𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 | 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒅

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      "Soah?" Sam asks in a serious tone. The girl looks down and hears something come up. Just a few seconds later a yellow and black car stops right where they are.

     Sam lets go of one of the arms but looks at the car in awestruck. They all go in the car and Sam goes in the back with Soah. The car speaks through the radio, "Did I~hurt you?"

     Soah shakes her head, "It'll just be a bit bruised," she tells it. The car doesn't say anything else. Though Soah doesn't look at Sam. She knew he was going to ask her about the bruises that she covered up with her jacket all the time.

     As she predicted, Sam started speaking, "Soah. Where did you get those from?" he asks. Soah doesn't respond and Mikaela looks back at Sam.

     "Stop bothering her about it," she tells him. Sam looks at Mikaela.

     "You know, don't you?" he asks Mikaela. The girls don't say anything. He faces Soah, "Why did you let her know and not me. . ." he drifts off. Thinking that she was raped or something.

     Soah doesn't look at him, she always has been insecure about her body and getting bruises and all doesn't help.

     "Soah, did you get it. .raped?" he asks. Both girl's eyes go wide and Soah faces Sam.

     "No, it's not that!" she replies, she had to tell him the truth at some point. Taking a deep breath she finally faces her best friend, "I get physically bullied at school."

     "What?" Sam was so shocked. How could he not tell? Everything seemed so fine with her. She must have always covered it with her attitude.

     "The only reason why Mikaela knew about it is that she was the one to stop them all the time."

     "You didn't fight back. . .?" Sam asks. The girl shook her head. Sam takes a hold of his best friend and cradles her in his arms. As Soah was trying to get comfortable in her best friend's arms she looks outside and sees four balls off. . .meteors possibly.

     "Visitors from heaven," Soah mutters remembering the yellow car's saying earlier.

     Sam looks at her confused but then feels something bump and hears something crash. Looking outside, he sees fireballs hitting the ground.

     Soon the teens get out of the car and in front of the car. Soah was still getting comforted by Sam since he didn't want to let go quite yet. Though when they feel another crash, Mikaela and Sam reach for each other's hand.

     Soah notices and moves away from them, grabbing her Nikita, she gets her camera and snaps a picture. She also was glad that she was finally out of Sam's comfort. She hated the fact that he comforted her sometimes. It just made her have more of a temper.

     A few seconds passed and the three teens started to run closer to the one that crashed closest. With everything that has happened so far this week, Soah hoped that what they are running after is not going to get them caught in some mess.

     When they finally arrive, many vehicles are around them transforming. Though one catches Soah's eye. A black GMC truck that was transforming. She loved the color and the design of the truck. She looks back forward and sees a red and blue semi-truck that Soah always called 'interstate trucks'.

     Out of all trucks the girl has seen, by far that one was her favorite. It kept going when it was about ten feet away and the teens walked back a few feet. When it reached them, it transformed and bent down at Sam.

     "Are you Samuel James Witwicky? Descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" it asked. The girl stared at it in awestruck. It knows Sam's full name and genealogy.

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