chapter seventeen ✔️

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katie porter-january 11, 2020 -

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katie porter
-january 11, 2020 -

HEAVING A PLASTIC CONTAINER OUT of the back of the bakery van, my smile wavered the smallest amount. Did Elisha seriously think that we'd sell that many cookies? And this was only one kind of cookie. I wasn't going to complain. The poor girl had been up since 2am baking for this thing.

            I set them on top of the stack I'd already unloaded. I pulled out a box of flyers. They didn't look so great. With the logo of the bakery across the front and very minimal information inside, I shook my head. I wasn't the creative one of my friends, but Elisha was far too busy to have to think about flyers as well.

            She said they looked good, but what does she know? She only got a couple of hours of sleep last night. I'm surprised she was even standing, let alone smiling at everyone who walked up to our booth. There was something known as toxic positivity and at this point, I was almost worried for her sanity.

            Apparently today was a cookie kind of day or maybe we just came to the right place. At around noon we'd already sold out of all our chocolate chip and red velvet cookies. Elisha had handed out more flyers and business cards than either of us thought we would.

            Even with us only halfway through the day, I'd have to say it was a bit of a success on our part. We've only got a couple of donations, but we were selling goods and getting the word out there for people to know. Elisha kept trying out different slogans for the cause, but so far nothing stuck.

            "Excuse me," I turned at the voice and stopped in my tracks. I shook my head and tried to get control of my racing heart. Flexing out my fingers, I walked up to the front.

            "Melissa, hey." I smiled, but it wavered the smallest amount, "I didn't know you came to these."

            She waved it off, "About once a month. My mom just loves things like this. I saw the booth and had to come get some of Elisha's cake rolls. Caleb can't get enough of them. He goes in almost everyday to get one and I just thought I'd surprise him."

            "That's thoughtful of you."

            Her smile widened, "Well, you must know how busy he's been lately with work and everything. Us girls gotta take care of him, right?"       

            "Exactly." I wanted to throw up. She was so nice and I knew what Caleb was doing to her. What we were doing to her.

            "Why'd you guys come all the way over here?" She asked while Elisha got her carrot cake rolls together.

            "We're raising money for the bakery. It's in some financial trouble and we thought if we went to more places, we could get the word out. Maybe get some donations."

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