chapter eleven ✔️

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katie porter- january 7, 2020 -

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katie porter
- january 7, 2020 -

            THE COFFEE SHOP CALEB DECIDED to go to, Tony's Coffee, was a small little thing in the middle of town. It's red paint chipping because apparently the people in this town don't exactly know what a paint job is supposed to look like. Yet, I smiled when he held the door open for me.

            A tall, lanky guy with purple hair stood behind the counter chatting away with a blonde-haired girl. Her hair passed her mid back and braided behind her. She wore thin wire glasses and a bright smile. I've seen that smile before, but I couldn't place where it was from.

            "Hey guys," she eyed the man for only a second before he broke away and stepped up to the drive through window; a smiling face looking back at him.

            "What can I get you today, Caleb and friend," she nodded in my direction.

            "The usual for me, Jordyn." The girl looked down and scribbled on a notepad and then turned to look at me. The pressure piling on.

            "For you?" She asked after a moment of silence on my part.

            "Something with Irish Cream would be great and nothing too sweet. Iced if I can have it. And, the biggest size you can give me. With a couple of extra shots."

            She instantly lit up. If I thought her smile was wide before, I'd been entirely wrong. I didn't realize it was humanly possible to smile at someone with so much intensity, "I've got just the drink for you."

            She paused and then laughed, "I love my job. It's like serving intense drinks to sober people."

            My eyes darted between Caleb and the girl, Jordyn. Nodding, I shrugged trying to keep a smile at bay, "Very nice."

            Caleb paid the girl after a small argument between the two of us over who was going to pay. My logic being that he paid the first time we went out and his being that since he asked me out, he should pay.

            "Not too bad of a place, right?" He beamed as if he'd just won an Olympic medal for date locations.

            "Oh, it's alright," I commented with a smirk. I liked giving him a little bit of shit talk. Didn't really matter what he was talking about.

            He laughed that honey-like laugh of his, "Forgive them for not being some pricey, western styled place in Texas."

            I erupted in laughter. He was so dumb. Not in intelligence, but just... in what he was. I like him for it though.

            We stood waiting for our drinks when Caleb's phone began to ring. He pulled it from his front pocket and sighed heavily when he looked at the screen. Stepping towards the door, he frowned, "I'll be right back."

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