chapter three ✔️

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stevie hopkins- november 11, 2018 -

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stevie hopkins
- november 11, 2018 -

MUSIC POUNDED AGAINST MY EARDRUMS. Thankfully the wires weren't getting all tangled together this time. They liked to do that when I was running; especially if I was behind schedule. I needed to invest in a pair of those wireless ones. Maybe then I could get somewhere on time.

            Two years into this whole college thing and I still couldn't seem to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time. It wasn't like Kensington was all that big or anything, but compared to Cottage Grove it was humongous. How people got from point A to point B without getting lost was beyond me.

            It was funny how something always seemed to go wrong for some people. Some people; including me. Either the alarm didn't go off, or I would take another wrong turn, or you know, it was something really ridiculous like it happened to be a Tuesday.

            And, that was the last thing I needed with Ethan waiting on me. He did that a lot; wait on me. He was most surely used to it by now, but I've been trying to get better. All I knew for sure at the moment was that Ethan would have my head this time and it wasn't going to be pretty.

            He wasn't the most patient guy in the world and I'm sure I've pushed his limits one too many times since we met in kindergarten. Maybe that will help me in the long run.

            He knew what he got himself into after a year or two of being friends we were working on twenty years now. Sure, we've had our fair share of arguments as any friends do, but we were solid. We were a team. It was us against the world.

            But people depended on you when you were part of a team; a duo. That meant something.

            Lately it just felt as if I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Everything had deadlines and expectations. I was trying to be everything to everyone and it was getting exhausting. And on top of all of that, I had to deal with my crazy family.

            It was more than any sane person could realistically handle. Let alone someone who dealt better with numbers and algorithms than they did with actual real-life people. It was different than dealing with how many apples Peter had left after giving two of them to Sally who shared half of those with John who started with eight. You know?

            But on the bright side, there were only two weeks left until winter break which meant we'd be heading back home for the holidays. A treat for him. Chaos for me. I could kiss my privacy and the rest of my sanity goodbye.

            The wind nipped at my chilled nose; the tip of it already a pale pink color. Winter lingered in the back of everyone's minds. They all couldn't stop talking about holidays and winter traditions. I had to fight back the jealousy that scratched at the base of my neck. Home for the holidays meant working, chores and more noise than you could possibly imagine.

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