chapter thirteen ✔️

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januarie robinson- december 5, 2018 -

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januarie robinson
- december 5, 2018 -

DAY THREE HUNDRED FINALLY OVER. I felt like I'd reached some kind of milestone somehow. February through December. Nine whole months and it all seemed like such a blur to me now. Summer had been a constant rush of people and just as it began to slow, we were getting ready for the Christmas season which was approaching far too quickly.

            Every time I thought of Christmas, Elena found her way into my mind. My eyes would brim with tears that I'd have to wipe away. I took Lucas' words with me everyday and every moment I had free was spent with her.

            The doctors have her on all kinds of crazy medications and diets now. She'd lost a lot of her hair from the chemotherapy and decided one night to just shave the rest. Now she had a closet full of the prettiest wigs I think I'd ever seen.

            Thankfully, she'd been nothing but positive about the whole thing. They say attitude has so much to do with the recovery process. I'm just crossing my fingers that they're right.

            With my purse slug over my shoulder, I knocked on the office door before stepping inside. Carmen spared me only a second glance and continued counting the end of the night tills. Looking up from the computer, Lucas gave me a once over and sent me a smile.

            He rolled his chair back and leaned into it, "Heading out for the night?"

            "Oh, yeah," looking down at the paper in my hands, my smile dropped, but returned just as quick, "I just needed to drop this off before I left."

            He took the paper and looked it over, "White Winter Festival? What's that?" His eyes came up to meet mine and he raised his brows.

            I laughed, but when his expression remained the same, my jaw dropped, "You don't know what the White Winter Festival is? How long have you lived here?"

            "In Kensington? About six years," he shrugged.

            "And, you've never been?" I shook my head. Setting my purse on the desk, I rifled through its many compartments. Stuffed at the bottom, all wrinkled and edges ripped, I pulled out a flyer for the festival I'd taken from City Hall.

            "It's this giant festival they hold on Main Street every year around Christmas time. It kind of shuts down the whole town for a weekend. How have you really never noticed?" I stood there stunned.

            How could someone live in a town like this one and never gone to the festivals before? Kensington had more than its fair share of festivals throughout the year, but White Winter Festival was one of the biggest.

            "Anyways," I grabbed my purse and ran a hand through my hair, "there's live music and all kinds of games. They put up a giant tree in the middle of the road. There's more food than you can imagine and drinks too; both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. I go with my family every year, most people do."

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