chapter seven ✔️

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januarie robinson- july 16, 2018 -

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januarie robinson
- july 16, 2018 -

            SITTING OPPOSITE ME, VICTORIA'S GREEN eyes sparkled. Pink curls fell down her back and ring filled fingers slipped around her hot chocolate to keep occupied. The head hadn't quite peaked in Kensington, but give it about a month and it would be almost unbearable. It was still warm enough to sit in the back of Tony's Coffee, but Victoria wouldn't have it.

            We'd been there for the last hour and she refused to change the subject. She snorted and threw her head back in laughter, "Damn, you're in love with him."

            She sent herself into another fit of giggles, earning us a wide smile from Milo, one of the baristas. Glaring at her, I tightened my jaw. She didn't have to be so loud. Milo was a nice guy, but he worked with Jordyn and he couldn't keep anything to himself.

            "Don't be ridiculous," I rolled my eyes, but something deep in my gut twisted, "I'm not in love with him. I barely know the guy. I mean, I've only worked there for five months. I simply enjoy his company. He may not be the best people person, but he's a smart businessman. I think I could learn a lot from him."

            "You so are. I know that face, Januarie Elizabeth. You're in love with the movie guy! Fuck me—" she slapped a hand over her mouth, but once her laughter stared it was hard to stop, "At least tell me he's got a great ass. That's very important."

            "Stop," I snapped. Grabbing my coffee with both hands, I held it tight, "You don't have to be so crass all the time. I'm not in love with alright. Can't you just drop it already?"

            "I think she doth protest too much. Every time you turn around, you're talking to the guy. Either on the phone or texting."

            "I'm talking to Cole. I've told you that. Now listen," my brow twitched, "I could ask out the next guy that walks through the door if I wanted to."

            Victoria's smile turned mischievous, "Alright, hot stuff," she leaned on her elbows, fire in her eyes, "ready to put your money where that pretty little mouth is? The next guy who walks through that door is all yours."

            "I hate you," I whispered into my cup.

            "If only that were even a little bit true," her smile widened and she took a large swig of her drink.

            She wasn't entirely wrong. Victoria and I had been best friends for longer than I could actually remember. As kids we spent almost every waking hour together. Now not as much, but that's what happened when we both had jobs. She was my wild side and kept me spontaneous while I was the safe side and helped her keep her feet on the ground; not to mention keep her alive.

            The bell above the door jingled as it opened, "Welcome in," Milo spoke above the small radio tucked away in the corner of the quaint shop.

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