I have issues of my own, and it started with my mother!" Soah rolled her eyes, Obviously. "My ancestors have been here for centuries. My father, why he was the wheel! The first wheel. So you know what he Transformed into?"
    "No," Simmons responded.
    "Nothing! But he did so with honor! Dignity, damn it!"
    "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" they all see as he fell back with his  pooch.
    They have to run over to him to meet him again, "Oh, bollocks. My boosters are fired, Aww," the bot fires.
    "I think we can help each other. You know things I don't know," Sam said smirking, "I know things you don't know, I do," he said as he pointed at Jetfire.
    Leo shakes his  head, "I don't think he knows anything. Honestly, I don't."
    Sam gives him a glance, but then looked at Jetfire again, "Please, for the love of God, listen."
    Jetfire grunted and allowed him to do whatever. Sam faced Simmons, "I need a knife."
    Simmons looked through his  bag and hands Sam a skinning knife, "Here you go, son."
    They all sit back and watch Sam make carvings in a circle of symbols. After a few minutes Sam faced Jetfire, "I could do this  all day. It comes in waves, these vivid symbols. They're symbols, but they're in my mind. You see, all this  was in my mind, and Megatron wants what's in my mind. Him and someone called the Fallen."
    Jetfire looked at the symbols, seeming to read them, "The Fallen? I know him. He left me here to rust. The original Decepticon. He's terrible to work for. It's always apocalypse, chaos, crisis. These transcriptions, they were part of my mission, the Fallen's search. I remember now, for the Dagger's Tip, and-and the key."
    Soah looked at him, "Yeah, wait, slow down. The Dagger's Tip? The key?" Simmons, Leo, Michelle, and Soah walk up near Sam, "What are you talking about?" Sam asked.
    "No time to explain," Jetfire told  them, hoovering them over with Bee, the twins, and Wheelie also.
    "Wait, wait-"
    "Hold on, everybody! Stay still or you'll die!" Jetfire yelled. Soah grabs onto Sam's jacket (which he took with him on the first big mission). That was  when she felt herself transport and fly in the air.

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