chapter nine ✔️

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stevie hopkins- november 20, 2017 -

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stevie hopkins
- november 20, 2017 -

WIND SWEPT THROUGH THE SKATE park just across from the campus dorms. Simple three story, brick buildings with paint chipping from most the wood framed windows and doors. The dorms were barely big enough to turn around in and most of them smelled like a lure box. Kind of like my dad's old pick-up truck back home.

However, a pretty girl who played soccer lived there. Met her at a party once. The one and only college party I'd ever been to and will probably ever go to.

Chelsea and I watched Luna carefully from one of the iron benches littering the skate park. She dropped down into the bowl and zoomed around. I sat on the edge of the seat. Monica was one of the very few people I knew that skateboarded. Her and Luna made it look so fun.

She seemed to almost fly out of the bowl and land on her two feet. She smiled as she walked over.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

She plopped down beside Chelsea, "Lot's of practice and a lot of falling."

I eyed the board. Luna's gaze followed mine and she barely spared a glance in Chelsea's direction, "Would you like to try it?"

I leaned away from her and shook my head hard, "Me? On a skateboard. No. That's ridiculous... I don't know the first thing about skateboarding."

Luna smiled, "Neither did I when I first started and look at me now. All it takes is a little patience-"

"Ouch!" She flinched back as Chelsea slapped her against the arm, "What was that for?"

They shared a look and I caught Luna glancing at my foot. Even my gaze moved down my foot wrapped in my walking boot. Within seconds, I was ripping the Velcro open. At the sound, Chelsea turned to watch me work.

I tost the boot aside and smiled at her, "Yes?"

She rubbed her forearm, "It's just... Is it okay for you to be active on your foot? Shouldn't you be letting it heal? I don't know much about these things, but it seems dangerous to skate on an injured foot."

I shrugged my shoulders, "It probably is, but I really don't care. I've never been reckless before and there is no time like the present."

"I'm just worried that it'll cause more damage and will take longer to recover, won't it?"

"I should be fine." I refused to look at her. I didn't know what it would do to my foot being so active on it, but I wasn't about to tell her that. Not with the look she was giving me, "There's nothing to worry about Chelsea."

She shouldn't be worrying the way she was. I mean, we'd practically just met... But, that's not how it felt. It felt like I'd known her for years; decades even. As if she could make me rattle off my darkest secrets just by batting her eyelashes.

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