chapter twelve ✔️

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stevie hopkins- december 21, 2017 -

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stevie hopkins
- december 21, 2017 -

WE ALL CRAMMED INTO LUNA'S silver car. Voices yelled over each other as people tried to get comfortable in the limited amount of space. The only people even remotely fine were Luna who was driving and Jackson in the passenger seat. Everyone else had either someone on top of them or an elbow digging into their ribcage; me included.

            "You really should have sat on top of me instead," Chelsea laughed, her back against the door and her feet twisted with Nichole's as they laid across the laps of everyone else.

            "No, it's okay." I smiled, "I wouldn't want my boot getting in the way. Plus, from my point of view, I've got a pretty good seat."

            "Is that right?" She asked, her eyes locked with mine as her hand came up to run through her hair. It always looked so perfect with it's neat little curls. I never understood how she managed that. Half the time mine just looked like a mess of frizz on my head.

            When she smiled, I felt as if I couldn't quite breathe properly. How could she do something like that so effortlessly? Steal my breath with a smile or a quiet giggle.

            "Of course, but I love your feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me."

            Chelsea's brows shot up, nervous laughter escaping her. I smiled at the sound, "D-Did you just come up with that?"

            "Are you impressed?"

            "Depends," she turned to me and whispered, "did you write it?"

            "I found it on the internet."

            Her smile widened, "Ah, the internet is all knowing."

            I laughed, "All knowing, but never understanding... Some things it just can't seem to grasp."

            She glanced around the car before raising a brow at me, "And what is it that the internet doesn't quite understand?"

            That statement had been a poor decision. Why it even came from my lips, I'll probably never actually know, but I could feel my face start to heat up, "The same things I don't, I guess. I know numbers and equations and statistics. It's the human things, the important things that it seems to miss."

            She laughed, nudging me a little, "Look at you being all sentimental. What a turn of events we have here."

            I pretended to shake it off my shoulders, but still smiled, "You're absolutely right. I didn't like that one bit. It was weird to say the least."

            She rolled her eyes playfully, "But, seriously, you've never once driven down Christmas Lane."

            "Nope. Never. I only moved here for school."

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