chapter eight ✔️

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katie porter- january 4, 2020 -

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katie porter
- january 4, 2020 -

            YOU KNOW THAT MOMENT WHEN you're standing at the edge of a cliff? You get that small boost of courage to peak over the side. Yet, as soon as you do look, your stomach drops into your shoes and you feel as if you might actually throw up.

            That's kind of what waiting on Caleb felt like. The adrenaline junk in me said to dive over the side, but the little voice in the back of my head told me to stay on the shore. Stay cautious. Don't do anything drastic. Take things step by step.

            Sitting on the couch, my legs bounced in sequence and I twisted my ring over and over again. If he didn't get here soon, I might just hop in the shower and start again. That would be the worst possible decision, but I've always been incredibly good at those.

            I stood, grabbed the bottom of the graphic tee and pulled it over my head. On my way to the bathroom, I left a trail of clothes behind me. Unclipping my necklace and bracelets, I set them next to the sink for safe keeping.

            Water poured from the shower head and ran down my arm when I tested the temperature. Goosebumps prickled across my skin. I hopped in and let the water wash away my nerves. Music thumped from the speaker stuck to the wall. The thought of Caleb's kiss entered my mind. That was something I could get used to; kissing Caleb.

            The sound cut off abruptly by the ringing of my phone. I jumped and scrambled to finish the shower before the ringing ended, even though I knew it was nearly impossible. Really, what was the fun of having limitations if you didn't push them every once in a while.

            I had just enough time to wrap my towel around my body when my phone started singing again. Caleb's name rolled across the screen. My heart leaped suddenly in my chest. I dried my hands the best I could before answering.

            "Hey," I could practically hear him smiling through the phone, "I'm outside."

            "Shit," I fumbled with the leg of my skinny jeans, "fuck." I wiggled them up and pulled the towel tight around my upper body.

            I yanked open the door and smiled, "Sorry, shower." Looking down at myself, I cringed. Water dripped from the ends of my hair and the January wind nipped at my bare shoulders.

            Caleb laughed, "It's okay, I understand. Take your time."

            "Come in," I moved out of the way and gestured to the couch, "I won't take much longer, promise."

            His eyes wandered down before bouncing back up to meet mine, "Isn't that what they all say?"

            "Give me five minutes. That's all I need."

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