chapter fifteen ✔️

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stevie hopkins-  february 8, 2018 -

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stevie hopkins
- february 8, 2018 -

MY HANDS FIDGETED BY MY side. This dress didn't fit right or feel right. I pulled up on the top, trying to get it in a position that I liked, but nothing seemed to work. It was awkward and uncomfortable with this damn boot.

            Chelsea's hand rested on my shoulder, "You really need to relax."

            "This place is so fancy," I said, moving the strap around again. I should have worn a floor length dress like all the rest of these women. I didn't exactly know what I was getting into when I said I would help with the auction, but neither did Ethan.

            He looked just as uncomfortable in his vortex suit and tie and I did. He kept adjusting the tie as if it were slowly choking him. Not exactly flattering him by any means.

            I gestured to the dance floor, "I mean, look at these people."

            Chelsea laughed. She pointed across the way to a man in a three-piece suit and trimmed beard, "That guy there, his name's Andy. He's a short order chef at The Blue Goose Diner."

            She then pointed to a beautiful blonde woman in a floor length, powder pink dress. She hung tight to a handsome man in a suit with short, black hair and bushy eyebrows, "That's Elisha and her husband Max, they run the Sunshine Bakery. They're just ordinary people, like you and I. No one you need to impress here, trust me."

            I breathed out a sigh. She was right. I didn't know these people. I'd probably never really interact with them again.

            "Excuse me." Chelsea and I turned, coming face to face with a redheaded girl. She had these big, square glasses and freckles covered her skin. Her red curls were barely held back with a single clip, but a couple around her face still escaped.

            She smiled and I felt myself smile as well, "I was just wondering if you knew where we could check in. My friends and I volunteered to help." She gestured behind her and that's when my smile dropped, but only a little.

            One girl had long black hair, caramel skin, and a frown on her face. Her dress was long, black and sparkling, but that didn't seem to do anything for her sour mood. The other had champagne blonde hair, her hands were covered with rings, and she wore a baby blue dress that made me wonder how on earth she could possibly breathe in it; however, it was the boredom on her features that was the most apparent.

            This redhead looked like she was the only one in the group that actually wanted to be there. She stood in a red dress that almost matched her hair, but it sparkled. She paired it with these silver hoop earrings and a long necklace.

            "Actually, that's with me." Chelsea smiled, holding up a clipboard, "What are the names?"

            "Januarie Robinson, Victoria Stinson, and Elena Kruz."

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