chapter forty-four ✔️

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katie porter- november 20, 2020 -

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katie porter
- november 20, 2020 -

I STRETCHED MY ARM OUT across the kitchen bar. This advanced psychology class was kicking my ass more than I ever thought it would. Three months into that damn psych degree and I was suffocating under all the homework.

            Grabbing my phone, I shot off a text.

            Katie: Professor Torrez is honestly kicking my ass.

            Jack Daniels: The guy comes off harsh, but he's a huge softy. Don't tell him I told you that though.

            I tapped my fingers against the edge of my computer, but nothing was coming to my brain for the paper. Squinting at the screen, I huffed and swiveled the chair around. Kevin jumped from the couch and ran over. Sitting in front of me, he started to whine.

            Laughing, I bent down and rubbed him behind the ear. He started panting before he jumped up and pranced around the room. I glanced down at my watch and sighed. I'd been staring at that computer longer than I thought.

            I probably had time to take a small walk about Kensington with Kevin. As soon as I grabbed the leash, that's when the barking and jumping started. I laughed, clipping it to his collar. We trotted down the steps and I took one glance at my car on the way.

            Jackson and I had taken it to get the dent out of the side, but I still hadn't driven by myself quite yet. I knew I could if I wanted to. Probably. I just figured that I would when the time came. I would have many opportunities to drive in the future, plus I liked to walk.

            First, we stopped by the bakery to say hello to Sophia and Marianna. They were more than thrilled to see Kevin and so was he. They fed him a treat as we went over the schedule for the next couple of days. Elisha and Max were supposed to be back soon, but I told them it was no hurry.

            Kevin was a delight and the shop was covered. They deserved some time alone together. The bakery had been occupied all over their time for months now. The three of us almost had to actually run them out of town just to get them to go.

            "Are you fighting this weekend?" Sophia asked, filling one of the display cases, "Derrick said, Kathrine's been working on a killer hook shot."

            "Kathrine's got another think coming if she thinks she's going to knock me out." I smiled, "Of course, I'll be there."

            Marianna smiled, "I don't bet on fights, but if I did, I'd probably put my money on you."

            Laughing, I grabbed a cookie, "As much as I appreciate it. That wouldn't be the wisest decision. I just got back into boxing. I'm still a little rusty. I talk a good game, but it could all be different once you're in the ring."

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