chapter forty-five ✔️

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stevie hopkins- november 20, 2020 -

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stevie hopkins
- november 20, 2020 -

GRABBING MY BRIEFCASE, MY BROWS knitted at the ringing of my phone. I adjusted the tweed jacket I chose for the day and pulled the device from the pocket of my slacks. I smiled and the name and slid the screen over, "Ethan, hi. I'm just about to walk out the door for work."

"I love how you went from always being late to always early in the span of two years."

I rolled my eyes, but still laughed, "That's called growth my friend. What was so important that you couldn't tell me at the school?"

"Well, Professor, I was just curious if you've by chance seen the paper this morning? I came across the most interesting article on the front page, that I just couldn't seem to get enough of. It's some good stuff."

Something didn't sit right. Calling about something as random as that wasn't Ethan's style. We saw each other every day at work. The only time he called was with something extremely important; not a newspaper article that I would no doubt see in a few minutes.

"You know I don't get the paper here. Why would I when I get it at work?"

He hummed on the other side of the phone and I checked my watch, "I just think you should find one beforehand. I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll want to make another stop on the way in."

"Fine," I huffed, locking the door behind me as I left, "I'll grab one at the coffee shop."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll see you soon," he hung up now that he was satisfied with my decision. A newspaper article. It must be one hell of an article for him to get so worked up over it. And why would I need to make another stop before work?

The back of my neck heated up and I blew out a sigh. Once in the car, I tossed my briefcase in the passenger seat and pulled my shoulder length hair back into a small ponytail just to get it off my neck. He'd been far too cryptic for my comfort level.

Tony's Coffee had a new paint job last year. The chipping red paint had been replaced with a forest green, a white door and trim. The red couch in the back had been replaced with two plush arm chairs with a table between them.

I walked in and a girl with green chin length hair smiled, waving her hand as she answered her head set. When she was finished, she twirled to me and pushed up these wire frame glasses, "Just the two drinks, Professor?"

"Yeah, Jordyn, thanks."

The girl scribbled my name on a pair of cups before setting them down in front of a boy who's name I could never remember, "Oh, no problem."

I handed her my card, "Say, how's Statistics treating you? I heard you got Cadwell. He's one tough guy. I had him when I took the class."

"Are you kidding?" She laughed, giving my card back, "He's a breeze compared to Struthers. That woman has giving people anxiety down to an art, seriously."

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