chapter four ✔️

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januarie robinson- march 26, 2018 -

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januarie robinson
- march 26, 2018 -

PEAKING AROUND THE SIDE OF Lucas, I glanced at the paper in his hands. Splattered across the front page was a title something along the lines of, 'RIVERFRONT FLOOD WARNING FROM INCREASING WATER LEVELS'. Underneath was a picture of a tail bridge half submerged in a creek.

"You're always reading the paper." I looked up at him. He didn't turn to me, but he fought his lips from twitching up.

"Any chance I get," he said, "especially here. With all the towns being so small a lot of people travel to watch their movies here. I like to keep up with the events happening around us. This way I can talk to regulars about it or even people visiting for the very first time."

He glanced over, but turned back instantly. His shoulders tensed up and he stood up a little straighter, "It helps—"

Letting out a slow breath, Lucas shook his head, "It helps people connect with the place and the people who work here, plus they usually have a better experience overall."

Stepping back, I moved in front of the soda tower to stand next to him instead of looking around him. He nodded and handed the paper to me, "Here. It's a great habit to get into if you're working in customer service."

"Well," I smiled, flipping through its pages, "there's only really one thing I look for in the paper."

The pages felt rough against my fingertips as I ran them along the columns. Finding the horoscopes next to Dear Abby, I stopped and looked up at him, "When's your birthday?"

He went to speak, then cleared his throat, "I'm a Scorpio."

I laughed. It was one of those easy laughs. The kind that happened without even thinking about it. I hadn't been that comfortable for a long time. I still noticed how he didn't answer the question, "You don't know this yet, but I have some of the best detective skills of anyone I know."

"No. It's not you." He spoke quickly, "It's just... It's not something I normally tell people."

"Only animals then?"

There were few things I hated more than my birthday. I hadn't celebrated that day since I was young. Mainly because something horrible always happened. Among other things. In conclusion, it was the worst day of the entire year.

I turned to look at him and I could see it clear as day; it was in every fiber of his being. There was something about birthdays that rubbed him the wrong way. The twisting in the pit of my stomach told me it wasn't good.

Was that how I looked when someone mentioned my birthday to me?

"Birthday regret." I nodded, "I understand all too well. Probably more than most."

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