chapter 17

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"I've got great news boys," Our manager announces. "You're going back home for a month."

Luke's POV

We get off the plane and we're finally back in Sydney. I could already feel the heat as we walked off the plane. I was excited to go to the beach with my brothers and see my family. We collected our bags and went off. We went to go out but were blocked by hundreds of fans that just started to scream. I almost screamed myself being so surprised.

Even the cops were there to control everything but the only way out was to get through the crowd so off we all went in different directions and started posing for all types of selfies.

I felt unsafe being crowded by all these girls but I finally made it to the other side and was greeted by my brothers. I smiled and looked around to see everyone already out with their families. Michael with his mum, Ashton with his brother and mum and Calum with his sister and mum. We all said by to each other and Jack drove me home.

I missed Sydney. I missed how hot it is here and how the sun feels on my bare arms. I missed the smell of gum trees. I missed the houses and streets. I missed the food and the Aussie accent.

But I was home now with a welcome home sign hung up on the front veranda. I smile as my family was surrounding me.


I wait at the local shops for Ashton. We said to meet here about half an hour ago and there was no sign of him. I had done quite a few laps of the shops but still no sign. So I decide to get myself a smoothie from boost.

I sit alone watching all the different people walk past as it had been about 45 minutes and then I hear my name. I look around to see Ashton walking up to me and I smile.

"Hey!" I wish I could hug or kiss him right now. "Have you been here long?"

"Uh yeah we supposed to meet at four," I sigh.

"Oh, sorry mate."

"Ashton?" We hear and both turn around.

"Holy shit!" Ashton almost yells at this small girl and gives her a massive hug. "Wow, it's been so long how have you been?"

"Oh really good! I'm half way through my teaching course at uni, but it's nothing to brag about knowing what you've been doing!"

"No, no! That's really great, you've always wanted to do that," He gives her and big smile and looks deep into her eyes which worried me. "Oh, Luke this is my old high school friend Steph. Steph this is my bandmate Luke."

bandmate. I fake smile and say hello. Ashton joined her to get lunch with us. I felt jealous knowing that he wouldn't of noticed if I had walked away. We got lunch and ate but Steph left straight after.

"I missed her!" Ashton giggles finishing off his burger.

"Yeah," I mumble.

"Luke, I think ... I wanna tell my ... parents about ... us," He says in between eating.

"Oh," I stutter out. "You can't do that."


"No one knows that I'm gay, if you tell you're parents, they will tell mine and then they'll never forgive me."

"But it's not your fault."

"Look can we just leave it a bit, please?"

He sighs and agrees. Something tells me that he's going to tell them away.

We soon leave and go home and I walk up to my room and lie face first on my bed. I missed my room. A few things here and there was added but then I noticed my playstation was missing.

"Jack!" I yell walking out of my room into his.

There it was, my playstation plugged into his tv.

"Yeah?" He said.

"You stole my playstation!" I yell.

"No I borrowed it. Mate you've been away for the last three months poor thing wasn't gonna be played in your room."

"Ugh, you're such a dickhead!"

"Calm down, Luke. Come on let's have a game of fifa."

We got to half time, Jack was just in front by 1 goal. I was playing for Liverpool, he was playing Arsenal.

"I know you're secret," He giggles.

My heart speeds up. "S-secret?"

"Lucas, I know what you and Ashton have been doing," He starts to laugh.

"What? How? Stop laughing!" I stress.

"I just saw you the other day kissing. Oh my God," He laughs. "When did that happen?"

"I don't know. I've been gay for a while now. Ashton is only recent though."

"Shit man, I don't know how I didn't figure that out sooner!" He leans back and restarts the game.

"But you're okay with it?"

"It was weird at first, but whatever floats you're boat, Luke."

I sigh with relief. Jack is always quite a judgmental person.

"How would Mum and Dad take it?" I ask.

"Ooh, I would get my hopes up on that," He says and starts the game again.

"Great," I say with sarcasm. My parents were also judgemental about people. Dad went to church every Sunday but worked every other day. Mum stayed at home most times but was still Catholic. They would probably be against gays. I give up and let Jack win and I lock myself in my room to think.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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